1.Articles in supplements of sci-tech periodicals should be treated equally as those in normal issues;科技期刊增刊发表的文章应与正刊同等对待
2.Although supplement sounds "bad",every editorial department edits supplement popularly now.目前,虽然增刊的“口碑”不是太好,但各期刊社出版增刊已是一种普遍现象。

1.a pull-out supplement可从报刊中抽出的增刊.
2.The Times Literary S -泰晤士文学增刊[书译周刊]
3.a special supplement to a monthly financial magazine一份金融月刊的特别增刊
4.This is a Sunday supplement.这是一份星期日增刊
5.the colour supplements of the Sunday newspapers星期日报纸的彩色增刊.
6.Discussion on descriptive style of supplements in bibliographic references文后参考文献表中期刊增刊著录格式的探讨
7.This journal has a supplementary issue this week.这本杂志本星期有一增刊
8.The newspaper publishes a sports supplement every Monday.这份报纸每周一都出一份体育增刊
9.magazine supplement issued with periodicals at an inclusive price杂志增刊同时发行,不另收费
10.Newspapers and magazines often include free supplement.报纸和杂志经常有免费增刊
11.It comes out each week and it has a magazine supplement.每周出版一期,还附有杂志增刊
12.On Conflicting Choice about Papers of Supplement in Scientific Research Assessment;刍议科研评价中增刊论文的两难选择
13.dystopias such as IBrave New World (Times Literary Supplement)反面乌托邦,例如I勇敢的新世界时代文学增刊)
14.commonsense scholarship on the foibles and oversights of a genius(bTimes Literary Supplement)关于天才的缺点和失败的常识(b时代文学增刊)
15.commonsense scholarship on the foibles and oversights of a genius(Times Literary Supplement)关于天才的缺点和失败的常识(时代文学增刊)
16.I had been so enthralled by reading the serial stories in the magazine supplement.我一直迷恋着阅读杂志增刊上的连载小说。
17.The club has/have decided to increase subscriptions.会所决定增加报刊订阅份数.
18.The circulation of the monthly shot up to almost500000.这个月刊的发行额猛增到50万份。

supplementary issue增刊
1.Reevaluation of the supplementary issue—Based on the supplementary issues of Xiamen University Journal (Natural Science Edition);对增刊的再认识——以厦门大学学报(自然科学版)增刊为例
2.As the complement and expansion of regular issues,supplementary issues of university journals have the same academic value as well.高校学报增刊是针对某一专题性的学术会议或某一领域的系列研究论文及期刊文稿过多、发表周期过长的问题而向国家新闻出版部门申请增办的期刊,是正刊的补充和延伸,具有与正刊同样的学术价值。
3)Sunday supplement周日增刊
4)sports extra体育增刊
5)extra edition临时增刊
6)Sunday complementary copy星期增刊
