1.It has been a long time since ensemble art formed.重唱艺术从形成至今经历了漫长的历史过程,随着欧洲歌剧的兴起与发展逐渐转变成为表现形式多样、音乐戏剧功能强大的艺术手段,在歌剧中占据了重要的地位。
2.The vocal forms of art in opera ensembles a wide range of artistic expression can cooperate with each other by voice,it also has common expression of emotion,creating a unified image of the music,it can also be personalized by different expressions of the melody of their respective opposed inner monologue or dramatic conflict or contradiction.重唱作为歌剧不可缺少的重要环节,不仅有咏叹调抒发情绪的成分,更兼有宣叙调发展剧情的功效。

1.I sang a duet at a Karaoke bar .在卡拉OK厅唱二重唱
2.I sing a duet at a karaoke bar.在卡拉OK厅唱二重唱
3.Record companies really buildup old songs with a new voice.唱片公司也推出新声音重唱老歌的唱片。
4.Found his groove playing bass in a trio.发现他在三重唱中最适合唱低音
5.Girl762112> Hi frank if u had to release a single wot type of stuff would u sing about and would u like to do a duet wiv anyone?嗨,弗兰克,如果你要唱歌你会唱哪种类型的呢?你希望和谁唱二重唱?
6.[C]song for three or four voices singing different parts in harmony(三部或四部的)重唱歌曲
7.If there are two or three singers to sing a song at the same time, their performance is called a duet or a trio.如果有两个人或三个人同唱一首歌,我们称之为二重唱或三重唱
8.As we finished the chorus, she beckoned us in, saying," Please, won't you come and sing for everyone?我们唱完重唱,她向我们招手,“你们是为每一个人歌唱?
9.A group of eight singers or eight instrumentalists.八重唱八个唱手一组的演唱或八个乐器一组的演奏组合
10.Gaston knew the song, and they truned it into a sort of duet.加斯东也会唱这首歌,他们就来了个二重唱
11.The quartette was not half bad, either.那个四重唱[四重奏](节目)也很不错。
12.Two performers singing or playing together.一对二重唱表演者或二重奏表演者
13.A composition for five voices or instruments.五重唱、五重奏五声部演唱或五种乐器演奏的作品
14.· Country Albums Artist Duo/Group Of The Year: Dixie Chicks· 年度乡村二重唱/组合奖:Dixie Chicks
15.get an encore被要求重演[唱, 奏]
16.Replace the arm on the turntable and tighten the height locking screw sufficiently to hold the arm in position.将唱臂重新装上,将高度螺丝锁到可让唱臂固定。
17.A composition for four voices or instruments.四重奏(唱)曲四声合唱或由四种乐器演奏的作品
18.Perhaps the most important characteristic of rap music is the way the artists sing.或许说唱乐最重要的特点是艺术家演唱的方式.

Duet/ quartet/ chorus重唱与合唱
3)ensemble form重唱形式
1.When characterizing the feature of strong personality, he would reasonably and skillfully use the ensemble form.他强调音乐在塑造形象和反映角色内心活动上的巨大作用,在刻画人物极富个性化的性格特征时,合理巧妙运用重唱形式,寓深刻性于通俗性当中,使其作品散发出瑰丽的艺术色彩。
4)operatic ensemble歌剧重唱
1.In Western opera, operatic ensemble is a very important form of artistic representation.从巴洛克时代到古典、浪漫直到近现代的一些大作曲家 ,有许多影响深远、脍炙人口的精美的歌剧重唱
5)Important aria重要唱段
6)ensemble teaching重唱教学
