1.Clinical Observation of Fresh Amniotic Membrance Transplantation in Treatment of Pterygium and Severe Symblepharon of 56 Cases;新鲜羊膜移植治疗翼状胬肉及严重睑球粘连56例临床观察
2.Establishment of animal symblepharon model by chemical burn.;化学伤后睑球粘连动物模型的建立
3.Glycerol cryopreserved conjunctival and Tenon s fasia allograft for symblepharon;甘油冷冻保存带Tenon’s膜的结膜移植治疗睑球粘连临床观察

1.The treatment of completed symblepharon using combined transplantation of hardpalate and lip mucous硬腭粘膜联合唇粘膜移植治疗完全性睑球粘连
2.Ocular surface reconstruction for severe symblepharon resulting from eye burns眼烧伤后重度睑球粘连眼表重建的临床研究
3.Nursing Care for Patients with Sever Symblepharon Treated by Autologous Oral Mucosa Transplantation自体唇黏膜移植治疗严重睑球粘连患者的护理
4.Operation Experience on Atretoblepharia Induced by Chemistry and Thermal Burn Injury眼部化学及热烧伤后睑球粘连的手术体会
5.Human conjunctival epithelial cells cultured in vitro for symblepharon人眼结膜上皮细胞体外培养治疗睑球粘连
6.About sixteen percent of them (9/55) recurred less symblepharon.55(164%)只眼发生部分睑球粘连,但其面积远较术前为小;
7.Objective To investigate the effects of amniotic membrane transplantation with autologous oral mucosa and conjunctival limbal grafts for ocular surface reconstruction in patients with server symblepharon.目的探讨羊膜联合自体唇粘膜和结角膜缘组织移植治疗严重睑球粘连的临床价值。
8.PTFE combined with limbal stem cell transplantation for the treatment of recurrent pterygium and symblepharon聚四氟乙烯联合角膜缘干细胞移植治疗复发性翼状胬肉并睑球粘连
9.Biological amnion combined with conjunctival flap with limbus stem cell transplant in the treatment of recurrent pterygium complicated with symblepharon生物羊膜联合带自体角膜缘干细胞的结膜瓣移植治疗伴睑球粘连的复发性翼状胬肉
10.The globe-shaped portion of the eye surrounded by the socket and covered externally by the eyelids.眼球眼睛的球形部分,被眼窝围绕且被眼睑覆盖
11.Application of biomaterials in tendon adhesion following basketball sports injury生物材料在篮球运动肌腱损伤愈合粘连中的应用
12.An estimate of intraocular pressure can be obtained by palpation of the globe through the lids.眼压可以通过在眼睑上对眼球触诊来估计。
13.The Effects of Antisense Smad2 Oligodeoxynudeotides on Fibronection and Lamimin Secretion of Human Renal Mesangial Cells with High Glucose;Smad2反义寡核苷酸对高糖培养人肾小球系膜细胞分泌纤连蛋白,层粘连蛋白的影响
14.Eyes : Dark brown, almond-shaped, with close fitting eyelids. Neither too deep-set nor prominent. Loose eyelids are faulty.眼睛:深棕色,呈杏仁状,眼睑紧贴眼球,既不深陷也不突出。松弛的眼睑属于缺陷。
15.Correlation between ultrastructural changes of glomerular basement membrane and abnormal distribution of laminins in patients with Alport's syndromeAlport综合征患者肾小球基底膜超微结构改变与层粘连蛋白的异常分布
16.viscosel viscometer气动信号连续式粘度计
17.There were several pages that adhered to each other.有几页书粘连在一起了。
18.adhesion between the iris and the cornea.红膜和角膜之间的粘连。

anterior symblepharo睑球前粘连;睑球前粘连
6)Conglutination of the upper eyelid睑粘连畸形

睑球粘连睑球粘连symblepharon 指睑结膜与球结膜以致角膜间形成的瘢痕性粘连。化学性烧灼伤是最常见的病因,还可由于贯穿眼睑并延及穹隆部和巩膜的裂伤,或结膜溃疡性病变等结瘢愈合后所致。睑球粘连多发生在下睑。轻者无功能影响,一般无需治疗。影响视力者须手术矫正。如为条索蹼状粘连,可行“Z”成形术解除粘连后直接缝合,小面积结膜缺损分离松解后可用对侧眼睑或另眼的结膜修补。如面积大的片状粘连,创面用唇红黏膜游离移植。