自传体记忆,Autobiographical memory
1)Autobiographical memory自传体记忆
1.Research on temporal landmarks in autobiographical memory;自传体记忆中时间标记研究述评
2.In recent decade,researches of cross-culture on autobiographical memory suggested that,in general,the differences existed in the age of earliest recollection,volume and specialty,using of internal state language,autonomous orientation between the east and the west.自传体记忆不仅是对过去自我经验的加工和提取,还反映了特定的社会和文化背景。
3.After introducing some theoretical views on internal working model (IWM), a core concept of attachment theory, the author review studies on memory for emotional events using laboratory-based method, autobiographical memory, and priming method.这些研究包括使用实验室制作的材料,自传体记忆,和情绪启动的方法,结果表明,依恋的类型与情绪事件的记忆存在一定的相关,但儿童依恋与对情绪事件的记忆的影响可能和成人依恋的影响不同。

1.Autobiographical Memory: The Identity of Memory-construction and Self-construction;自传体记忆:记忆建构与自我建构的同一
2.Self,Memory and Culture: Advance in Cross-Cultural Researches of Autobiographical Memory;自我、文化与记忆:自传体记忆的跨文化研究
3.The Actuality and Expectation of The Research On Infantile Autobiographical Memory;婴幼儿自传体记忆研究的现状及展望
4.Specificity of Autobiographical Memory in College Students with Depressive Mood抑郁情绪大学生自传体记忆具体性特点的研究
5.The Neural Mechanisms of Autobiographical Memory by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation(TMS);自传体记忆神经机制的经颅磁刺激(TMS)研究
6.Effects of Rumination and Distraction on Negative Emotion and Autobiographical Memory;沉思和分心对负情绪和自传体记忆的影响
7.A Research of the Prefrontal Cortex Function in Autobiographical Memory前额叶在自传体记忆过程中的功能探究
8.Research for Generality of Autobiographical Memory under Different Mood State and Self-concept;不同情绪状态和自我概念下的自传体记忆概括化研究
9.Research for the Impact of Autobiographical Memory under Self-concept and Emotional State自我概念、情绪状态对自传体记忆概括化影响的研究
10.Autobiographical Memories of Shame:A Comparative Study in the Context of Cultural Differences of Self羞耻性自传体记忆:基于自我文化差异的对比研究(英文)
11.Overgenerality of Autobiographical Memory and fMRI in Young Depressed Individuals青年抑郁个体自传体记忆的过度概括化特点及fMRI研究
12.The Research on the Narrative Structure of Autobiographical Memory under Different Lifetime Periods;不同生活期下自传体记忆叙事性结构的实验研究
13.Current Trends in Autobiographical Memory Study and Investigation on Some Related Issues;自传体记忆研究的新进展及一些相关问题的验证
14.Clinical Research on Phenomenon and Mechanism of Overgenerality of Autobiographical Memory;自传体记忆过度概括化现象及其机制的临床研究
15.Retrieval-induced Forgetting of Emotional and Unemotional Autobiographical Memories in Repressors;压抑者对情绪和非情绪自传体记忆的提取诱发遗忘
16.The Relationships among Language Skills, Emotional Knowledge and Autobiographical Memory between 4-year-old and 6-year-old Children4岁和6岁儿童语言能力、情绪知识与自传体记忆的关系
17.A Study on Orphan's Autobiographical Memory Overgenerality Based on Cueing Word Technology基于线索词技术的孤儿自传体记忆过度概括化研究
18.An Experimental Study on Development of Cuing Retrieval in Life-Span of Autobiographical Memory自传记忆线索提取发展的实验研究

Autobiographical Memory Test自传体记忆测验
3)theory of autobiographical memory自传体记忆理论
4)Cultural Autobiographic Memory文化自传体记忆
5)autobiographical memory自传记忆
1.With advanced technology of neuroscience, like PET, fMRI and slow cortical potential, neural mechanisms for autobiographical memory retrieval have been studied.自传记忆(autobiographical memory,AM)是个人生活事件的记忆,它在人类认知中建构起自我、情绪、个人意义及其交互作用的主通道。
2.Since the 90s ,autobiographical memory study has turned into another hot issue following internal memory study in the memory field.自传记忆是关于个人生活经验的记忆,它有悖于Ebbinghaus的记忆研究传统。
3.As an individual s real life memory, the emergence and development of autobiographical memory is very complicated, but it s a very important point of entry for the study of children s cognitive and social development.作为对个人现实生活记忆的自传记忆,其形成和发展的机制十分复杂,但它却是研究儿童认知发展和社会性发展的重 要切入点。
6)structure of autobiographical memory自传体记忆的结构
