责任判断,responsibility judgment
1)responsibility judgment责任判断
1.In legal theory,this requirement holds that expected possibility should be a kind of norm element in criminal responsibility judgment,that is,when the possibility that the criminal does not commit the crime lowers because of outer situation,he should be given a mitigated .这种要求在法理层面体现为把期待可能性作为刑事责任判断的规范要素,在行为人由于客观情状导致其不实施犯罪的可能性降低时,减轻甚或免除其责任。
2.The experiment explored whether the responsibility judgment of the subjects would be different in the stage of perception and memory with the stimulating time controlled.结果表明,工读生在刺激快速呈现时的责任判断与刺激缓慢呈现时的责任推论存在显著差异。
3.This study using the method of questionnaire, try to examine the responsibility judgment in the attributional model, to compare the causal effects between the complex causes and the single cause, and to study the characteristics of the complex causes, the affect reaction and the determination of punishment.该研究采用问卷法 ,检验动机责任判断的归因模式 ,比较复合原因与单一原因在归因后果上的差别 ,以及探查中学生对考试失败结果的复合原因评定、情感反应和惩罚决定的特点。

1.Attribution and Responsibility Judgment of University Students in Legal Incident;大学生对法律事件的归因和责任判断
2.An Experimental Study on the Influence of Attention on Conflicting Liability Judgment;注意对冲突责任判断的影响的实验研究
3.A Comparative Study on Liability Judgment between TrainingStudents and General Students;工读学生与普通学生对责任判断的比较研究
4.Expected Possibility and Judgment of Responsibility;期待可能性与责任判断——由许霆案引发的刑法思考
5.The Attributional Consequence of the Complex Causes and the Responsibility Judgment in the Middle-school Students;中学生考试失败结果的复合原因与责任判断的归因后果
6.As far as I can judge, they is all toblame.据我判断, 他们都有责任。
7.As far as I can judge, they are all toblame.据我判断, 他们都有责任.
8.Classification of Legal Obligation and Independent Judgement of Obligation in Economic Law;法律责任分类与经济法责任独立性判断
9.Step 4: Determining if duties have been violated第四步:判断哪些责任没有得到履行
10.The Relationship of Responsibility Judgment with the Fairness and Strictness of Punishment行为责任归因与处罚公平性、严格判断的关系
11.A Tentative Analysis of the Criterion of "Design Defect" in the US Product Liability Law;试析美国产品责任法中“设计缺陷”的判断标准
12.The nurse assumes responsibility and accountability for individual nursing judgements and actions.护士对个人的护理判断和护理行动有义不容辞的责任。
13.Change from Liability of Misjudged Case to Liability of Unjust Judgment;论从错案责任到违法审判责任的转型
14.The responsibility rests with the Appeals Jury to exercise restraint and sound judgment in taking actions that will disturb the program of the event in any significant manner.诉愿委员会以严谨和合理的责任去判断以采取行动,这将抑制任何事件扩大之重要方法。
15.Two assistant referees moving along the two touch lines of the field of play facilitate the referee's task.助理裁判负责协助主裁判完成裁判任务。
16.I now wish to enter an office where the work requires greater individual responsibility and judgment than here, and where there is more opportunity for advancement.目前,本人希望进人一家需要更大的个人责任心与判断力的公司,一家更有机会升职的公司。
17.On a microscopic level, a test of how serious a company takes its renewed responsibility is how it handles the difficulties of downsizing.在微观层面,一个公司对待新的责任的态度可以从它处理公司裁员这件事中判断出来。
18.3) Strictness is not closely related to responsibility judgment,but merely related to the seriousness of punishment.(3)严格程度判断与行动者是否负有责任无关,只与总的处罚严重性程度相关。

liability judgment责任判断
1.The liability judgment of Gongdu school students and other students is compared in d.责任判断是对攻击行为有重要影响的认知过程 ,文章比较了工读学生与普通学生在不同注意条件下 (注意分配与注意集中 )的责任的判断情况 ,发现不同的注意状况对不同的被试的责任判断有着不同的影
3)the burden of judgment判断责任
4)duty decision责任判定
1.At the same time,duty decision ways of often fault as warp streak,chicken paw prints,color difference,tint mark,bore,color bar,streakiness.同时对常见疵病如经柳、鸡爪印、色差、色点、破洞、色档、条花等的责任判定方法以实例进行了说明。
5)responsibility of trial审判责任
6)ascertain the responsibility判明责任

分析判断与综合判断  18世纪德国古典哲学家I.康德的哲学基本概念。他认为,在一切判断中,如果谓项的内容本已暗含在主项中的,是分析判断;如果谓项的内容是从外边加到主项上去的,是综合判断。分析判断的谓项实际就是把主项的一部分内容独立出来说明主项,使主项这一方面的含义更清楚,但并不能给主项增添新的内容,所以又叫解释的判断。这类判断的谓项只要依据矛盾律便能先天地从主项中分析出来,并具有普遍必然性。例如,"一切物体都是具有广延的",谓项"广延的",只要分析主项"物体"就必然得到。因为广延属性本来就暗含在主项"物体"这一概念里。综合判断的谓项,原先不在主项里,它是通过经验才加到主项上去的,它能够给主项增添新的内容,所以又叫扩充判断。这类判断,因为它的谓项来自经验,而从经验得来的东西总是属于个别、偶然的,所以不具备普遍必然性。例如"某些物体是有重量的",谓项"重量"原先不包含在主项"物体"这一概念里,而是由经验提供,然后才联结到主项上去的。它给主项增添了新的内容,但却没有普遍必然性。康德认为,关于这两类判断的区分,虽然在他的前人那里就有了一些"迹象",但他是"首先用自己的思考来达到这些原理"的。康德关于两类判断的划分,以判断的形式暴露了唯理论和经验论的片面性。唯理论片面坚持理性的分析作用,忽略了经验认识的巨大意义;经验论片面强调经验能提供新内容,忽视了理性的分析作用。他认为,这两种判断都不符合科学知识的要求;科学知识构成的条件应当既有普遍必然性,又能扩充新内容。于是,他提出了先天综合判断,作为一切科学知识的可能条件。康德划分两类判断的思想,是对认识论和形式逻辑的一个贡献,对西方哲学的发展产生了深远的影响。逻辑经验主义所提出的定义和知识两类判断的划分,直接来源于康德。