1.Relationship between meta-mood and mental health of military recruits and influential factors of meta-mood;陆军新兵元情绪能力与心理健康的关系及其影响因素研究
2.② Meta-mood is negatively correlated with negative emotion and positively correlated with positive e.目的调查陆军3个兵种新兵情感状态差异,探讨陆军新兵情感状态与元情绪能力关系。
3.The purpose of the current research was to investigate the structure of the meta-mood and develop a meta-mood questionnaire for high school students.该研究旨在探讨高中生元情绪的结构,并编制一份具有良好测量学指标的问卷。

1.Self-conscious Emotion Operation--a Psychological Consultation Technique;元情绪操作——心理咨询的技巧之一
2.Study on emotional intelligence and personality in soldiers with TMMS;应用元情绪量表对士兵的情绪智力与个性特点研究
3.The Effect of Meta-mood Ability Training on Mental Health of Special Recruits;元情绪能力训练对特种新兵心理健康影响研究
4.The Revision and Application of Trait Meta-Mood Scale in 1000 Recruits;元情绪量表(TMMS)在1000名新兵中的修订和初步应用
5.Relationship between meta-mood and mental health of military recruits and influential factors of meta-mood;陆军新兵元情绪能力与心理健康的关系及其影响因素研究
6.A Study of the Emotional Intelligence Scale(EIS) by the Multivariate Generalizability Theory“情绪智力量表(EIS)”的多元概化理论分析
7.Chanting things, expressing feelings and the Yimin s spirit-- the poet, Yuan Yimin s words chanting the plum;咏物、抒情与遗民情绪——元遗民诗人的咏梅话语
8.The Relationship among Emotion,Emotion Regulation Strategy and Memory of Emotionl materials情绪、情绪调节策略与情绪材料记忆的关系
9.Relationship Between Emotional Intelligenceand Multiple Intelligences--Taking theSophomoresin Zhangzhou Teachers College as the Subjects;论情绪智力与多元智力的关系——以漳州师院大二学生为例
10.The Study of Relation of Emotional Intelligence, Multidimensional Sense of Humor, Personality and School-SWB of Secondary School Students初中生情绪智力、多元幽默感、人格和学校主观幸福感的关系研究
11.overcome(an obstacle,emotion,etc)克服(障碍、情绪等)
12.non emotional behavior非情绪性行为 非情绪性行为
13.Empathy. You know the subject's surface emotions.感受情绪:你得知受术者的表层情绪。
14.transition from high spirits to depression从情绪高涨变成情绪低落
15.change quickly from one emotional state to another.快速地从一种情绪转到另一种情绪。
16.His pessimism has the effect of depressing everyone.他的悲观情绪感染得大家情绪低落.
17.College Students Emotional Quotient and Emotional Stability情绪智力与大学生情绪稳定性的相关
18.a despondent loser, mood, look沮丧的失败者、 情绪、 神情

1.Study on emotional intelligence and personality in soldiers with TMMS;应用元情绪量表对士兵的情绪智力与个性特点研究
3)the trait meta-mood特质元情绪
1.The objective of this study was to investigate the relations among elementary school children s attachment to parents, trait meta-mood and school life satisfaction and if there were significant gender and grade differences on them, especially to explore the indirect Predictive influence of the trait meta-mood.本研究的目的是探讨初中生的亲子依恋、特质元情绪和学校生活满意度三者在年级、性别方面的差异以及三者之间的关系,重点考察元情绪的中介作用。
4)Meta-mood ability training元情绪能力训练
1.Analysis of Mood Factors in Prostatitis and Molida Therapy;慢性前列腺炎病人情绪因素与森田疗法
2.Investigation and Analysis on The Mood of General Department Nurses and Psychiatric Department Nurses in General Hospital;综合性医院精神科与综合科护理人员的情绪调查分析
1.Personality,emotion and coping mode in patients with irritable bowel syndrome;肠易激综合征患者的人格情绪和应对方式研究
2.Effect of Emotion on Patients with Carcinomer-a 115 Case Report;情绪对癌症患者的影响—151例癌症患者调查
3.Study on correlation between social-emotional development and behavior problems in 2~3 years old children;幼儿社会性和情绪发展与行为问题的相关性研究
