新闻属性,property of news
1)property of news新闻属性

1.Develop the news potentialities of general medical journals应增强综合性医学学术期刊的新闻属性
2.On the News Quality of Pictures and Images--Rational Consideration on Picture Information under Communication Discourse;论画面图像的新闻属性——传播语境下的影像信息理性思考之一
3.Research on the Attribution Orientation of Press Law from the Angle of Economics;经济学视角下新闻法规属性定位研究
4.Attribute of the fact of a case and its news coverage;案件事实的属性和案件新闻的报道效果
5.Development of Perception about People Attribute of Journalism since 1949 in China试析新闻事业人民属性六十年认知历程
6.Technology for selection of news information pages based on attribution agent基于属性agent模型的新闻信息网页筛选技术
7.of or relating to or having the characteristics of journalism.属于或关于新闻业的,或有新闻业特色的。
8.The change, development and emergence of some new phenomena in English are not exceptionally embodied in the style of Journalistic English, especially in its vocabulary.从语体学的分析入手,探讨新闻报刊英语的语体属性和词汇特点。
9.a journalist who specializes in sentimental stories.专门写感伤性新闻的新闻记者。
10.Differences of News Frame between China-Japanese News Website;中日新闻网站新闻构架差异性的研究
11.The Objectivity Principle on Level of the News Criterion;新闻规范层面的新闻客观性原理研究
12.The spokesman announced that the news was cut out of whole cloth.那位发言人称,这则新闻纯属凭空捏造。
13.Fleet Street loves a good scandal.新闻界热衷于轰动性的丑闻.
14.principle of party spirit in journalism新闻工作的党性原则
15.News reports must be timely.新闻报导的时间性强。
16.Column for ASIA PACIFIC METALWORKING equipment news新加坡《亚洲-太平洋地区金属加工设备新闻》专栏
17.The Constitution of News Objectivity by Narrative Position in TV News;电视新闻叙事视角对新闻客观性的建构
18.From the "People s Livelihood News" to the "Public Information" on the Sustainable Development;从“民生新闻”到“公共新闻”的可持续性发展研究

essential character of news新闻的基本属性
3)The Discussion of Noumenon Attribute of News论新闻的本体属性
4)women's news女性新闻
1.At hold science development view at that moment,"politics,time limited efficacy,news" that enhances the professional lesson of news is very necessary,is also beneficial.在坚持科学发展观的前提下,针对淡化政治性的观点,认为必须强化高校新闻专业课的政治性、时效性、新闻性。
6)News features.新闻品性

SolidWorks属性链接如图所示,在sw里动态显示零件的体积,面积。  首先在前视基准面上建立一个半圆形闭合草图,然后以中心线旋转,如图1所示:在特征管理器右键单击“注释”,在“显示注释”、“显示特征尺寸”前打勾,如图2所示: 图1图2单击菜单“插入”——“注释”,如图3所示:依次输入,体积、面积、两个注释。(具体自己设置),如图4所示: 图3图4鼠标左键单击“体积”,注意到特征管理器中的“属性连接”项,如图5所示:打开属性连接,单击“文件属性”,分别添加“体积”和“面积”的配置,在“数值/表达式”选项里,在下拉列表中,选择相应的选项——体积、面积。如图6所示: 图5图6然后在属性连接管理器中,在下拉列表中找到相应的选项,确定,如图7所示:同样的方法,添加“面积”的属性连接。下面让我们来看看结果吧,更改特征尺寸,相应的数据随着变化。 图7这就是属性连接的妙用,处处留心皆学问,大家好好学习。