生物节律,biological rhythm
1)biological rhythm生物节律
1.At the present,most related studies at home and abroad are concentrated upon the effect of biological rhythms,especially the circadian rhythms,on the astronauts during space flight.目前,国外相关研究大都集中在生物节律,特别是近日节律,对航天员的影响问题上。
2.Objective Discussing the relationship between human biological rhythm andchronopharmacology to guide the clinical delivery drugs which in order to improve the accurany ofusing drugs.目的:论述人体生物节律性与时辰药理学的关系,指导临床用药以提高合理用药水平。
3.Based on the great thinker s understanding of the law of celestial movement (that is, Way of Heaven lies in seven) and human life rhythm (78 years), and modern medicine s identification of biological rhythm, this paper holds that the reason why "seven" takes an universal connotation and the implication of sorcery and myth is that it embodies the abovementioned laws and rhythms.本文以数字"七"在中国民俗中的广泛应用为表象,依据我国古代先哲对宇宙天体运动节律(即"天道唯七")和人体生命节律(7—8年)的认识,以及现代医学对人的生物节律的进一步确认,指出数字"七"之所以具有宇宙数字的性质及巫术的、神话的意义,"获得模式数字的资格",根本原因在于它体现了以上两个节律。

1.human biological rhythm人类生物节律 人类生物节律
2.Biological rhythms, eg of the human body生物节律(如人体的)
3.Both biological world and human beings have biothythm.生物节律,生物界存在,人类也存在。
4.The biothythm is discussed from the universality of the biological world.生物节律是从生物界的普遍性而言的。
5.Study of the Rhythm of Proto-oncogene c-fos;原癌基因c-fos的生物节律研究
6.The Use of Microsoft Excel to Set Up Human Biological Rhythm Table利用Excel建立人体生物节律
7."biorhythm:an innate, cyclical biological process or function."生物节律:内在的、循环性生物学过程或作用。
8.Study on Relation between Sport Injury and Biothythm of College Students;大学生运动损伤与生物节律的关系研究
9.Biorhythm A periodic physiological or behavioral change that is controlled by a biological clock. Circadian rhythms are an example.生物节律:由生物钟控制的周期性的生理上的或行为上的变化。昼夜节律就是一个很好的例子。
10.The influences of biothythm on human beings universally exist objectively.生物节律对人体的影响也普遍地客观存在。
11.Research of Biological Rhythm and Predictors of Treatment Effect in Depression Taking Venlafaxine;抑郁症的生物节律研究和文拉法辛疗效预测
12.Study on Relationship Between Biologic Rhythm and Athletic Injury of Track and Field Athletes;田径运动员生物节律与运动损伤的关系研究
13.On the basic methods for biohythm of gymnast s athletic sports ability;浅谈生物节律与体操运动员的运动能力
14.The Circadian Rhythm of Blood Pressure and Chronotherapeutic of Hypertension;血压的生物节律与高血压的时间治疗学
15.Application of PSI Cycle Theory in Sport Training and Competition;生物节律(PSI)周期理论在运动训练、比赛中的应用
16.Relationship between the Human Body s Biological Rhythm and Athletic Gymnastics;对人体生物节律与体操运动关系的探讨
17.The Influence of Biological Rhythm on the Technical Training for Basketball in Universities and Colleges;生物节律对普通高校篮球技术训练的影响
18.Telomerase Reconstitution in Fibroblasts Regulates Cell Circadian Rhythm成纤维细胞端粒酶重建对生物节律的调控

1.Progress in the study of plant biorhythm植物生物节律性研究进展
2.Objective: To investigate the influence of biorhythm on the time-effect of epidural lidocaine.目的:观察生物节律对硬膜外利多卡因作用时效的影响。
3.The idea includes the contents as follows:there are biorhythm,training rhythm and objective rhythm in sports training;the basic process of sports training is the .主要包括:运动训练包含“生物节律”、“训练节律”和“目标节律”三个基本阶律,运动训练的基本过程为“训练—比赛”的交替循环发展,竞技能力提高与节律调整的互动前行伴随着运动训练、比赛的全过程,“训练—比赛”交替和能力提高与节律调整互动是一个有机整体,训练活动与训练主体是整个运动训练系统最为能动的因素,运动训练中要把握好运动训练基本思想、专项特点与比赛需要等。
3)Circadian rhythm生物节律
1.Objective To find the proteins which can interact with Per1 and to study the founction of Laminin receptor 1(Lamr1) in circadian rhythm.Lamr1可能参与hPer1相关的生物节律系统的信号传出。
2.[Objective] To investigate circadian rhythm of human Per1 gene expression in peripheral mononuclear system(PMS)in healthy young adults and changes of Per1 gene expression after work shift.目的生物节律广泛存在于人类生活和工作中,为研究正常人节律基因表达特点,定量检测正常年轻人外周血中节律基因Per1(humanPeriod1,hPer1)的表达。
3.In the circadian rhythm, CK1 phosphorylates the main proteins of the circadian clock such as Per, initiates their degradations, influences their nuclear localizations and gene expressions, thereby exert.在生物节律中CK1主要是直接磷酸化作用Per等主要的节律基因蛋白,调节后者的降解,影响其核定位和基因表达,影响生物节律
4)biological rhythms生物节律
1.This paper concisely describes the human biological rhythms theory and the well-bear discipline,then emphatically presents the design and implementation of computer well-bear assistant system,and lastly discusses the investigations for verifying the system.该文简要介绍了人体生物节律理论和人体生物节律优生法则,重点对计算机优生辅助系统的设计与实现进行了详细阐述,最后讨论了利用该系统展开的验证性调查研究,该系统为孕产期的智能化管理提供了有效的分析和决策工具。
2.The study of beating frequencies of cultured cardiac myocytes is an important subject in study of biological rhythms.离体培养的单个心肌细胞的搏动频率特性的研究是生物节律研究的重要内容之一。
3.The article introduces a rapid method of calculating biological rhythms.本文介绍了一种生物节律的快速计算方法,旨在使其能够满足或更适合有关人员迅速求得生物节律状态的需要,本方法计算时间在3分钟以内,与电脑法推算结果的差别不超过0。
6)daily biorhythm日生物节律
