1.Simultaneous Determination of Residual Spiramycin and Tylosin in Aquatic Products by HPLC;高效液相色谱法同时检测水产品中螺旋霉素与泰乐菌素药物残留
2.The Influence to Tylosin Frmentation by Changing Culture Temperature;变温培养对泰乐菌素发酵的影响
3.Determination of Tylosin Residue in Honey by Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR);表面等离子共振生物传感技术测定蜂蜜中残留的泰乐菌素

1.High-yielding Strain Breeding and Culture Condition Optimization for Tylosin;泰乐菌素高产菌株的选育及其培养条件的优化
2.Dissipation and leaching of oxytetracycline and tylosin in typical agricultural fields泰乐菌素和土霉素在农业土壤中的消解和运移
3.The Preparation of Tylosin Tartrate Gelatin Microspheres and Its Pharmacokinetic Studies;酒石酸泰乐菌素明胶微球制备及药动学研究
4.Development of ELISA Kit for Tylosin Residues in Animal-derived Food动物源性食品中泰乐菌素残留ELISA试剂盒的研制
5.Molecular Breeding Manipulation of Streptomyces Thermotolerans to Increase the Bioconversion Ability of Tylosin;提高耐热链霉菌转化泰乐菌素能力的分子育种改造
6.Study on the amoxillin-tylosin tartrate compound against Streptococcos suis in mice阿莫西林钠-酒石酸泰乐菌素复方药物治疗猪链球菌病的研究
7.Effect of Tylosin on Clinical Treatment and Prevention of Mycoplasma in Pig and Chicken;泰乐菌素新制剂对猪鸡支原体临床治疗与预防效果观察
8.Treatment Trials of Acetylisovaleryl Tylosion Against Mycoplasmosis of Chicken and Swine;国产乙酰异戊酰泰乐菌素对鸡猪支原体肺炎的试验观察
9.Pharmacokinetics of Acetylisovaleryltylosin Tartrate in Laying Hens;酒石酸乙酰异戊酰泰乐菌素在蛋鸡体内的药物动力学研究
10.The Sdudy on Detection Method of Tylosin by HPLC in Feed;高效液相色谱仪检测饲料中泰乐菌素方法的研究
11.Determination of Tylosin in Livestock Meat Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance Technology表面等离子体共振技术测定畜禽肉中泰乐菌素含量
12.Determination of tylosin in foods by capillary electrophoresis coupled with electrochemiluminescence毛细管电泳联用电化学发光法测定食品中泰乐菌素的研究
13.Determination of Tylosin Injection Content by UV Spectrophotometry紫外分光光度法测定泰乐菌素注射液含量方法的建立
14.Influence of Kitasamycin,Tylosin and Chlortetracycline on E. coli Resistance Strain Metabolism and Drug Resistance Accumulation吉他霉素、泰乐菌素和金霉素对耐药性大肠杆菌生长代谢和耐药性累积的影响
15.Determination the Content of Tiamulin Fumarate by RP-HPLCRP-HPLC测定延胡索酸泰妙菌素含量
16.This song is a combination of Ragtime and march elements.这首歌结合了拉格泰姆音乐和进行曲乐队音乐的要素。
17.Preparation and Utilization of the Fluid Synthetic Probiotics Changtaisu for Livestock and Poultry畜禽液态复合益生菌肠泰素的研制与应用
18.Effect of combined use of maduramicin and tiamulin on ND antibody titer马杜霉素和泰妙菌素联合应用对雏鸡新城疫抗体水平的影响

Tylosin A泰乐菌素A
3)tylosin C泰乐菌素C
1.A process for the extraction of tylosin C from fermentation broth was investigated and optimized.研究了从发酵液中提取泰乐菌素C的工艺条件,确定了甲苯为萃取溶剂,在pH9。
1.Two types of colonies, big and small, appeared during the regeneration of the protoplast of Tylosin-producer.在泰乐菌素产生菌的原生质体再生中出现有两种不同表型的菌落。
6)tylosin tartrate酒石酸泰乐菌素
1.Determination of Tylosin Tartrate in Compound Preparation by HPLC;HPLC法测定复方制剂中的酒石酸泰乐菌素
2.An ultraviolet spectrophotometry was established to determine the tylosin tartrate and doxycycline hyclate content in the tylosin tartrate and doxycycline hyclate soluble powder.建立了双波长紫外分光光度法同时测定酒石酸泰乐菌素-盐酸多西环素可溶性粉中酒石酸泰乐菌素和盐酸多西环素含量的检测方法。
3.In the essay,the simultaneous detemrination of three components of tyclasone injection,chloramphenicol(CRPC),prednisone acetate (PNSA) and tylosin tartrate(TLST) ,in animal plasma by RPHPLC was studied and methanoltrichloromethane was used as a mixed extracting agent for blood.研究了用反相高效液相色谱法分析动物血浆中泰乐松注射液中三种组分氯霉素(CRPC)、醋酸氢化泼尼松(PNSA)和酒石酸泰乐菌素(TLST)浓度的方法,血药由甲醇-氯仿混合液提取,采用ODS柱,以甲醇-乙腈-醋酸钠溶液为流动相,可变波长检测。
