1.Research on Supervenience in Western Contemporary Philosophy;当代西方哲学中的随附性研究
2.At the same time,he invoked the notion of supervenience to describe the picture of the mental and the physical,which shown the characteristic of nonreductive physicalism.70年代,戴维森提出在“无律则一元论”的纲领下解决心物关系问题,同时还借用了随附性来描绘他的这种非还原物理主义的心物图景。

1.Anomalous Monism and Supervenience Thesis:Davidson on Relation between the Mental and the Physical无律则一元论与随附性论题——戴维森论心物关系
2.On the Concept,Connotation and Nature of the Collateral Obligation of Contracts剖析合同附随义务的概念、内涵及其性质
3.Adsorbability decreases as cPL content increases.活性炭的吸附性能随塑料热解物含量的增加而减小。
4.A cheque is enclosed herewith.随信附上支票一张。
5.With this letter I enclose a photograph随信附上照片一张。
6.With this letter I enclosed a photograph.随信附上一张相片。
7.My resume is herewith enclosed.随信附上本人简历。
8.driver's tool and accessories随车工具及附件全套
9.I enclosed two tickets along with this letter我随信附寄了两张票子。
10.Enclosed are some examples.(随函)附寄一些样品。
11.We enclosed you a list of quotation .随函附寄报价单一份。
12.I am enclosing my resume.随信附寄我的简历。
13.We enclose herewith an inquiry sheet.兹随函附上询价单一份。
14.I am enclosing my curriculum vitae together with my photograph.随函附上履历表及近照。
15.A list of the names of the contributors is enclosed herewith.随信附上捐款人的名单。
16.I enclose herewith a cheque for 10 pounds.随信附上十镑支票一张。
17.A check is enclosed herewith.随信附寄支票一张。
18.I enclose two tickets along with this letter.我随信附上两张票。

bundled attribute附随属性
3)subordinate character附随性
1.This chapter reviewed the theory and legislation of Continental Legal System, and illuminated that as a country of succeeding subordinate character theory, the Maximum Mortgage in our country still had subordinate and specific characters.最高额抵押是否具有附随性和特定性是理论界争议较多的问题,本章首先考察以法国和德国为代表的两种不同的担保物权制度及理论,说明我国继受了抵押附随性理论,在现代附随性理论缓和的思路下,我国最高额抵押依然具有抵押附随性和特定性的特征,其与普通抵押的本质不同在于担保债权发生时间和数额不特定。
4)Subordinate theory附随性理论
5)collateral guarantee随附性保证
1.It is different from conventional substance guarantee and collateral guarantee as a new style of human guarantee.国际贸易中广泛使用的独立担保实质上是在实践中为克服物权担保及保证合同的缺陷而形成的一种新型的人的担保,与传统的物权担保及随附性保证合同有根本的区别。
6)On supervenience关于随附性问题
