1.The opera not only revives a local troupe as a whole but also trains and nourishes the actors and audience of it.该剧常演不衰,不但救活一个地方剧团,而且培养和养育了这个地方剧团的演员和观众。

1.Shanghai Opera and Dance Drama Theatre上海歌剧舞剧院舞剧团
2.The theater group performed a three-act play.剧团排演了一出三幕剧
3.a nondescript comedy company难以名状的喜剧剧团
4.Screw Cat Troupe, Insensate Stone Troupe, Taichung Young Man Opera Shop, Army Honor Guard.螺丝猫剧团、顽石剧团、东海青年歌剧坊、陆军仪队。
5.The troupe is now on the road.剧团正在巡回演出。
6.The troupe has agreed to be held over for another stanza.剧团已经同意续演一期。
7.Lincoln Center, home of the Metropolitan Opera,林肯中心 ,大都会歌剧团
8.He had met a Bolshoi ensemble girl.他碰到“大剧院”剧团里的一个姑娘。
9.The ovate garden opera play in the royal opera house.卡文特花园歌剧团在皇家歌剧院演出。
10.repertoire company拥有大量常备剧目的剧团
11.He joined a small repertory company他加入了一个定期更换剧目的小剧团
12.She acted with a repertory company for three years.她在一个轮演剧目剧团里演出三年.
13.repertory company准备多种剧目定期更换演出的剧团
14.The repertory company revived plays from 30 years ago.该保留剧目轮演剧团重演30 年以前的戏剧。
15.The Chung Ying Theatre Company continued its endeavours to promote original plays and Theatre-in-Education.中英剧团继续致力推动原创戏剧及剧场教育。
16."The plays were acted by the Lord Chamberlain' s men, later known as the King's Men. "张伯伦勋爵剧团的演员演出了这些剧目,该剧团后来改称为国王剧团
17.The three pioneer drama bodies --Spring Willow Group,Evolution Group and Nankai New Group;筚路蓝缕的三大新剧社团——春柳社、进化团与南开新剧团
18."Wang Jian, who wrote the script, is a veteran playwright of the Theatrical Troupe of the Air Force Political Department."剧作者王俭来自空政话剧团,是一个戏剧创作经验丰富的剧作家。

the play's "Enigma"喜剧谜团
3)professional troupe职业剧团
4)anti-Japanese troupe抗敌剧团
5)the folk troupes民间剧团
1.Through files, local chronicles, papers and magazines, this thesis aims at discussing the development of the folk troupes in Shanghai (1949-1958) , and from the point of interplay between government-society and the folk troupes, describing the two-way cours.本文在爬梳档案、地方志、报纸杂志的基础上,对上海50年代(1949-1958年)民间剧团的发展进行了较为全面的论述。
6)Haizi Jutuan孩子剧团
