1.The paper discusses the psychological principles of witchcraft and hypnosis affection,and points out the similarity and difference between them,and concludes that witchcraft has it own psychological foundation and is reasonable to some degree.文章从基本理论和实际操作两个层面,对传统巫术与现代心理催眠术的异同进行了比较,并探讨了巫术对现代心理学研究的启示。

1.the repertory of the supposed feats of mesmerism; has a large repertory of dialects and characters.全套假定的催眠术绝技。
2.charm sb. asleep(用魔法)对某人施催眠术
3.hypnotic rigidity催眠术与暗示感受性
4.The theory or practice of inducing hypnosis.催眠术引导睡眠的理论及实践
5.The use of hypnosis in conjunction with psychoanalytic techniques.催眠分析和心理分析技巧相结合的催眠术的使用
6.Therapy based on or using hypnosis, especially for treatment of chronic pain.催眠疗法基于或使用催眠术的疗法,尤其用于治疗慢性病
7.He is a good subject for research into hypnosis.他很适合做催眠术研究的受试对象。
8.Past-hypnotic amnesia frequently occurs.经常会发生催眠术后的健忘症。
9.he performed hypnotism on this patient.他对这个病人采用了催眠术疗法。
10.The most important factor in hypnosis is suggestibility.催眠术中最重要的因素是暗示感应性。
11.I think you must be mesmerizing me, Charles.查尔斯,我想你一定在对我施催眠术啦。
12.Engels and Hypnotism--Critique of Reason Based on Practice恩格斯与催眠术——基于实践的理性批判
13.About this time hypnotism was enjoying a fad throughout the country, and a friend suggested that he try it as a means of helping his condition.就在此时,催眠术风行全国,一个朋友建议他试试催眠术对他的病情是否有帮助。
14.They are, says Choi, putting in his own words, the victims of "negative hypnotism."用崔的话说:他们是“消极催眠术”的牺牲品。
15.She impnotize him into do thing against his own will她给他施催眠术让他做出违反本意的事
16.She hypnotized him into doing things against his own will.她给他施催眠术让他做出违反本意的事。
17.Hypnotism of Monarchy: Authoritative Nature of Yue (music);专制王权的催眠术——儒家之“乐”的专制主义实质
18.Although little is known about how hypnosis works, it has been made use of in medical treatment.(虽然人们对催眠术知之甚少,但是它已经应用于临床治疗。

1.In the process of psychological counseling and therapy, hypnotism is widely utilized in many areas as a special psychotherapy method.在心理咨询与治疗过程中,催眠术常常作为一种特殊的治疗方法被广泛运用。
2.Through skimming first-hand materials, res earches are done on the occurrence of psychics with hypnotism in China during 19 00-30s.通过对原始资料的梳理,研究了20世纪头30年灵学与催眠术在中国的伴生现象,描述了灵学机构将催眠术建制化的情况,梳理了灵学机构开展的催眠术活动和相应的推广活动,分析了灵学借用催眠术的原因,讨论了灵学机构利用催眠术的社会影响。
1.Through describing mesmerism and idolatry and taking Brook Farm as narrative archetype,the romance discusses common people’s histories and explores the microcosmic interpersonal dynamics,the power of domination and submission.作品彰显新历史主义的"历史的文本性",以布鲁克农庄为叙述原型,通过书写催眠术和偶像崇拜,以普通人物的"小写历史"从微观上探讨了人际关系动力学,即一种"主宰与顺从的权力关系";通过考察福谷"全景监狱式"的社会模式,作者以文本的隐喻意义宏观地探讨了监狱改革及权力在社会中的运行机制,凸显了作家对社会改革所作的思考。
2.The paper explores how Hawthorne\'s understanding of Utopia is revealed through the complex interplay of mesmerism,pastoral drama and the Golden Age myth.霍桑在布鲁克农庄的生活经历,是一则探讨乌托邦的文化政治寓言,在小说中,以布鲁克农庄为原型的福谷乌托邦社团被改写为一出具有鲜明戏剧意识的田园剧,作家通过催眠术、乌托邦、田园牧歌传统以及黄金时代神话之间复杂而隐秘的内在联系,对当时的乌托邦运动展开了政治、意识形态和道德等多层面的思考,是作家政治思想的集中体现。
