1.The Myofibril Fragmentation Index and Its Relationship to Meat Tenderness;肌原纤维断裂指数及其与肉质嫩度的关系
2.Changes of ultra-structure and tenderness of duck meat under curing and cooking treatment;鸭肉在加热和盐腌过程中嫩度和超微结构变化
3.The Determination of Beef Tenderness Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy;牛肉嫩度的近红外光谱法检测技术研究

1.The Factor of Affect Muscle Tenderness and the Usual Methods of Tenderization影响肌肉嫩度的因素及常用的嫩化方法
2.Studies on the Mechanism and Factors of Tenderness Variation in Duck Meat;鸭肉嫩度影响因素及变化机制的研究
3.The Study of “C-LM3” Digital Display Apparatus of the Meat Tenderness;C-LM3型数显式肌肉嫩度仪的研究
4.Effects of Plucking Standard on Qualities of Different Green Fresh Tea Beverage采摘嫩度对绿茶鲜汁饮料品质的影响
5.Studies on Pork Tenderness Evaluation System and Cloning, Spatiotemporal Expression Profiles Analysis of Novel Genes Related to Tenderness;猪肉嫩度性状评价体系研究及嫩度相关新基因的克隆、时空表达谱分析
6.Effect of Sodium Pyrophosphate on tenderness and WHC of beef焦磷酸钠处理对牛肉嫩度和系水力影响的研究
7.Effects of Intramuscular Connective Tissue on Beef Tenderness;牛肉肌内结缔组织变化对其嫩度影响的研究
8.Study on the relationship between the meat tenderness and the testing parameters of texture analyzer质构仪检测参数与食用肌肉嫩度相关性研究
9.Effect of Polyphosphates on Tenderness and Water-holding Capacity of Pork Muscles不同磷酸盐对猪肌肉嫩度及保水性的影响
10.Prediction of beef tenderness using VIS/NIR hyperspectral scattering characteristics基于VIS/NIR高光谱散射特征预测牛肉的嫩度
11.Effects of High-voltage Electrical Stimulation on Tenderness and Microstructure of Postmortem Beef高压电刺激对牛肉嫩度和微结构的影响
12.Influence of ultrasound-assisted calcium chloride marination treatment on beef tenderness超声辅助氯化钙浸泡处理对牛肉嫩度的影响
13.The histology characteristics and meat tenderness comparison of muscle fiber of Chinese mitten crab(Eriocheir sinensis)中华绒螯蟹肌肉组织特性及其肉质嫩度的比较
14.Study on Relationships between Histomorphological Characteristics of Skeletal Muscle and Pork Tenderness猪骨骼肌组织学特性与猪肉嫩度关系的研究
15.Effect of papain tenderized on proteolysis and tenderness of air-dry chicken muscle made by spent layers木瓜蛋白酶嫩化处理对淘汰蛋鸡风鸡肌肉蛋白质水解和嫩度等品质的影响
16.West Indian palm with leaf buds that are edible when young.西印度一种嫩叶芽可食的棕榈。
17.A Study on Strength of Songnen Plain Soda-saline Soil;松嫩平原苏打型盐渍土强度特性研究
18.Discussion on Multiple Time Scales of Runoff Variation in the Nenjiang River Basin嫩江流域径流量多时间尺度特征分析

meat tenderness肌肉嫩度
1.Nutritional composition and meat tenderness of Rana boulengeri is stated in this eassy, and the comparative analysis among Rana boulengeri, Rana catesbeiana, Rana nigromaculata and Pelodiscus sinensis is also performed.本文对棘腹蛙与牛蛙的肌肉嫩度作了比较 ,并测定了棘腹蛙肌肉的营养成分 ,且与甲鱼和田鸡的相应成分作了对照分析。
3)Tenderness meter嫩度计
4)muscle tenderness肌肉嫩度
1.Study on correlation between single nucleotide polymorphism of CAPN1 gene and muscle tenderness and carcass traits in chicken;为了探讨CAPN1基因作为影响鸡肌肉嫩度候选基因的可能性,寻找与鸡嫩度性状相关的分子标记,对钙蛋白酶Ⅰ(CAPN1)基因的CDS区进行SNPs检测,分析不同基因型在5个优质肉鸡纯品系和3个配套系间分布规律。
5)meat tenderness肉嫩度
1.Correlation between calpastatin and meat tenderness;钙蛋白酶抑制蛋白与肉嫩度相关性
2.This paper introduceed the factors of influencing meat tenderness firstly, then summarized molecular structure and active regulation and physiological function of every part of this system, especially its function to meat tenderizing effect ,and gave a prospect to improve meat tenderness by studying this system.文章首先介绍了影响肉嫩度的因素,主要总结了该系统各组成部分的分子结构及活性调节和生理学功能,特别是对肉嫩化的功能,并对该系统特别是其对提高肉嫩度的研究进行了展望。
6)height of shoot嫩梢高度

香菜嫩肉片原料猪里脊肉200克,香菜100克,植物油750克(实耗50克),精盐2克,味精1克,鸡精粉1克,嫩肉粉2克,豆瓣酱30克,辣酱10克, 料酒10克,姜10克,蒜子10克,葱5克,干椒粉10克,水淀粉20克,香油20克,红油20克,鲜汤75克。制法(1)将猪里脊肉剔去筋膜,切成4厘米长、2.5厘米宽、0.2厘米厚的片,用精盐、嫩肉粉、料酒、浓水淀粉、油2克抓匀上浆,备用。(2)香菜洗净切成10厘米的段,入锅加盐炒拌断生,放入汤盘垫底;姜、蒜切末,葱切花,豆瓣酱剁细。(3)锅置旺火上,放入植物油,烧至五成热时下入肉片,滑散后倒入漏入沥油,再倒在香菜上。(4)锅内留底油,下姜末、蒜末、干椒粉、豆瓣酱、辣酱煸炒香,放入精盐、鲜汤、味精、鸡精粉,烧沸后撇去浮沫 ,勾上薄芡,淋在肉片上,再撒上葱花,淋上烧热的红油,香油即可。特点色泽红亮,肉片滑嫩,油辣鲜香。