1.There is a great deal of expression of ritualization in the Novels of Seventeen-Year Period,which includes the sacred national parables,the threshold of the growing narrative and the performance of cruelty and violence.十七年小说中出现了许多仪式化过程的书写,这些仪式化过程包括神圣的民族寓言的建构,"成长叙事"中的阈限以及残忍和暴力的展演
2.Exposure to the new consumption cultural context,the ethnic art lost its cultural attributes of the specific ethnic life style,and become the performance form to meet tourists’ cultural needs.置身于这种新的文化消费语境中的民族艺术,一改其作为特定族群生活样式的文化属性,从而裂变为诉诸旅游文化消费需求的展演样式,以景观化和舞台化的叙事方式,能够不断适应新的文化语境,由此而成为一种崭新形态的消费文本,实质上已经成为消费时代民族艺术的一种新型存显方式。

1.The Evolution of the Social Capital Structure and the Development of the Family Enterprises in China;社会资本结构演变与我国家族企业发展演
2.Development of Urban Corridor-Case Studies of Shenzhen;城市密集带的发展演化——以深圳的演变为例
3.Writing Trend and Development of Historical Novel of Ming Dynasty;明代历史演义小说的创作倾向与发展演
4.The Mainland Stock Market Evolution And Its Development Expectation in Ten Years Future(一);祖国大陆股市发展演变及今后十年发展展望(一)
5.Topics include oral epic performance, sacred narrative, Koranic chant performance, the folktale, solo performance, cultural production and resistance.主题包括口传史诗展演、教叙事、兰经吟颂展演、间传说、人展演、化之生产与反抗。
6.Report Writing Scheme [Council for Performing Arts]演艺评核计划〔演艺发展局〕
7.seeding grant [Council for the Performing Arts]新苗资助〔演艺发展局〕
8.demonstrations, performances and social events at Monticello.展览、表演和社会活动。
9.We have developed a new theory of evolution.我们发展了演变理论。
10.Developmental Learning;表演式学习──表演理论对“最近发展区”的发展
11.The Evolvement of the Meaning of "Financial Development" in Financial Development Theory;金融发展理论中“金融发展”涵义的演进
12.The Development and Prospects of Motor Skill Learning Theory;动作技能学习理论的演变及发展展望
13.On German and Austria Art Songs Evolution Development Process and Vocal Music Singing;德奥艺术歌曲演进发展过程与声乐演唱关系
14.Evolution and Developing Tendency of Performance Costumes for Grand Group Calisthenics of Our Country;我国大型团体操表演服装的演变及发展趋势
15.Chinese Ancient Evolution Thought And the Development of Evolution Economics in China;中国古代演化思想与中国演化经济学的发展
16.Analysis on Enterprise Developing Strategy Theory Development and System Form Evolution;企业发展战略理论演进与系统形态演化分析
17.From Historical Creation to Creating History ---Guwangyan and Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Inheritance and Development;从历史演义到演义历史——《姑妄言》对《三国演义》的继承和发展
18.My shows usually incorporate dance and fire retention displays, but may also involve singing, acting, traditional burlesque, and comedy.我的演出经常是群舞和充满热情的展示,但也可能参加唱歌,演戏,传统的滑稽表演和喜剧表演。

evolvement and development演化发展
1.The paper summarizes the evolvement and development of industrial agglomeration theory in terms of historical order.本文按照历史的逻辑顺序对产业集聚理论的演化发展进行了归纳,较为详细地介绍了各种理论的主要思想,并对其理论贡献及存在的不足进行了简要评价;在总结产业集聚理论最新研究进展的基础上,结合现代经济学研究的趋势,提出了产业集聚理论需要重点研究的五个问题。
3)development and evolution发展演变
1.The Development and Evolution of China s External Television Communication;中国对外电视传播的发展演变研究
1.Reflections on the evolution of higher education in china in modern times;中国近代高等教育的发展演变及反思
2.Using the results of a sensitivity numerical simulation,the evolution and circulation feature of convective-symmetric instability is studied in this paper.利用1999年6月一次典型梅雨锋暴雨过程和敏感性试验的数值模拟结果分析了对流对称不稳定的发展演变和环流特征。
3.When we try to seek the evolution of the functions of state, the most important is to grasp the relation between the state and .探求国家职能的发展演变 ,最重要的是要把握国家与市场的关系。
1.The Evolvement of the software development technique;软件开发技术的发展演
1.Based on the analysis of the types of reefs and rocks, it is supposed that the evolution of the reef experienced five stages: fo.通过分析见天坝生物礁的生物类型、岩石宏观类型和特征,推测生物礁的发展演化经历了5个阶段:奠基期、拓殖期、泛殖期、衰亡期和礁盖期。

金属材料发展史(见材料发展史)金属材料发展史(见材料发展史)history of metallic material 金属材料发展史historyor metalli。material见材料发展史。