1.The Connection Research About Primary Edition of "Tianshuji"and"Malingdao"of Zhengzi-Opera;初刻本《天书记》与正字戏《马陵道》关系考述
2.A Research on Script Evolution and Tune Origin in "Duanfaji" of Zhengzi-opera and Chaozhou-opera;正字戏、潮剧《断发记》的剧本演变与声腔渊源(一)
3.The edition of "Jingchenghui" in Chao-opera emanates from Zhengzi-opera,its melody also inherits and develops from Zhengzi-opera.潮剧《京城会》的剧本源自正字戏《京城会》,其唱腔也继承、发展自正字戏

1.From Southern Opera to Zhengzi Opera and Baizi Opera:a Preliminary View of the Formation of Chaozhou Opera;从南戏到正字戏、白字戏——潮州戏剧形成轨迹初探
2.Script Evolution and Tune Origin Research about "Duanfaji" of Zhengzi-opera and Chao-opera(part 2);正字戏、潮剧《断发记》的剧本演变与声腔渊源(二)
3.A Research on Script Evolution and Tune Origin in "Duanfaji" of Zhengzi-opera and Chaozhou-opera;正字戏、潮剧《断发记》的剧本演变与声腔渊源(一)
4.The Connection Research About Primary Edition of "Tianshuji"and"Malingdao"of Zhengzi-Opera;初刻本《天书记》与正字戏《马陵道》关系考述
5.We're playing a word game.我们正在玩字谜游戏。
6.Bug causing the display of text messages and playing of radio messages when map start in a MP game fixed.修正多人游戏时.在游戏开始时使用无线电与文字讯息的臭虫?
7.As the name implies, a network lies at the heart of Net gaming.正如这个名字意味着,网络是网络游戏的心脏。
8."Before 1576 there was no proper theater in London. The first one, called simply the Theatre, was built in 1576."1576年之前,伦敦没有一个正规的戏院。第一个戏院建于1576年,名字就叫"戏院"。
9.and crossword puzzle diagrams are almost always an odd number of squares on a side.字谜游戏的格子一般都是正方形的, 而且最边上的方格数是奇数。
10.At this time the amiable amusement of acting charades had come among us from France.正当那时,演字谜戏的风气从法国传到我们中,相当地流行。
11.the legitimate drama [theater]正统戏剧 [演剧]
12.card game of all kinds (incl. word games)各种游戏纸牌(包括填字游戏纸牌)
13.a Scrabble board, player, tournament拼字游戏板、 参加者、 比赛.
14.He is juggling with words他在玩弄文字游戏。
15.Let's play anagrams.我们来玩字谜游戏。
16.Players can even prompt the Pope to commission crusades as Catholicism wages a spiritual battle against the Muslim, Orthodox and Pagan religions.游戏者可根据教皇的任命发动十字大军,以此来剿灭穆斯林、正教徒以及所有的异教徒!
17.With over 800,000 words and some 300 pictures, the Chinese Drama: Tibetan Volume was published in December, 1993.汇集300多张图片、80余万字的《中国戏曲·西藏卷》已于1993年12月正式出版发行。
18.Severe anxiety may impair your ability to answer the questions on an exam, and frustration at not being able to work a crossword puzzle may block the right word from coming to you.如果你认为你不具备解字谜的游戏的能力,那么这种沮丧感就会影响你想到正确的单词。

formal performance正戏
1.The present article analyzes the preludial fortune drama and the formal performance of the"Tanghui" in the Ming and Qing dynasties and reveales that "Tanghui" shows characteristics of ceremonial drama,indicating the popular folk mentality of evilness-exorcising and fortune-impetrating.对明清堂会演剧的开场吉利戏及正戏演出的分析,认为堂会演剧具有仪式性戏剧的特点,堂会演剧的仪式特征正是驱邪纳福等民俗心理的反应。
3)game words游戏文字
4)Word Games文字游戏
1.There is a long history of Chinese word games and English word games.文字游戏在汉语和英语中都由来已久,文章通过对谜语、纵横字谜、双关和回文四类文字游戏的实例比较赏析,分析了汉英之间存在的差别和共同点,还初步分析了这些差别和共同点产生的原因。
5)Baizi opera白字戏
1.The sacrificial operas in the early times mostly are the rural amateur troupes performing simple plays or just singing and dancing such as bamboo-horse opera, Qiangu dance(the dancing troupe with coin and small drum), Baizi song and Yingge dance, and then they are instead gradually by the professional troupes such as Baizi opera, Zhengzi opera, Xiqin opera.所演之剧早期多为竹马戏、钱鼓舞、白字曲、英歌舞等民间歌舞小戏,后来随着外来南戏正字戏的流行以及白字戏的形成,祭祀演剧渐由正字戏、白字戏、西秦戏等职业戏班唱主角。
6)literacy through playing games游戏识字

正字戏  戏曲剧种。用中州官话演唱。因粤东闽南称中州官话为"正字"或"正音",故名正字戏或正音戏。流行于以海丰、陆丰为中心的粤东和闽南地区。1975年,潮安县从古墓中出土的明宣德七年(1432)六月的手抄本《刘希必金钗记》卷末题:"新编全相南北插科忠孝正字刘希必金钗记卷终下。""正字",即指正字戏。可见距今 500多年以前,正字戏已在当地流行。    正字戏是元明南戏的一支,从闽南传入粤东。主要曲调有正音曲、昆曲两种,也有部分杂曲、小调。其正音曲曾受弋阳腔、青阳腔、四平等腔影响,一唱众和,且多滚白、滚唱,常出现大段的"畅滚"。乐调分重六、轻六、活五、反线等类,并有头板、二板(中板)、三板(快板)、牵句等节奏变化,常用曲牌有〔山坡羊〕、〔四朝元〕、〔驻云飞〕、〔锁南枝〕等。昆曲分笛曲与唢呐曲, 常与"正音曲"混唱,曲牌有〔梁州序〕、〔刮地风〕、〔泣颜回〕、〔铁莲灯〕等。杂曲包括福建调、道士调、乱弹和吹腔。福建调来自闽南七子班;道士调即师公调,出自粤东;乱弹和吹腔,来自广东西秦戏班;小调多为民歌俗曲,有〔青铜宝镜〕、〔花鼓调〕、〔一匹绸〕、〔琵琶词〕等。伴奏乐器"正音曲"以龙舌兰壳制的大管弦为主,配以三弦、竹弦等;昆曲、杂曲等以笛和唢呐为主。    传统剧目分文戏和武戏两类。文戏著名的有4大苦戏:《琵琶记》、《白兔记》、《荆钗记》、《葵花记》;4大喜戏:《三元记》、《月华记》、《五桂记》、《满床笏》;4大弓马戏:《马陵道》、《千里驹》、《忠义烈》、《铁弓缘》。武戏大都为连台本戏,如《三国》、《隋唐》等。经过整理较有影响的剧目为《槐荫别》、《百花赠剑》、《张飞归家》、《金叶菊》、《换乌纱》等,并改编演出了《琼花》等现代戏。脚色行当分红面、乌面、白面、老生、武生、正旦、花旦、白扇、公末、帅主、婆、丑12行。专业演出团体现有陆丰正字剧团。名演员有陈宝寿等。