细胞衰老,Cell Senescence
1)Cell Senescence细胞衰老
1.Experimental research on telomerase activity and cell senescence in lens epithelial cells;晶状体上皮细胞端粒酶活性及细胞衰老的实验研究
2.Study on the cell senescence, proliferation, and apoptosis in psoriatic lesions;银屑病患者皮损中细胞衰老、增殖和凋亡检测
3.Selective Mechanisms and the DNA Inujry Hypothesis of Cell Senescence;筛选机制与细胞衰老的DNA损伤假说

1.Studies on Correlation between Mitochondria and Aging Using Cell Aging Model;利用细胞衰老模型探讨线粒体与衰老的关系
2.EF) Slow death regulation and control mechanism and the action segment of cell delay.延缓细胞衰老的调控机制和作用环节。
3.Investigation on the Influence of Senescence of p16~(INK4a) Gene on NIH3T3 Cellular;p16~(INK4a)基因对NIH3T3细胞衰老影响的研究
4.PKIB Inhibits cAMP-dependent Protein Kinase to Modulate Cell SenescencePKIB抑制PKA活性调节细胞衰老
5.Epigenetic modifications of P53 during cellular senescence细胞衰老过程中P53表观遗传学修饰
6.Study of Telomere and Telomerase in Tumor and cell ageing端粒、端粒酶在肿瘤、细胞衰老中的研究
7.Studies on Animal Aging and Cell Senescence Model Induced by D-galactose;D-半乳糖诱导生物体衰老与细胞衰老模型的实验研究
8.Study on Correlation between T Cells Senescence and Non-small Cell Lung Cancer in ElderlyT淋巴细胞衰老与老年人非小细胞肺癌的相关性研究
9.The Effect of Captopril on the Mice Cardiac Fibroblast Cell Senescence;卡托普利对幼鼠心脏成纤维细胞衰老的影响
10.Study on Anti-aging Effect of Thymopentin on Mouse Skin Fibroblasts;胸腺五肽延缓小鼠皮肤成纤维细胞衰老的研究
11.At the same time, a special group of cells at the bottom of the leaf begins to weaken.同时,叶根的一组特殊细胞开始衰老。
12.Senescence may be defined as the deteriorative events which precede the death of a mature cell.衰老是成熟细胞死亡之前的败坏过程。
13.Effect of Mesenchymal Stem Cells on the Testis of Senesce rats间充质干细胞对衰老大鼠睾丸的影响
14.Study on Anti-aging Effect of Ginsenosides on Skin of the Aging Model Mice and HaCaT Keratinocytes;人参皂苷对衰老小鼠皮肤和人角质形成细胞的抗衰老研究
15.Clinical Research on Anti-aging by Fulmigating the Navel with Chinese Herbs Beneath the Moxa Cone;隔药灸脐法对肾虚衰老患者T细胞亚群及衰老症状的影响
16.The Theory of Deficiency of Kidney Caused Senescence肾虚衰老说——肾虚衰老与T细胞凋亡 自由基损伤的相关性
17.Golgi complexes and centrosomes were especially rich in the cells treated with AMB and they did not show much decrepitude although the cells have aged.特别是黄芪组细胞之高尔基复合体、中心体特别发达,虽细胞已衰老而它们却不甚衰老.
18.The process of cell oxidation is that of human consenescence.细胞被氧化的过程,就是人自身衰老的过程。

cell aging细胞衰老
1.The telomere/telomerase hypothesis and cell aging;端粒-端粒酶假说与细胞衰老
2.Results Bu Shen Tian Jing complex prescription serum promoted the course of cell cycle,and delayed cell aging.目的观察补肾填精中药复方对细胞衰老的影响。
3)cellular senescence细胞衰老
1.Telomeres,telomerase and cellular senescence;端粒、端粒酶与细胞衰老
2.Epigenetic modifications of P53 during cellular senescence细胞衰老过程中P53表观遗传学修饰
3.Previous studies show that p33~(ING1b) is involved in growth inhibition,apoptosis,chromatin remodeling,DNA repair and tumor suppression,but its biochemical function and involvement in cellular senescence is still not fully characterized.但是,它在细胞衰老过程中的作用目前还不清楚。
4)cellular aging细胞衰老
1.Research advances in cellular aging (A review);细胞衰老的研究进展(综述)
6)senescent cells衰老细胞
1.Serum stimulation has been reported to increase the cytoplasmic Akt activity in both early passage and senescent cells.有研究发现,血清可以激活年轻细胞、衰老细胞胞浆内的Akt,并且年轻细胞核内磷酸化Akt(pAkt)增多,而衰老细胞核内pAkt没有增多。
