钙超载,Calcium overload
1)Calcium overload钙超载
1.Effect of compound ginkgo biloba extract on inhibiting nerve intracellular calcium overload and related mecha- nism analysis;复方银杏滴丸抑制神经细胞内钙超载的作用及机制分析
2.Effect of Tongmaining Capsules on Calcium Overload in the Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells Induced by Ang II and LPC;通脉宁对AngⅡ及LPC诱导的血管平滑肌细胞内钙超载的影响
3.Neuroprotective effect of melatonin on calcium overload of pyramidal cell in the hippocampus due to sodium azide;褪黑素在叠氮钠所致的海马锥体细胞钙超载中的神经保护作用

1.Conclusion: The above results suggest that calciumoverload induced passive increase in myocardial nuclear calcium content.结论:钙超载可使心肌核的钙含,量被动升高。
2.The Phenomenon and Mechanism of Insulin Resistance in Cardiomyocytes during Calcium Overload;钙超载对心肌胰岛素反应的实验研究
3.The Study on Calcium Overloads and Chicken E.tenella Injury Mechanism;细胞钙超载与鸡E.tenella病损伤机制的研究
4.Protective roles of calcitriol on overload of intracellular calcium and hypertrophy of cardiomyocytes induced by parathyroid hormone钙三醇干预甲状旁腺素诱导的心肌细胞内钙超载和细胞肥大
5.Researches on Copper-Induced overload of Intracellular Free Calcium in Broiler Hepatocyte铜导致肉鸡肝细胞游离钙超载作用的研究
6.Relation of Calcium Overloads and Damnification by Eimeria tenella in Chickens细胞钙超载与鸡柔嫩艾美耳球虫病损伤关系
7.Effects of insulin on glucose uptake of calcium-overloaded cardiomyocytes胰岛素对钙超载心肌细胞葡萄糖代谢的影响
8.AIM: Flunarizine is a blocker for calcium overload of cells, which could pass blood brain barrier.目的:氟桂利嗪是通过血脑屏障的细胞钙超载阻滞剂。
9.The Effect of Calcium Overload on the Lipofuscin Formation in Cultured Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells;钙超载在培养人视网膜色素上皮细胞脂褐素形成中的作用
10.Calcium Overload Active in the Rat Acute Pancreatitis(AP) and Influence Tetramethylphylpyrazine (TMP) to It;钙超载在大鼠急性胰腺炎中的作用及川芎嗪对其的影响
11.The Experimental Study of Effects of NXKKFY on Calcium Overload and Energy Metabolism in Rats of Myocardial Ischemia Injury;脑心康口服液对大鼠心肌缺血钙超载及能量代谢影响的实验研究
12.Protective Effects and Mechanisms of Renal Ischemic Preconditioning on Intracellular Calcium Overload and Lipid Peroxidation Injury;肾缺血预处理对细胞内钙超载和脂质过氧化损伤的影响
13.Preventing role of telramethylpyraze in [Ca~(2+)] overload of hippocampal neuronal cells on Alzheimer disease川芎嗪抑制神经元钙超载治疗阿尔茨海默病的机制初探
14.Effects of taurine on intracellular calcium overloadin neurons following fluid percussion injury液压冲击对体外神经细胞钙超载的影响及牛磺酸的作用
15.Morroniside Inhibits Hydrogen Peroxide-induced Calcium Overload and Cytotoxicity in SH-SY5Y Neuroblastoma Cells莫诺苷抑制过氧化氢诱导的SH-SY5Y神经细胞钙超载和细胞毒
16.Antagonism for different doses of taurine on calcium overload in myocardial cells of diastole heart failure rat model牛磺酸对舒张性心力衰竭大鼠心肌细胞钙超载的拮抗作用
17.Protecting action of acupuncture serum on calcium over-loaded neurons of the hippocampus in rats of ischemia-reperfusion针刺血清对缺血再灌注模型大鼠海马神经元钙超载的保护作用
18.Effect of Heme Oxygenase on Calcium Overload and ICAM-1 in Hepatic Ischemia Reperfusion Injury in Rats;血红素氧合酶对大鼠肝脏缺血再灌注损伤钙超载及细胞粘附因子的作用

calcium overloading钙超载
1.Protective effect of paeoniflorin on calcium overloading injury in cultured primary cortex neurons;芍药甙对大鼠皮层神经细胞钙超载损伤的保护作用
2.Effect of tanshinone and its mechanism on calcium overloading injury in cultured PC12 cells;丹参酮对氯化钾及N-甲基-D-门冬氨酸诱导PC12细胞钙超载损伤的保护作用
3.Calcium overloading has been identified as an important pathogenetic mechanism in myocardial stunning.钙超载是心肌顿抑发生的重要机制。
4)Calcium Ions/ Calcium Overload钙离子/钙超载
5)intracellular calcium overload胞内钙超载
6)calcium overload model钙超载模型
1.Objective:To develop the calcium overload model with adult rat ventricular cardiomyocytes.目的探讨建立成年大鼠心肌细胞钙超载模型的方法。

硼钙石,水化硼酸钙,硬硼钙石CAS:12007-56-6分子式:B4CaO7中文名称:四硼酸钙;硼酸钙;硼钙石,水化硼酸钙,硬硼钙石英文名称:Boron calcium oxide;Calcium borate;boric acid (h2-b4-o7), calcium salt ;boron calcium oxide (b4cao7);calcium tetraborate;colemanite