1.Evaluation and Analysis of Innovation Ability of Sericulture Scientific Research Institution in China;我国蚕业科研机构创新能力的评价与分析
2.Development Strategy of Sericulture and Countermeasures in Zhejiang Province During "11~(th) 5-plan";“十一五”浙江蚕业发展战略与对策研究
3.The Performance on Cocoon Market and the Sericulture Shift Among Regions;蚕茧市场管制与蚕业区域转移

1.Doing A Good Work of Planning of Regionalization of Sericulture and Promote the Development of Sericulture in Chongqing做好重庆蚕业区划 促进重庆蚕业发展
2.Study on the Price of Silkworm Cocoon in Guangxi;广西蚕茧价格变迁与蚕业生产发展的研究
3.Strengthen the Industry Base Construction to Lead the Development of Modern Sericulture加强产业基地建设 引领现代蚕业发展
4.An analysis on desertification and degeneration of rearing farm for Antheraea pernyi and a basic conception to promote sericulture development;柞蚕场砂化、退化成因分析及柞蚕业发展的基本构想
5.Report on Laboratory Identification of New Silkworm Varieties in Northern Sericulture Scientific Collaboration Area in 2009 (Shanxi Province)2009年北方蚕业科研协作区桑蚕新品种实验室鉴定(山西点)报告
6.Report on Laboratory Identification of New Silkworm Varieties in Northern Sericulture Scientific Collaboration Area in 2009 (Ankang City)2009年北方蚕业科研协作区桑蚕新品种实验室鉴定(安康点)报告
7.Our sericulture is in advance of that of other countries.我国的养蚕业比其他国家先进。
8.Present Status of Silkworm Production and Countermeasures for Continuous Development in Nanyang City;南阳市蚕业生产的现状及其发展对策
9.Modernization Development State and Countermeasure Research of Sericulture in Liangshan;凉山蚕业现代化发展状况及对策研究
10.Development Strategy of Sericulture and Countermeasures in Zhejiang Province During "11~(th) 5-plan";“十一五”浙江蚕业发展战略与对策研究
11.On Commodity Production of Silkworm in Huzhou during the Ming- Qing Period;试论明清时期湖州桑蚕业的商品生产
12.Breaking out of Two Limitation to Achieve Modernization of Sericulture;实现蚕业现代化必须突破两个“瓶颈”
13.Construction of Ecological Sericulture Base Counties in the Loess Plateau;黄土高原生态蚕业基地县建设的探讨
14.Thinking about Strategy Adjustment of Sericulture Industrial Structure in Zunyi;遵义市蚕业产业战略性结构调整的思考
15.Suggestions on Strategies for Structure Adjustment of Sericulture Industry in Huzhou City:;湖州市蚕业产业结构战略性调整的几点思考
16.The Analysis of the Silkworm Industry Development Mode--From the Perspective of Industry Clustering广西桑蚕业发展模式探析——基于产业集群化视角
17.New Idea on the Development of Sericultural Industry;发展蚕桑产业的新思路——蚕桑资源的多极化利用
18.An Analysis on Japanese Cericulture and Some Suggestions to Domestic;对日本蚕丝业的分析及对中国蚕丝业发展的建议

1.Control and Resources Plunderer of China s Sericulture During Japan Aggressing Against China;日本侵华时期对中国蚕丝业的统制与资源掠夺
2.A cocoon quality comparison made between Ningxia ,Xichang of Sichuan and Jiangsu shows that the causes for better quality of cocoons puoduced in the former two regions lie in a higher sunshine intensity and sufficient water resource despite of considerable arid climate, Therefore,suggestions are made on the construction of a new sericulture belt covering Shaanxi,Sout.为了做好西北蚕丝业的开发工作 ,必须针对西部地区的特点和当前中国蚕丝业的问题 ,及时引入具有知识创新特征的新产业思维 ,形成具有良性循环特征的新的产业运作机制。
3.This paper relates the course of development of countryside sericulture in modern China,and discusses the new conditions and characteristics of peasant household economy.本文从世界市场的导向作用、新兴工业的双重效应、农民出于经济效益的选择等方面,论述了近代长江三角洲地区农村蚕丝业的发展状况,分析了传统农家兼业经济的新情况和新特点,证明农家兼业经济是一种能够发挥小生产方式的生产能力,从而也能增强其生存能力的经济模式。
1.Development of Sericulture in North-Zhejiang Rural Areas during Ming and Qing Dynasties;论明清时期浙北农村桑蚕业的发展
2.The sericulture in northwestern Guangxi has been developing rapidly in recent years.根据桂西北近年来桑蚕业大发展的状况,分析了桂西北种桑养蚕的优势条件及存在的劣势和不足,提出了桂西北巩固和提高桑蚕业可持续发展的模式并对实施步骤及具体措施进行了探讨和分析。
3.To get to know Huzhou sericulture prevented and controlled natural disasters during the late Ming dynasty,we can survey it through the vision field of the Shen,an excellent agronomist there at that time.为认识明末湖州桑蚕业灾害防治问题,人们可以直接通过当时当地优秀农学家沈氏的视野予以观察。
4)silkworm industry桑蚕业
1.Huzhou s silkworm industry flourished and became the centre of the national silkworm trade during the Ming and Qing dynasties,the main causes of which were the movement of economic centre to the south and the progress of the techniques of silkworm industry.明清时期 ,湖州桑蚕业兴盛 ,成为全国桑蚕业的中心 ,其主要原因是中晚唐以后经济重心的南移和桑蚕业技术的进步。
2.It is an inevitable trend for transference of silkworm industry from the eastern region to the western region.桑蚕业呈现从东部地区向西部地区转移的趋势。
1.Significance and Countermeasures of Developing Sericulture Ecotourism in New Countryside Construction;在新农村建设中开发蚕桑产业生态旅游的意义及对策
2.Sericulture is one of the supporting industries for local agriculture products with special characteristics,and possesses very broad development prospect.昭通市地处云南省北部山区,蚕桑产业作为当地农特产品支柱产业之一,有着非常广阔的发展前景。
6)silkworm industry蚕桑业
1.The development of silkworm industry in the province is not accordant with the whole developing trend in this country.河北省蚕桑业发展与我国蚕桑业的整体发展趋势并不一致,可以划分为3个阶段:第一个阶段为1951~1960年的快速发展阶段,发展速度是国内最快的省份;第二个阶段为1975~1985年的恢复发展阶段;第三个阶段为1991~1996年的再度发展阶段。
