1.A Discussion of Cataloguing Rules for Series and Multi-Volume Books;关于丛书、多卷书著录规则的探讨
2.Introduction to five classic and advanced series of coastal and ocean engineering;五套海岸海洋工程科学经典和进展丛书简介
3.s This article is a review of the main contents and basic viewpoints of Qingh ai -Xizang Plateau Study series of five books,whose significance to the developmen t of the Western Areas is pointed out and is regarded,as a guide for dee ply realizing and rationally develo ping Qinghai -Xizang Plateau.研究评价了广东科技出版社的《青藏高原研究丛书》及其5个分册的主要内容和基本观点,指出了丛书的出版对开发西部的意义和作用,认为该丛书是深刻认识青藏、合理开发青藏的指南。

1.Statistical Papers统计丛书(经社会报告书)
2.Records Management Publication Number X档案管理丛书第X号
3.National Accounts Statistics (series)国民帐户统计(丛书)
4.WHO AIDS Series卫生组织艾滋病丛书
5.Development and Transfer of Technology Series发展和技术转让丛书
6.Boston Women's Health Book Collective波士顿妇女健康丛书
7.Highlights of Tibetan History藏族史要-中国研究丛书
8.There is a series of science and technology on the desk.案头放着一套科技丛书
9.A reference library of the Chinese history of literature中国文学史参考丛书
10.The series aims at the presentation of new techniques.本丛书侧重提供新技术。
11.Changbai Collected Books and Archaeology--For Commemorating Changbai Collected Books Published 20 Years;《长白丛书》与考古学——纪念《长白丛书》问世20周年
12.Zhongguo Congshu Zonglu Miscalled the Author of Dongshi Shu;《中国丛书综录》误书《东事书》的作者
13.A series or set of books issued by a publisher.丛书出版商出版的一系列或一套图书
14.a best-selling novel, author, series畅销的小说、 畅销书的作者、 畅销的丛书.
15.A Study on the Zashi of the Sung Dynasty;《四库全书存目丛书》宋代杂史研究
16.One more volume will complete this series.再有一本即可凑齐这套丛书
17.Booklets published in the series" Choice of Careers" are constantly brought up to date.“就业指导”丛书里的小册子经常修订。
18.The book series has been completely revised.这部丛书已完全修订过了。

classified novels丛书类书
4)Series of books about agriculture农学丛书
5)series of ancient books古籍丛书
1.Comparative research of the three series of ancient books in modern t imes;近代三大古籍丛书的比较研究
2.XU Nai-chang s achievements and characteristics of the compiling and inscibing of series of ancient books;徐乃昌古籍丛书编纂的成就及特点
6)series superscription丛书题名
1.This paper introduces the problems existing in the current description of Chinese series superscription and the selection of the targets,analyzes on the reasons why these problems are produced,and advances some matters needing attention in the normalized description.简述了目前中文丛书题名著录和标目选取中存在的问题,分析了产生这些问题的原因,提出了规范化著录中应注意的问题。
