1.Changing characteristics of Wuqiao acrobatic costume;吴桥杂技服装的变迁特征
2.Base on analysis of water resource in whole nation and Huanghuaihai plain of China, the cultivating techniques of water-saving and high-yielding in winter wheat that had been acquire at Wuqiao Experiment Station of China Agricultural University are evaluated on its economic benefit and social benefit and ecological benefit.本论文在对全国和黄淮海平原水资源状况进行分析的基础上,对中国农业大学在吴桥试验站的技术成果——冬小麦节水高产栽培技术进行了经济效益、社会效益和生态效益评价。

1.Study on Source and Course Relations between Wuqiao Acrobatics Clothing and Local Folk Clothing;吴桥杂技服装与当地民间服装的源流关系
2.On the Cultivation of Consumption Groups of Tourist Festivals;旅游节庆消费群体的培育——以吴桥杂技节为例
3.On the Development of China Wuqiao International Circus Festival;中国吴桥国际杂技艺术节发展对策研究
4.An Investigation of Acrobatics Reserve Talented Persons in Wuqiao and the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage吴桥杂技后备人才现状与非物质文化遗产保护
5.Determination of Land Reducing Interest Rate during Updating of Standard Land Value in Wuqiao Urban;吴桥县城区基准地价更新过程中土地还原利率的确定
6.Bohai Typical Regression District--Investigation of Sewage Irrigation on Soil Pollution in Wuqiao County渤海海退典型区——吴桥县污水灌溉对土壤污染调查
7.Wu Bridge in He bei Province, which is crowned as the cradle of acrobatics, is world-renowned for being the home of it with a long history.河北吴桥是世界著名的杂技之乡,杂技历史悠久,被誉为世界杂技的摇篮。
8.Wenzhou huachang group razor factory, abutting wuqiao industrial zone, enjoying convenient traffic and beautiful environment.温州市华昌集团剃须刀厂坐落在温州市区吴桥工业园区,交通便捷,环境优美。
9.Shijiazhuang Wushi Flavor and Fragrance Factory石家庄市桥西区吴仕香精厂
10.The Construction of Bored Pile Underwater Platform of Wuzhong Huanghe Bridge吴忠黄河特大桥钻孔桩水中平台施工
11.Key Techniques Used in Deep Foundation Construction of Wubu Yellow River Bridge吴堡黄河桥深埋置基础施工关键技术
12.Construction Techniques for Segment No.0 of the Continuous Girder of the Wujiawan Mega Bridge吴家湾特大桥连续梁0~#块施工技术
13.Pining for the Ancients by No.4 Bridge On Reading Jiangkui s Dianjiangchun Composed in Wusong in One Sheep Year Winter;第四桥边思古人——读姜夔《点绛唇·丁未冬过吴松作》
14.Some Character Corrections to the Compliments of Three Kingdom's Wu Bamboos in J4 Suxianqiao of Chenzhou in Hunan Province湖南郴州苏仙桥J4三国吴简文字校读记
15.7 gray water treating stations in Qinghe, Wujiacun and Jiuxianqiao, etc will be built, and, by 2008, the recycling rate of treated water from the urban sewage treating stations will reach 50%.建设清河、吴家村、酒仙桥等7座中水处理厂,2008年城市污水处理厂出水回用率达到50%;
16.Analysis on The Case Study of Chen Xiaoqiao s Intentional Homicide Case--By "Homicide Case Records Archives Evaluation" of Second National Public Security Criminal Investigation Organs;吴小桥故意杀人案浅析——根据第二届全国公安刑侦系统“命案卷宗评比”案例整理
17.Li Changchun Wu Yi (female) Wu Bangguo Wu Guanzheng Zhang Lichang李长春吴仪(女)吴邦国吴官正张立昌
18.Thought on the Opening up of the Wasteland by the Peasants in the Early Period of Wu State from the Wu Slips:Discussion on the Difference of Opening up the Wasteland by the Peasants between the Wei State and the Wu State;吴简所见吴国前期民屯——兼论魏吴民屯的区别

Wuqiao County吴桥县
3)Wuqiao Depression吴桥凹陷
1.Preliminary Study on Seismic and Sedimentary Facies of Shahejie Formation in Wuqiao Depression;吴桥凹陷沙河街组地震相与沉积相初探
4)Wuqiao dialect吴桥方言
1.Wuqiao dialect belongs to the Huanglao part of Jilu Mandarin Canghui parts in the North dialect area, that is, Shiheng parts of Hebei dialect.吴桥方言属于北方方言区冀鲁官话沧惠片的黄乐小片,河北方言的石衡片。
5)the carrier person吴桥杂技
1.I believe the attention of the carrier person is the base work.本文以当今吴桥杂技后备人才为研究对象,在近半年的田野调查的基础上,采用社会学、人口学方法,对其构成情况进行了统计分析。
6)Wuguiqiao mine field吴桂桥井田

吴可  宋代诗人、诗评家。字思道,号藏海居士。金陵(今南京市)人,一说瓯宁(今福建建瓯)人。生卒年不详。大观三年(1109)进士,曾官于汴京,先后任团练使,武节大夫等职。宣和末辞官。建炎后,转徙楚豫之间。    吴可诗颇为当时文士所推重,今《藏海居士集》内存诗58首。他生当南北宋之交,历经流离转徙。其《故人来自舂陵出示初寮翰墨感时怀旧辄为长句》诗,较真实地反映了北宋末年的民族危机和社会动乱,并表达出他对当时政治的看法。他的诗,古体质朴,律诗谨严,七绝尤胜,如《晚步》、《春霁》、《小醉》、《田家女》等,均写得自然含蓄,意境新警。    吴可论诗主张,主要见于《藏海诗话》和《诗人玉屑》所录的《学诗》诗。他主张诗"当以意为主,辅之以华丽";"宁对不工,不可使气弱"。主张"学诗当以杜为体,以苏黄为用",说"杜之妙处藏于内,苏黄之妙发于外"。书中所论,颇能切中北宋诗坛某些流弊。吴可论诗,喜用参禅之说,提出诗贵顿悟和不蹈袭前人窠臼的论点。从苏轼以禅喻诗到严羽系统地提出以禅喻诗的理论,吴可起着承先启后的作用。    著有《藏海居士集》 2卷,《四库全书》从《永乐大典》辑出,有清末李之鼎《宋人集》本。《藏海诗话》1卷另行,有《知不足斋丛书》本、《函海》本、丁福保《历代诗话续编》本等。