脐带,umbilical cord
1)umbilical cord脐带
1.Isolation,culture and characterization of mesenchymal stem cells derived from Wharton s jelly of human umbilical cord;人脐带Wharton胶中间充质干细胞的分离、培养与鉴定
2.Separation,purification and biological characterization of human mesenchymal stem cells from umbilical cord;人脐带间质干细胞的分离纯化及生物学特性鉴定
3.Research progress on methods of clamping of the umbilical cord for neonates;新生儿脐带结扎方法的研究进展

1.Of, relating to, or resembling a navel or an umbilical cord.肚脐或脐带的肚脐或脐带的,与肚脐或脐带有关的,象肚脐或脐带
2.Of, relating to, or constituting a funiculus.脐带脐带的、与此有关的或构成脐带
3.An encircling band for holding in a baby's protruding navel.脐带连于婴儿突出的肚脐上的环绕带
4.Clinical Analysis of 23 Cases of Prolapse or Presentation of Umbilical Cord脐带脱垂和脐带先露23例临床分析
5.umbilical coelom脐腔 -伸入脐带中的胚外体腔
6.A Lifeline Beyond the Womb“脐带血”下生命新页
7.Cord blood storage is not yet common practice ?贮存脐带血还未普及;
8.Comparison the effect of umbilical cord alcohol disinfection and non-disinfection on peripheral umbilicus flora应用酒精消毒脐带与不消毒对脐周菌群的影响
9.Exploration into the Best Time of Second-cutting of Neonates' Umbilical Cord Stump新生儿脐带残端二次剪脐最佳时机探讨
10.Modified Suture and Fixation for Umbilical Cord for Umbilical Vein Catheterization改良脐带缝扎固定法在脐静脉置管中的应用
11.She told him to tie off the cord with a shoelace.她告诉杰瑞用鞋带把脐带打成结。
12.The process for saving cord blood is simple, painless, and safe:保存脐带血的过程简单,无痛又安全:
13.Cord blood transplantation is not without risks, however.然而,脐带血移植也不是毫无风险。
14.Clinical use of healthy neonate umbilical cord orbital implant.健康新生儿脐带义眼座的临床应用
15.Diagnosis of the Embryo uterus inside lack the oxygen's in umbilicus bind by Color Doppler胎儿脐带缠绕时宫内缺氧的超声诊断
16.MATTY: A baby doesn't, doesn't uh, cut his own cord does he?马帝:婴儿不会自己剪断脐带吧?
17.The gut returns to the abdomen from the base of the umbilical cord.肠管从脐带底部回到腹腔。
18.Clinical observation and care of repair of gastroschisis using autogenous umbilical cord自体脐带修补腹裂的临床观察与护理

umbilicus (umbilical cord)脐(脐带)
3)navel (umbilical cord)肚脐(脐带)
5)cord binding neck脐带绕颈
1.Effects of perinatal outcome about cord binding neck in labour;脐带绕颈经阴道试产对分娩结局的影响
2.Objective To determine the effect of trial of labor with fetal cord binding neck on Operinatal outcome.目的分析足月妊娠妇女脐带绕颈时,阴道试产对围产期结局的影响。
6)umbilical cord blood脐带血
1.Progress of mesenchymal stem cells in umbilical cord blood;脐带血间充质干细胞的研究进展
2.Separation and cryopreservation of hematopoietic stem cells from umbilical cord blood units;脐带血造血干细胞的分离和冷冻保存研究
3.Umbilical cord blood improve inhibitory effect of marrow function for patients undergoing radiotherapy;脐带血减缓放疗病人的骨髓功能抑制

脐带【通用名称】脐带【其他名称】脐带 (《本草拾遗》) 【异名】坎气(《本草从新》)。 【来源】为初生婴儿的脐带。 【药材】干燥的脐带,呈细长条状,淡黄或黑棕色,长10~15厘米,内有2个动脉管和一个静脉管,质坚韧,不易拆断。气微腥。 【药理作用】脐带激素对雌性幼小鼠有促进发惰期的作用,使子宫、卵巢肥大,子宫粘膜肥大增殖;对去势小鼠也有此作用。对幼小、去势或摘除脑下垂体前叶的家兔静脉注射脐带激素,可使内生殖器组织肥大和增殖,故认为有性激素样作用。本品对蛙、小鼠及家兔有麻痹作用。特别对兔,用大剂量时能迅速降低血压,产生痉挛,最后呼吸麻痹而死亡。对蛙后肢、兔耳血管有扩张作用,对离体蛙心及蛙骨胳肌有麻痹作用,对兔肠管及子宫则为兴奋作用。 脐带提取物其作用与脐带激素大体相似。 【炮制】将脐带洗漂干净。用银花、甘草煎汁加黄酒和脐带同煮,沸后取出,烘干。(每20条脐带用银花、甘草各1钱,清水1斤煎汁,入黄酒1两) 【性味】甘咸,温。 ①《本草汇言》:"甘咸,气温,无毒。" ②《医林纂要》:"甘苦咸,温。" 【归经】《本草再新》:"入心、肝、肺三经。" 【功用主治】益肾,纳气,治虚劳羸弱,气血不足,肾虚喘咳。 ①《本草拾遗》:"主疟,烧为灰,饮下之。" ②《纲目》:"解胎毒。敷脐疮。" ③《本草汇言》:"补肾命,解胎毒,化痘毒。" ④《本草通玄》:"充养血气。" ⑤《饮片新参》:"治虚劳,纳肾气,定喘咳,敛汗。" 【用法与用量】内服:研末,2~6分;入丸剂或煎汤。 【选方】①治阴阳两虚,精神气血皆伤,虚危之候:坎气(炙末)一两,人参一两,熟地二两,枸杞二两,人乳粉二两。上为末,酒酿白窨。炼作丸,桐子大。每服二钱,米饮下。(《医级》坎气丹) ②治三阴久疟:脐带九枚(烧存性),于白术二两,人参五钱。焙干俱为末,入童便煮附子一两,捣膏和丸梧子大,每早服三钱。(《本草汇言》) 【名家论述】①《本草经疏》:"脐带,《本经》以之治疟者,应是久疟虚寒之甚,借其气以补不足也。" ②《医林纂要》:"脐带补益血气,得人气之余故也。小儿羸弱及痘疮不起,用此煎汤服之,亦颇见效。"