显著图,Saliency Map
1)Saliency Map显著图
1.Motivated biologically,this approach simulated the bottom-up human visual selective attention mechanism,computed the global contrast of each pixel and constructed the saliency map.受生物学启发,该方法模仿人类自下而上的视觉选择性注意过程,通过计算图像中每个像素的全局对比度,构造相应的显著图,并根据显著图,检测出图像中的显著区域。
2.By extracting multiple lowlevel features of the input image with multiple scales and analyzing the amplitude spectra of these feature maps in frequency domain,the corresponding saliency map is constructed in spatial domain.通过提取输入图像的多尺度下的多个底层特征,在频域分析各特征图的幅度谱,在空域构造相应的特征显著图
3.After filtering,the resultant saliency map is quite similar to those of existing methods.将各频点上的幅度设为同一常数,保留其相位信息;对反变换到空间域的图像滤波后,得到视觉注意力显著图,其效果与现有的模型相似;并将显著图信息作为权重加入到几种主要的图像质量评价标准中。
2)Saliency maps显著性图
3)joint saliency map联合显著图
4)Task-relevant salient map任务显著图
1.The result indicated that the influence of departments to the foreign language achievements is remarkable,and the liberal and the science is remarkable too,because of the objective factors,the influence of liberal subjects or the science subjects to the foreign language achievements sometim.结果表明:系别对外语成绩的影响是显著的,并对产生结果做了分析。

1.come [bring] into prominence显著,出名 [使…显著或出名]
2.a marked difference [change]显著的差别 [变化]
3.The quality or condition of being prominent.显著,杰出杰出或显著的性质或状况
4.a marked difference, similarity, improvement, etc显著的差异、 相似、 改进等
5.striking network pattern of white color显著的白色网状图案
6.The contrast is remarkable.差别对比是显著的。
7.make more intense, stronger, or more marked.使更强烈、强壮或更显著
8.work wonderfully in removing stains去除污渍,效果显著
9.the team went into a slump; a sudden slack in output; a drop-off in attendance; a falloff in automobile sales.汽车销售量在显著下降。
10.cover conspicuously, as by pasting something on.在……上显著地涂东西。
11.There has been an appreciable increase in the volume of business.交易额有了显著增加。
12.The new method has produced a marked effect.这种新方法成效显著
13.Medicine tastes sweet and yet has a marked curative effect.良药甜口,疗效显著
14.Remarkable achievements have been made in opening up.对外开放成效显著
15.There was a significant linear correlation between...and......与...有显著的线性相关性
16.Meanwhile, the physical conditions of children have improved noticeably.儿童健康状况显著改善。
17.-- Remarkable achievements were made in infrastructure development.——基础设施建设成就显著
18.Marked success was achieved in infrastructure development.基础设施建设成绩显著

Saliency maps显著性图
3)joint saliency map联合显著图
4)Task-relevant salient map任务显著图
1.The result indicated that the influence of departments to the foreign language achievements is remarkable,and the liberal and the science is remarkable too,because of the objective factors,the influence of liberal subjects or the science subjects to the foreign language achievements sometim.结果表明:系别对外语成绩的影响是显著的,并对产生结果做了分析。

图的减缩图(或称图子式)图的减缩图(或称图子式)minor of a graph 图的减缩图(或称图子式)【.皿以ofa脚户;MHHoPrpa中a」【补注】设G是一个图(graph)(可以有环及多重边).G的一个减缩图(nullor)是从G中接连进行下述运算而得的任何一个图: i)删去一条边; 五)收缩一条边; 说)去掉一个孤立顶点. NRobe由on与P.D.Se脚aour的图减缩定理(脚Ph nl的。r theon习11)如下所述:已知有限图的无穷序列G,,GZ,…,则存在指标i