1.A child wrote a line under spontaneous and dual-task conditions, a digitizing tablet was used to record the handwriting movements′ velocity and acceleration.选取小学生47名,其中23名为数学不良,24名为一般儿童,使用数码写字板,测试二者在自然和双任务条件下,书写一条横线的速度、加速度。
2.The traditionally separate researches on cognition and posture have been connected in the study of posture-cognition dual-tasking, which has become a new expanding area of research.姿势与认知的双任务研究将两个分离的主题联系起来,成为一个新的正在扩展的领域。

1.Preliminary Study on American Dual Range Missile/Dual Role Missile对美国双射程/双任务导弹有关技术的分析
2.A Confirmatory Study on the EPIC Model of Dual-task Performance;双任务操作EPIC模型的验证性研究
3.The Parallel Process of Mental Rotation in Dual-task Situation;双任务情境下心理旋转的并行加工机制
4.A New Approach to Measuring Hand-Foot Coordination by Dual Tasks;用双任务测定技术测量手一脚协调水平
5.Effects of Task Conceptualization on Bimanual Coordination;双手任务的概念化对双手协调动作的影响
6.Trust in Supervisors and Task Performance: How Trust Affects Performance;领导信任影响下属任务绩效的双路径模型研究
7.Double-click a task to see task details.双击任务名称可查看其详细数据。
8.These twin responsibilities form the foundation of Vocational Service.这双重的责任便是职业服务的基础。
9.Second, the brain truster has the double task with the plot and execution.第二 ,智囊兼具谋划与执行的双重任务 ;
10.The task fell to me; It fell to me to notify the parents of the victims.任务压到我身上了;通报受害者双亲的任务落到我身上了。
11.Aside from the bilateral occipital lobes, both English and Nepali activated areas were the left cerebral hemisphere dominant.汉语任务主要是大脑半球双侧激活,英语任务及尼泊尔语任务大多为左侧大脑半球激活。
12.To see the tasks that occur on a particular day, double-click that date in the Calendar view. Then, to see task details, double-click the task.要查看发生在特定某天的任务,请在“日历”视图中双击该日期,然后双击任务以查看其详细信息。
13.Your task is to grub out the history of this double edged sword你的任务是去查清楚这把双刃宝剑的来历。
14.Research on Bi-directional Dynamic Strategy of Task Scheduling in Distributed Computing Environment分布计算环境下任务调度双向动态策略的研究
15.Combat troops with a double-edged mission.要完成具有双重目的之任务的战斗部队
16.③Studies on ERP and mental rotation while performing dual task.③处理双重任务时心理旋转的事件相关电位研究。
17.Phonological Effect on Chinese Word Cognition in Dichotic Listening Task;双耳分听任务中语音相似性对汉字认知的影响
18.The Dual-entrusted Responsibilities of Financial Headers from Agency Theory;从委托代理理论看财务负责人的双重受托责任

1.It is necessary to clarify who were the leaders of the Alliance,what were its nature and mission and what were its dual-nature and dual-mission in order to have a full understanding of its history.华北地区朝鲜革命青年建立的朝鲜独立同盟及朝鲜义勇军为中国抗战和朝鲜的独立而英勇奋战,要正确地理解它的历史,必须澄清朝鲜独立同盟的领导人、同盟的性质及任务、同盟的双重任务,同时还要认真区分在中国关内地区活动的两个朝鲜人的反日组织。
3)Dual-Task Methodology双任务法
4)Single and dual tasks单任务与双任务
5)dual task test双任务实验
6)Sternberg dual taskSternberg双重任务
1.Relationship between Sternberg dual task performance, emotional stability and heart rate variability;Sternberg双重任务作业绩效与情绪稳定性及心率变异性的关系

2,2-双氯甲基-三亚甲基-双[双(2-氯乙基)磷酸脂]CAS:38051-10-4分子式:C13H24Cl6O8P2中文名称:2,2-双氯甲基-三亚甲基-双[双(2-氯乙基)磷酸脂]英文名称:2,2- bis(chloromethyl)-trimethylene bis[bis(2-chloroethyl)phosphate] phosphoric acid, 2,2-bis(chloromethyl)-1,3-propanediyl tetrakis(2-chloroethyl) 2,2-bis(chloromethyl)trimethylene bis(bis(2-chloroethyl)phosphate) 2,2-bis(chloromethyl)-1,3-propanediyltetrakis(2-chloroethyl)phosphate