1.He begins his argumentation by misinterpreting Zhuang Zi s idea of freedom,supports his own logic with his theory of self,his ideas of self-birth and self-alteration,and summarizes his argumentation with the idea that nature is fate and that norm is nature.郭象对自由的论证有严密的论证逻辑:曲解庄子逍遥之义是其逻辑之始,自性论是其逻辑之基,自生和独化是其逻辑之干,自然即为命定是其逻辑归约,名教即自然是其逻辑之果。
2.Though the category of "self"hasn t become divided,it has both obvious and hidden expressions.“自性论”是见性的前提 ,它把外在崇拜转化为人的内在自觉。
3.This article attemps to make an analysis of the devil image which appears in foreign literary works repeatedly and to expound the significance of its gestation, evolvement in the development of human literature and society according to Jung s two archetypes: self and shadow.从原型理论看外国文学作品中屡屡出现的魔鬼形象,并以心理学家荣格的自性和阴影两种原型说明这一形象在文学作品和人类社会发展中的孕育、演变及阐释意义。

1.The mind then tends towards discrimination and increasing illumination as to the true nature of the one Self.自性渐增趋于明辨觉照,此即自然真一。
2.Self-humiliation,Self-strengthening and Self-confidence--An Analysis of Jane Eye’s Personality自卑——自强——自信——解析《简·爱》的人物性格
3.performance adaptive selforganizing control性能适应性自组控制
4.idiopathic ulcerative colitis自发性溃疡性结肠炎
5.autoimmune hemolytic anemia自身免疫性溶血性贫血;自体免疫性溶血性贫血
6.Overt and Covert Narcissism: A Psychological Exploration of Narcissistic Personality显性自恋与隐性自恋:自恋人格的心理学探析
7.nature homosexual period自然同性恋期 自然同性恋期
8.spontaneous brain wave自发性脑电波 自发性脑电波
9.Self-satisfaction of sexual desire, as by masturbation.自体性行为性欲的自我满足,如手淫
10.The two aspects of freedism: self and sociality;自我性、社会性:自由主义的两个层面
11.the theoretical structure of this study is that independence consists of three dimensions: self-reliance, self-control and self-assertion.独立性包括自我依靠、自我控制和自我主张。
12."Ru yi bang" and "Jin gu zhou"--from the natural freedom to the rational freedom;“如意棒”与“紧箍咒”——从自然的自由到理性的自由
13.On the Independent Politicization after the disaggregation of Literature Self-discipline;自律外的自律——论文学自律解体后的独立政治性
14.Mass Freedom·Individual Freedom·Personal Freedom--On Tragedy and Sublimity;群体自由·个体自由·个性自由——论悲剧与崇高
15.The societal attribute and the natural attribute are the duality of education.自然属性和社会属性是教育的二重性。
16.It has the features of divinity, human-analogy, and sociality.自然美具有神性、类人性和社会性。
17.To change the nature or natural qualities of.使性质改变改变…的性质或自然属性
18.A Penetrating Analysis of Female Sex Self - consciousness in Female Literature;从女性文学透视女性性别意识的自觉

the Self自性
1.The thesis aims at formulating the development and emergence of the Self in Dylan Thomas s poetry.本文旨在对狄兰·托马斯诗歌中“自性”的发展过程及其表现进行阐释。
2.In The Call of the Wild,the protagonist Buck manifested three archetypes during its transformation from the dog to the wolf: the persona,the shadow and the self,which is an exemplification of Jung\'s theory of the collective unconscious and archetypes.伦敦的《野性的呼唤》中主人公巴克在由狗到狼的蜕变过程中体现出来了三种原型:人格面具、阴影及自性,它们恰好是荣格集体无意识与原型理论的具体阐释。
3)freedom and consciousness自由自觉性
4)The self-heating and spontaneous combustion characteristics自热、自燃性
5)Self, Sexuality and Gender自我·性·性别
6)male sexual freedom男性性自由

自性【自性】 (术语)诸法各自有不变不改之性,是名自性。教行信证信卷曰:“近世宗师,沈自性唯心,贬净土真证。”【又】数论师二十五谛中第一谛为冥性。又称自性。为万有之生因。唯识述记一末曰:“自性者冥性也,今名自性,古名冥性,今亦名胜性。未生大等但住自分,名为自性。”(参见:数论外道)附录。