1.Collage and polystylism are two modern western composing techniques influenced by the thought of polyphony in the 20th century.拼贴技术及复风格是20世纪复调思维作用下的西方现代作曲技术。
2)recover the classic style复古风格

1.The mahogany furniture recovers the traditional classic style.红木家具,复古风格
2.The room decoration which represents the traditional classic style is all the rage now.时下流行复古风格的居室装潢。
3.Her dancing reanimates the classical style.她的舞蹈使那种古典风格复苏了
4.a revival of the classical style in art or literature.文学与艺术中古典风格的复兴。
5.characteristic of a revival of an earlier classical style.以复兴早期古典风格为特点。
6.The Revival of the Model Of Classical Column during Renaissance in the Style of Architecture;论文艺复兴时期的建筑风格——古典柱式的复与兴
7.An archaic style, quality, or usage.拟古主义,古风古代风格、性质或用法
8.classical architecture古希腊与古罗马式的建筑风格.
9.To make classic or classical.使具有古典风格或使成为古典
10.Neoclassic styles were imposed on the landscape这类风景画都赋有新古典主义风格。
11.A characteristic feature of Attic Greek.雅典式的习语,文体,风格等古希腊雅典个性风格
12.Antique Style: American Furniture is the foundation of the late Renaissance European countries brought about by the way of life of migrants.仿古风格:美式家具的基础是欧洲文艺复兴后期各国移民所带来的生活方式。
13.Palaeowind direction measurements and palaeowind belt reconstruction of the Early Cretaceous eolian dunes in southwastern Tarim Basin,Xinjiang塔里木盆地西南部早白垩世风成沙丘古风向测量与古风带恢复
14.The style is unique and antique, and the material is soft and springy.风格古香古色,很有特色。此外,它质地柔软,弹性足,
15.This is a classical pattern that goes all the way back to the Venetian."这可是一幅古典的古威尼斯风格的图案。”
16.Her writing style was reminiscent of ancient classical writers.她的写作风格使人联想到古代的古典作家。
17.Different in Approach but Equally Satisfactory in Result, Come down in one Continuous Line --the Analysis of Finery Style of Ancient Greece or Rome异曲同工 一脉相承——古希腊、古罗马服饰风格分析
18.The style of architecture originated from [with] the ancient Greeks.这种建筑风格起源于古希腊。

recover the classic style复古风格
3)Style restoration风格修复
4)Stylistic restoration风格性修复
5)Revival Styles复古主义风格
6)Egyptian Revival style埃及复古风格
