1.Detection of Pb, Cd, Cu and Cr in chicken tissues by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry;上市肉组织样品中铅、镉、铜、铬含量的测定
2.Study of Extracorporeal Chicken Wing Tip Arteries for Microsurgical Arterial Anastomosis Training;应用离体翅尖血管进行显微吻合训练的研究

1.A hen, a hen. It's a hen.母,母。这是一只母
2.a black hen or a white hen?黑母和白母?”
3.A young chicken is called a chick.小又叫作娃儿。
4.Inside, there was a baby chicken.蛋里头有只宝宝,
5.The hen rears her brood.母孵育一窝雏。
6.Mother hens protect their young by instinct.母保护小出于本能。
7.The shrill cry of a cock.啼公发出的尖叫声
8.As the old cock crows, the young cock learns.老报时小学习。
9.And make sure I got the feet and the beaks.有爪和嘴的那种。
10.kentucky fried chicken肯塔基炸(家乡
11.The cock is pecking at the hen.那只公正在啄母
12.That hen wants to sit.那只母要孵小
13.The hen brought off a brood of young.母孵出了一窝小
14.The hen hatches her young by sitting on the eggs.母伏在蛋上孵小.
15.The hen brought off a hood of young.母孵了一窝小
16.A hen hovers her chicks.一只母在孵小
17.I keep chickens and eat eggs every day.我养,每天吃蛋。?
18.he preferred the drumsticks to the wings.他爱吃腿不爱吃翅。

1.Dynamic expression of VIPmRNA in form deprivation myopia on posterior eyeball of chickens;VIPmRNA在形觉剥夺性近视眼球后壁组织中的表达
2.Effect of Prinsepia Utilis Royle Fruit Meal on the Development of Immune Organ in Chickens;青刺果种粕粉对免疫器官发育的影响
3.Induction of phenobarbital and dexamethasone on cytochrome P450 enzymes in chickens;苯巴比妥和地塞米松对细胞色素P450的诱导作用
1.Regulation of retina on MMP-2 in posterior sclera in chicks of form deprivation myopia;视网膜对形觉剥夺性近视巩膜MMP-2的调控
2.Effects of continuous night light on the process of emmetropization in chick eye;持续性夜光灯照射对幼眼正视化的影响
3.Expression of nerve growth factor in chick sclera and its relation with form deprivation myopia;NGF在巩膜中的表达及其与形觉剥夺性近视眼形成的关系
1.A Study for the Distribution and Migration Rule of Chrome in the hen;铬革渣在产蛋体内的分布及其迁移规律的研究
2.Effect of Bcl-2 gene on IGF-1 in vitro secretion in follicular granulosa cell of laying hens;卵泡颗粒细胞转染Bcl-2基因对IGF-1分泌的影响
3.Effect of aspirin on perfoemance of laying hen and egg quality under heat stress;热应激状态下阿司匹林对蛋产蛋性能和蛋品质的影响
1.The Effects of Florfenicol and Chinese Herbal Ingredients Radix Astragali and Herba Epimedii on Humoral Immune Response in Chicks;氟苯尼考和中草药黄芪淫羊藿合剂对体液免疫反应的影响
2.Efficacy of "Chang Da Kang" againstexperimental colibacillosis in chicks;“肠达康”对人工感染大肠杆菌病的疗效
3.Dynamic changes of blood leukocytes in chicks infected with reticuloendotheliosis virus;禽网状内皮组织增殖病病毒感染的外周血白细胞动态变化
1.Comparative Study on the Influence of Decoction of Atractylodis macrocephalae and Paeoniae alba on the Tension of Isolated Intestines in Chook白术·白芍水煎液对离体肠管运动张力的比较研究
2.Effects of Erzhu fuling san and its components on the tension of jejunum in chook in vitro二术茯苓散及组分对离体空肠张力的影响
3.Identification of respiratory diseases from infected chooks;呼吸道疾病的鉴别诊断

【药物名称】鸡 【别名】无 【科属】雉科 【植物形态】动物形态:鸡为家禽中最普通的一种。咀短,上咀稍弯曲,鼻孔被鳞状瓣,为裂状;眼具瞬膜,头部有冠及肉瓣,此肉冠及肉瓣雄大雌小,翼短小,不能高飞。两脚健壮,跗踱及趾皆被鳞板,趾4个,后趾短小,比前趾所生处较高,雄鸡跗踱后方有距。尾发达,独雄有摇羽。雄体比雌体大,羽毛亦较美。羽毛以淡黄色为基本色,余从纯白到纯黑,无不应有尽有。冠形也是各种各样。 药用部分:鸡内金(鸡的砂囊内膜)、凤凰衣(为雏鸡孵出后卵壳的内膜),鸡血、鸡蛋等,均入药。 用途:鸡内金性味甘,平。能健脾止痢,帮助消化;治胸腹饱闷,食积不消,嗳气腹呜,反胃呕吐及肠呜泻痢等症。凤凰衣,性味甘、温,无毒。能理气,消翳障;治久咳气急,目中生翳,失音,反胃,并涂疮毒。用量:1~3钱,作煎剂或散剂。