人际知觉,interpersonal perception
1)interpersonal perception人际知觉
1.As a new method and a broad, general analytical tool of resent decade years, the Social Relation Model (SRM) arose from the field of interpersonal perception and person perception.社会关系模型(Social Relation Model)源自人际知觉研究领域,它能够分析成对数据,在人际互动关系中分离出行为者效应、目标效应和关系效应。
2.This research was aimed to examine the characteristics of interpersonal perception in Internet Bulletin Board Systems(BBS),including the accuracy of interpersonal perception and the variables that affected the accuracy.本研究采用网上自然实验法,以MBTI人格类型量表作为人格评价工具,探讨了网络论坛情境中人际知觉的准确性及其影响因素。
3.The mistake districts of interpersonal perception that people often meet include vignetteing effect,angular impression,recency effect,projection inclination and logic inference by experience effect,etc. 常见的人际知觉的误区主要有晕轮效应、刻板印象、近因效应、投射倾向和经验的逻辑推理效应等。

1.The Research on Interpersonal Perception in Internet Chatting;互联网网上聊天中的人际知觉的研究
2.Interpersonal Perception in Internet Chatting Board Systems of College Students网络聊天情境大学生人际知觉准确性与知觉过程
3.Interpersonal Perception in Internet Bulletin Board Systems;网络论坛情境中的人际知觉准确性及影响因素
4.The results are discussed in terms of the impact of dialectical thinking on personality perception and interpersonal interaction.最后,作者讨论华人辩证思维对人际知觉与交互之影响。
5.The Research on Interpersonal Perception in Bulletin Board Systems网络论坛情境中人际知觉准确性及其影响因素的研究
6.The mistake districts of interpersonal perception that people often meet include vignetteing effect,angular impression,recency effect,projection inclination and logic inference by experience effect,etc.常见的人际知觉的误区主要有晕轮效应、刻板印象、近因效应、投射倾向和经验的逻辑推理效应等。
7.Characteristics of Children Self-perception of Social Competence;幼儿人际领域能力自我知觉特点的研究
8.Rich dad went on to explain that a human's life is a struggle between ignorance and illumination.富爸爸解释说人生实际上是在无知和幻觉之间的一场斗争。
9.Holt's clear writing and empathic understanding of children has made these books favorites of many teachers, parents, and homeschoolers.他说:“……人们都觉得我拥有很丰富的知识,可实际上这些知识没有一样是在学校里学到的。”
10.Old age creeps up on you before you realize it.人不知不觉地就变老了.
11.Kick the crap out of sb.把某人打得失去知觉
12.perceptional intuitionalism知觉直觉说 知觉直觉说
13.hallucination of perception知觉性幻觉 知觉性幻觉
14.Knowledge is gained by man through the senses but perception goes beyond this.人通过感官获得知识,而知觉比感觉更深一层。
15.It is not known in fact what treatment was eventually given by his general practitioner, But he apparently had no further episode of paraesthesiae.实际上,我们不知道他的保健医生最后曾给予何种治疗,不过病人手指感觉异常没有进一步发作。
16.With a change in consciousness, actual chemical changes occur.靠意识知觉的变化,实际的化学变化出现了。
17.Vision is one of sense perceptions of human, while the sense perception is one of people' s acting expressions .视觉是人的一种知觉,而感知则是人的一种行为表现。
18.She found his voice strangely comforting .不知为何,她觉得他的声音让人感觉安慰。

intergroup perception群际知觉
3)artificial perception人工知觉
4)person perception对人知觉
5)interpersonal cognition人际认知
6)witness's perception证人的知觉
