学习判断,judgment of learning
1)judgment of learning学习判断
1.As an important metacognitive judgment, judgment of learning is the prediction about the future performance of learned materials.学习判断是元认知判断的一种重要形式,是对未来回忆成绩的预测。
2.As an important metacognitive judgment,judgment of learning(JOL) is the prediction about future performance of learned materials.学习判断是元认知判断的一种重要形式,是个体对随后的记忆成绩的预测。
3.Its mechanism and accuracy are the key issues in the study of judgment of learning.学习判断是元认知判断的一种重要形式,是对未来记忆成绩的预测。

1.Individual's Learning Behavior under Biased Judgments of Learning学习判断偏差条件下个体的学习行为
2.Effects of Different Learning Conditions on Judgment of Learning of Junior High School Students;不同学习条件对初中生学习判断的影响
3.The Generative Mechanism of the Isolation Effect of JOL(continued);学习判断孤立效应的发生机制及作用途径(续)
4.The Generative Mechanism of the Isolation Effect of JOL 1;学习判断孤立效应的发生机制及作用途径
5.The Influence by the Material Factor on the Isolation Effect of JOL;材料因素对学习判断及其孤立效应的影响
6.The Research on Mechanism of Feeling of Knowing and Judgment of Learning;知晓感和学习判断产生机制的实验研究
7.The Effects of Encoding Fluency and Retrieval Fluency on Children s with Learning Disabilities Judgements of Learning;加工流畅性和提取流畅性与学习不良儿童学习判断的关系
8.The Training in Learning Ability and Professional Judgment for Accounting Personnel;会计人员学习能力和职业判断能力的培养
9.Uncertainty judgment and the acquisition of delexicalized verbs by Chinese learners of English;不确定性判断和中国英语学习者的虚化动词习得
10.Mental Disease Diagnosis:scientific judgment?ethical judgment?;精神疾病诊断:科学的判断?伦理的判断?
11.in emotion judgement,the accuracy rate in happiness was higher than in sadness for preschool children;进入小学学习后的儿童对悲伤情绪判断正确率迅速提高。
12.Teach your child to sort and pair objects and encourage him to explain his methods.训练孩子学习分类及配对,并鼓励他们说出自己的判断标准。
13.Research of Probability Judgment under Uncertain Condition Based on Multiple-cue Probability Learning (MCPL);基于多重线索概率学习范式的不确定条件下概率判断研究
14.The Study of Cueing Effect in Judgment of Categorical Spatial Relation and Implicit Learning of Spatial Scenes;注意对类别空间关系判断和空间情境内隐学习影响的实验研究
15.Constant learning supplies us with inexhaustible fuel for driving us to sharpen our power of reasoning, analysis, and judgment.不断的学习提供我们用不尽的燃料,来驱使我们磨利我们的推理、分析和判断的能力。
16.Only practice can help you to keep your eye in.只有练习能帮你熟练地用眼作出判断。
17.The Moral and Conventional Judgment in Autistic Children;孤独症儿童对道德和习俗规则的判断
18.On Judgement of Difficulty and Selfconfidence in Application Questions in Primary School小学生应用题解题难度判断和自信心判断研究

1.The Influence by the Material Factor on the Isolation Effect of JOL;材料因素对学习判断及其孤立效应的影响
2.The results indicated that the FOK and JOL accord with competition hypothesis in interference paradigm.以汉语配对词为实验材料,在已有实验研究的基础上,采用干扰模式进一步探讨了关于知晓感(Feeling of knowing)和学习判断(Judgment of learning)产生机制的四种理论假说,即线索熟悉性假说、目标提取假说、可接近性假说和竞争性假说。
3.Aiming at the difference between Koriat s and Dunlosky s outcomes, two experiments were conducted to further explore the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic cues on judgment of learning (JOL).该研究针对Koriat和Dunlosky实验研究结果的不同,通过两个实验,进一步考察内外部线索对学习判断(judgment of leaming,简称为JOL)的影响。
4)aggregate-item JOL总项目学习判断
5)delayed-JOL effect延迟学习判断效应
1.There are two kinds of hypotheses regarding to delayed-JOL effect, which are memory hypothesis and metamemory hypothesis.设计了两个实验,分别针对有关延迟学习判断效应的记忆假说与元记忆假说的争议和元记忆假说中MDM假说的争议进行了研究。
6)discriminative learning判别学习
1.Recently, many researchers pay more attention to an important classific ation method, which is called the discriminative learning method based on minimum classification error criterion.介绍了一种近年来正被广泛重视的模式识别方法——基于最小分类错误准则的判别学习方法 ,讨论了该方法的基本原理及其可能的应用领
2.A discriminative learning method of environmental features is proposed for robust speech recognition,in which a simple classifier and the gradient descent algorithm are firstly used to iteratively learn the environmental features,and then the pure speech features are estimated from the observed speech features.提出一种基于环境特征判别学习的顽健语音识别方法 ,它首先通过使用一个简单的分类器和梯度下降法迭代地学得环境特征 ,接着利用得到的环境特征从观测到的混噪语音特征中估计出纯净的语音特征 ,然后将估计出来的纯净语音特征用到后端的HMM分类器中 。

分析判断与综合判断  18世纪德国古典哲学家I.康德的哲学基本概念。他认为,在一切判断中,如果谓项的内容本已暗含在主项中的,是分析判断;如果谓项的内容是从外边加到主项上去的,是综合判断。分析判断的谓项实际就是把主项的一部分内容独立出来说明主项,使主项这一方面的含义更清楚,但并不能给主项增添新的内容,所以又叫解释的判断。这类判断的谓项只要依据矛盾律便能先天地从主项中分析出来,并具有普遍必然性。例如,"一切物体都是具有广延的",谓项"广延的",只要分析主项"物体"就必然得到。因为广延属性本来就暗含在主项"物体"这一概念里。综合判断的谓项,原先不在主项里,它是通过经验才加到主项上去的,它能够给主项增添新的内容,所以又叫扩充判断。这类判断,因为它的谓项来自经验,而从经验得来的东西总是属于个别、偶然的,所以不具备普遍必然性。例如"某些物体是有重量的",谓项"重量"原先不包含在主项"物体"这一概念里,而是由经验提供,然后才联结到主项上去的。它给主项增添了新的内容,但却没有普遍必然性。康德认为,关于这两类判断的区分,虽然在他的前人那里就有了一些"迹象",但他是"首先用自己的思考来达到这些原理"的。康德关于两类判断的划分,以判断的形式暴露了唯理论和经验论的片面性。唯理论片面坚持理性的分析作用,忽略了经验认识的巨大意义;经验论片面强调经验能提供新内容,忽视了理性的分析作用。他认为,这两种判断都不符合科学知识的要求;科学知识构成的条件应当既有普遍必然性,又能扩充新内容。于是,他提出了先天综合判断,作为一切科学知识的可能条件。康德划分两类判断的思想,是对认识论和形式逻辑的一个贡献,对西方哲学的发展产生了深远的影响。逻辑经验主义所提出的定义和知识两类判断的划分,直接来源于康德。