公共交流空间,public communication space
1)public communication space公共交流空间
1.In terms of academic innovation,Haberrmas established the concept of "public communication space",which laid the foundation for social ideology.从理论创新的意义上来说,哈贝马斯建构了一个奠基社会意识形态的“公共交流空间”。
2.By reviewing the developmentof TV news programme,thispaper points out that different kinds of TV news programme form different kinds of public communication space and the formation of TVnews programme is an ever-extending public communicationspaceand the history of public communication activities,whichis driven by various technology.人类在跨越时空面对面地在场交流欲望的推动之下创造了媒介,并使之成为人类在不断拓展的空间中保持交往行为的公共交流空间

1.Researches of TV News and the Building of Public Communication Space试论电视新闻与公共交流空间的构筑
2.Public Behavioral Feature and Environmental Image Orientation in Large Space of Public Communication;大型公共交流空间的人群行为特征与环境意象引导
3.The Whole Construction for Public Association Space of the Urban Residential Districts;城市居住区公共交往空间的整体营建
4.The Research on the Hotel Public Space Streamline and the Transformation of the Hotel;酒店公共空间的流线研究与酒店改造
5.Research on Relationship between City Public Transportation and City Public Space;城市公交动线与城市公共空间的关联性研究
6.Research on Interior Public Intercourse Space of Student Apartment in Wuhan Universities;武汉高校学生公寓内部公共交往空间研究
7.Brief talk on the public intercourse space design of the mixed senile apartment浅谈混住型老年公寓的公共交往空间设计
8.Public Service,Factors Fluxion and Factor s Spatial Distribution: Balance Analysis of Local Transaction Costs;地方公共服务、要素流动与要素空间配置——基于本地交易成本的均衡分析
9.Research on Rapid Public Transit -Oriented Spatial Expansion of Qingdao;快速公共交通导向的青岛城市空间拓展研究
10.The Research of Strategy in Urban Space Increasing Based on Public Transport;基于公共交通的城市空间增长策略研究
11.The Impact on Urban Public Space Brought by Urban Traffic;城市交通机动化对城市公共空间的影响
12.The Investigation of Natural Village s Public Association In Southeast E(鄂);鄂东南自然村落公共交往空间调查研究
13.Wandering in the Urban Space: on the Communication among Men of Letters in Shanghai in Late Qing Dynasty and at the Beginning of the Public of China;游走于城市空间:晚清民初上海文人的公共交往
14.The Exploration to Street Space for Public Interaction in Suburban Residential Area城郊居住区街道公共交往空间的营建研究
15.Evaluating Urban Structure by Modeling Satisfaction towards Public Transportation北京城区公共交通满意度模型与空间结构评价
16.Planning research and design practice of the green public space along the watershed of the Chanhe and Bahe灞河流域绿色公共空间规划研究与设计实践
17.Research on Design of Transfer Space of Urban Public Transport Hub--With Beijing Xizhimen Traffic Hub as an Example城市公共交通枢纽换乘空间问题分析——以北京西直门交通枢纽为例
18.A Study on the Elderly Social Behavior in the Public Space of the Elderly Housing in Wuhan;武汉市老年公寓公共空间中高龄者社交行为研究

public traffic space公共交通空间
1.The aim of the thesis is to study the compound of the public traffic space in the comprehensive hospital.本文以综合医院门诊部公共交通空间的复合性作为研究对象。
3)public intercourse space公共交往空间
1.Brief talk on the public intercourse space design of the mixed senile apartment浅谈混住型老年公寓的公共交往空间设计
4)public space公共空间
1.On the tendency of art in present hospitals indoor public space design;当前医院室内公共空间设计的艺术化倾向探讨
2.The indoor public space design decorative design;室内公共空间设计之装饰设计
3.The Confluction of Public Space And Personal Space In Community Courtyard;社区庭院中公共空间和私密空间的融合
5)Common space公共空间
1.And the“commonality”is considered as the most distinctive feature for it, especially the attracted“common space”concerning rights, which include administrative rights, capital rights, specialists’rights and citizens’rights.其中关于“公共空间”的权力问题尤其受到公众的关注。
2.Talk about the characteristic material advantage, rich and unique ceramic artistic advantage and artistict form, and its artistic value getting involved in common space systematically .本篇文章就是着重探讨环境陶艺介入公共空间环境的研究,系统的论证了环境陶艺的独具特色的材料优势,在公共环境空间中丰富而又独特的艺术形态和艺术语言,和它介入公共空间中的艺术价值体现以及论证了如何处理好环境陶艺和空间环境之间的关系。
6)Public Sphere公共空间
1.Retransformation of Public Sphere and We-media;自媒介与公共空间的再转型
2.Construction of the humanitarian social platform-Mass media as a public sphere assessed by public need;搭建人文关怀的社会平台——从公众需求看大众传媒作为公共空间
3.In this essay,based on Habermas theory of public sphere,we make elementary interpretation and explanation of the influences on modern sports which comes from the critica.“公共空间”化是中国当代体育发展的不争事实,虽然对体育的公共性理论界过去有过一些认识,但在大众文化语境下,面对主流意识形态、经济和传媒向体育的不断渗透,我们不得不对此作系统的探索和分析。

交流-交流直接变频调速交流-交流直接变频调速variable frequency AC motor speed control by direct AC-AC converter  J一Qoi一u一J一oollu zh一J旧blonP一nt一oosu交流一交流直接变频调速(variable frequeney给定值相对应的三相基准电压。再经过比较器形成触发晶闸管的触发角,并产生触发脉冲,经放大后触发晶闸管。 由于交流一交流变频器中,交流输人侧会产生很大的无功功率,从而降低电源设备利用率;交流输人侧存在着高次谐波电流,将使电源电压的波形发生畸变.如要降低无功功率,可采用中点偏压法、环流控制法、级联法等控制方法。如要降低高次谐波,可采用输出电流波形控制法、两台交流一交流变频器谐调运行等。近来,价格低廉、性能良好的微机控制电路已经产生,从而简化了电路、提高了控制性能。 应用交流一交流变频器为一级(直接)换能,效率可高达90%以上;其换流为电源自然换流,不需要辅助换流电路,简化了主电路;直接变频容易实现四象限运行。但由于交流一交流变频器中晶闸管是靠电网电压进行换流,变频器最高输出频率不超过电网频率的1/2~1/3,否则,输出波形将发生严重的畸变和不对称。因此,这种变频调速适于低速大容量的电动机负载,如球磨机、矿井提升机、轧钢机、卷扬机、风洞等传动;或者将中频变为较低频率供电给电动机进行调速,如电动车辆上将I000H:中频发电机的电能转变为400H:以下的电能供给电动机进行调速。如果交流一交流变频器所带负载是容性的,例如在无换向器电动机中,电流超前于电压,或者采用其他措施进行强迫换流,使晶闸管能及时关断,则交流一交流变频器的输出频率将不受限制,甚至可以做到输出颇率高于电源频率,从而可能实现对高速电动机进行调速。AC motor speed eontrol by direet AC一AC eon-verter)采用交流一交流直接变频器实现交流电动机调速的技术。交流电动机的极对数一定时,其同步转速与供电电源频率成正比,改变频率就能调节电机的转速(见变频调速)。交流一交流变频器就是直接将恒压恒频的交流电通过电力变流器变换为变压变频的交流电源,供电给交流电动机进行调速。常用的交流一交流直接变频调速的线路如图1所示,图l(a)为三相零式线路,图1(b)为三相桥式线路,均采用三组晶闸管反并联可逆变流装置构成三相输出。