1.There is rarely mention the larynx of female voice in the vocal teaching,and the writer thoughts the main reasons were that the female larynx smaller than the male\'s and its position higher than the other.关于女声的"喉器安放",在声乐教学中较少提及,主要原因是女声的喉头较之男声喉头要小很多,喉头的"位置"也比男性高,声乐教师用眼睛几乎难于察觉她的变化,因此在教学中往往会容易忽视此问题。

1.Relationship Between Functional Phonation Disorder and Laryngeal Organic Disease功能性发声障碍与喉器质性病变相关性研究
2.Objective To study the relationship of functional phonation disorders and laryngeal organic diseases.目的探讨功能性发声障碍与喉器质性病变的关系。
3.throat microphone喉头送话器喉式话筒
4.Sabre Airline Unit生宝喉管式呼吸辅助器
5.a medical instrument for examining the larynx.检查喉部的医疗器具。
6.The Falsetto Loss Mechanism of Organic Laryngeal Disease器质性喉病假声消失机制的初步探讨
7.The connector is used to link the throat and stomach tubes.连接器用来连接咽喉和胃管。
8.Experiment on Dispersion in Throat Disperser;喉管分散器分散效果的冷模实验研究
9.ANSYS Simulation of Mixing Air-water in Jet Aerator and Optimization of Pipe射流器空气—水混合ANSYS模拟及喉管优化
10.Application of Cut_throat Flume in Intelligent Flow Sensor无喉道槽在智能流量传感器中的应用
11.Research on throat erosive burning regulations of nozzleless booster无喷管助推器喉部侵蚀燃烧规律研究
12.Gonorrhea can occur in the reproductive organs, urethra, rectum and throat.淋病可以发生在生殖器、尿道、直肠和喉咙.
13.Research and Development on Slave Manipulator of the Robotic System for Laryngeal Surgery;喉部手术机器人系统从操作手的研究与开发
14.Research and Development on Micro-Manipulator of a Laryngeal Surgical Robot;喉部手术机器人末端工具的研究与开发
15.Design and Simulation on Slave Manipulator of the Robotic System for Laryngeal Surgery;喉部手术机器人从操作手设计与仿真分析
16.Virtual Simulation System for Robot Assisted Laryngoscopic Surgery;机器人辅助支撑喉镜手术虚拟仿真系统研究
17.Application of the 5S management for instrument administration of ENT out-patient department5S管理法在门诊耳鼻喉科器械管理中的应用
18.Design and Application of Physiological Function Maintenance Apparatus for Tracheostoma全喉气管造口生理功能维护器的研制与应用

3)throat sprayer喷喉器
4)laryngeal dilator喉扩张器
6)ENT precision cutter喉刨削器
1.Effective analysis of ENT precision cutter in treatment of polyps of vocal cord without pedicles电动喉刨削器治疗广基型声带息肉的疗效分析

含碘喉症片 ,碘喉片药物名称:碘喉片英文名:别名: 含碘喉症片 ,碘喉片适应症: 用于喉炎、扁桃腺炎等。 用量用法: 口含 :每隔1~2小时含1~2片。 类别:耳鼻喉科药