1.Behavior of Male Milu (Elaphurus davidianus) in Estrus, Post-estrus and Anestrus Stages;雄性麋鹿发情期、发情后期及休情期行为研究
2.The Progress of Seasonal Estrus of Sheep Controlled by Melatonin;褪黑素调控绵羊季节性发情的研究进展
3.Three northeast female Sika deer were collected blood from neck vein by immolization before and aftter estrus.对3只雌性东北梅花鹿在发情前后利用吊圈保定法进行颈静脉采血,采用RIA测定血清中FSH、LH、E2和P的含量。

1.Effect of estrus induction to hormonal administration in postpartum anoestrous and subestrus yak产后无发情和亚发情母牦牛激素诱导发情试验
2.(of lower mammals) showing or in a state of estrus; in heat.(指低级哺乳动物)发情或在动情期;发情期。
3.The sexually inactive period of the estrous cycle.间情期发情期内性欲不活跃阶段
4.Something incidental to something else.附带情况伴随着别的事情发生的事情
5.Search and Discover -Preface of "Feelings of Kinsfolk, Friendship and the Native Place";寻觅与发现——《亲情 友情 乡情》序
6.sudden short burst(of activity,emotion,etc)(活动、情感等的)突发,发作
7.emanation:The act or an instance of emanating."散发,发散:散发或发散的行为或情况."
8.The act or an instance of emanating.散发,发散散发或发散的行为或情况
9.the feeling caused by disagreeable stimuli; one pole of a continuum of states of feeling.由不舒心的情境所引发的感情。
10.She kindled him with passion她以热情激发起他的情感。
11.Mawkish sentimentality, affection, or amorousness.痴情令人发腻的多愁善感、痴情或韵事
12.Sometimes things that happen do not make sense.有时候,发生的事情并不是合情合理。
13.Tu Long s Development of Emotional Theory of the Ancient Restoration School by His Moody Theory;论屠隆“性情说”对复古派“情真说”的发展
14.The Doleful Love Stories in Puzhou(Ⅲ);蒲州爱情圣地萌发的凄美爱情(下)
15.The Doleful Love Stories Sprouted in Puzhou(Ⅱ);蒲州爱情圣地萌发的凄美爱情(中)
16.TThe way of transmitting sympathy--On Hume s producing mechanism of sympathy;传情之道——浅析休谟的同情发生机制
17.The Sad Love Stories Sprouted in Puzhou(Ⅰ);蒲州爱情圣地萌发的凄美爱情(上)
18.Simulation and Analysis of Probable SARS Recurrence;再次发生SARS疫情的情况模拟分析

1.Study on the Seasonal Patterns of Cow Oestrus;母牛发情的季节性规律初探
2.Effect of implanting melatonin on the weight and oestrus of sheep;褪黑素埋植对绵羊体重和发情的影响
1.PCR-SSCP analysis of the HIOMT gene in nonseasonal and seasonal estrous sheep breeds;常年性和季节性发情绵羊品种HIOMT基因的PCR-SSCP分析
2.At shed raising conditions, the estrous behavior of Boer goat compare to Guanzhong dairy goat were determined in this study.本文通过对两个引进品种——波尔山羊与关中奶山羊发情行为比较观察,结果发现,波尔山羊发情期三个阶段,发情初期、发情末期,尤其在发情盛期的行为没有关中奶山羊的明显,发情持续时间为26。
1.This article introduces the basic principle and development of MSTP technology briefly.介绍了MSTP技术的发展情况和基本原理,着重阐述了第三代MSTP的四大关键技术:虚级联和LCAS功能、互联互通、基于RPR的环网功能以及RPR与SDH保护功能的协调。
1.Investigation and Analysis of Malignant Tumor Morbidity during 5 Years in Jiangyin;江阴市5年恶性肿瘤发病情况调查分析
2.Results: The morbidity of the maneuver group was 19.方法 :汇总演习期间门诊、巡诊记录 ,并对发病情况进行分类统计 ,与同期该部非参演官兵发病情况比较。
1.The Regularity of Changes of Estrogen and Progestogen in Female Oestrus Dogs;自然发情母犬的雌孕激素变化规律初探
