
1.Traits of Self-Representation and Self-Focus Tendency in the Contexts of Success and Failure;自我表征特点与成败情境下的自我关注选择倾向
2.but they were prone to impulse and had poor self-control, higher self-concern and poor adaptation to environmental limit.但同时又易冲动,自我控制能力差,自我关注程度高,对环境的限制有较强的不适应感。
3.I wish people would care about Self-improvement as much as they care about celebrity sex scandal!我希望人们用关注名人性丑闻同样的热情关注“自我改进”!
4.Whereas the concern of contemporary artists is primarily self-expression, visual designers are concerned with clear communication.当代的艺术家主要关注于自我表达,视觉设计者则关注清晰的传达。
5.In the process, we must be careful about upsetting the balance of nature.在此过程,我们必须关注自然平衡的更新进程。
6.Interest in Irrational “Self”-An Analysis of Chinese Literature in the New Epoch;关注非理性的“自我”——新时期文学的主题分析之一
7.Concern and Promote Teacher s Self-efficacy Beliefs:Important Inspiration from Self-Efficacy Theory;关注与促进教师的自我信念——自我效能感理论的重要启示
8.The Attention Bias of Collage Female Students with Fat Negative Physical Self: Attention Shift or Maintenance;胖负面身体自我女大学生对胖相关信息的注意偏好—注意转移还是注意维持
9.All I could do was open and close my eyes and I watched with intense interest the recording of my own cardiogram.我唯一能做的就是睁眼、眼;我密切关注着自己的心电图记录。
10.Therefore the core of ancient Greece's exist aesthetics is self-regard, in other word, with pursuing stylized exist, they made themselves happy by controlling themselves.古希腊生存美学的核心是关注自我,通过自我控制成为自己的快感对象,追求风格化存在。
11.Noticing that my daughter was very shy, our hostess fell over backwards to make her fell at home.女主人注意到我女儿很害羞,于是格外关照她,使她感到安逸自在。
12.I know there are those in the West who are concerned about human rights and religious freedom in China.我知道,有些西方国家关注中国的人权和宗教自由。
13.The ethic is too much centred on the rights of free speech, too much concerned with the individual's opinions.我们的职业道德准则偏重于言论自由的权利,过多关注个人的意见。
14.An interactive product, too, should keep quiet about its problems and show interest in the people who use it.软件也应该对其自己的问题保持沉默,而关注我们的问题。
15.Selfish Examination and Promotion--On Chili s"You Think Who You Are"Pay Close Attention to Individual Life Value;自我的审视与提升——试论池莉《你以为你是谁》对个体生命价值的关注
16.Selfish Examination and Promotion ──On Chili s "You Think Who You Are"Pay Close Attention to Individual Life Value;自我的审视与提升──试论池莉《你以为你是谁》对个体生命价值的关注
17.The Research of the Relationship of Anxiety and Self-attention to Running Econony in Competitive Female Distance Runners;女子长跑运动员焦虑自我注意力与跑的经济性关系
18.Nature has ordained us to die.自然注定我们会死。

A Review on the Relationship between Self-Focused Attention and Affect自我关注与情绪
3)To Pay Close Attention to Self-mystery对自我之谜的关注
4)ego cathexis自我投注
6)self-focused attention自我倾注
1.The author introduces the theories and experiments concerning the relation between self-focused attention and depression,anxiety in recent years.自我倾注是当注意力完全集中于自身时内部所产生的与自我有关的信息。
