盲童,blind children
1)blind children盲童
1.This paper explores some ways of teaching the song performance to the blind children and concludes the achievements on the practice of teaching.本文探讨了教盲童歌表演的一些方法:音乐课营造宽松、和谐的教学氛围;运用生动直观的语言描述,鼓励低视伙伴助学;运用多种训练手段辅助,让盲童学习歌表演,并总结了教学实践以来的收获。
2.Strengthening oral communication training for the blind children is very meaningful and important in opening up their thinking,developing their intelligence,training their personality and helping them develop healthily.加强盲童口语交际训练对启迪盲童思维,开发盲童智能,培养盲童个性,促使其健康发展具有重要意义。

1.Causes of blindness children in school for the blind in Shaanxi Province陕西省盲校盲童致盲原因调查分析
2.Do most blind children go to school?大部分盲童都上学吗?
3.On Strengthening Oral Communication Training for the Blind Children;加强盲童口语交际训练 促进盲童全面健康发展
4.Comparative Research on Normal Child and Visually Impaired Children s Analogy Reasoning;盲童与正常儿童类比推理的比较研究
5.But he learned to read at a school for blind children.但他在一所学校教盲童读书。
6.I want to go to a special school for blind children.我想去为盲童开办的特殊学校。
7.We started a scheme for helping blind children.我们着手进行一项帮助盲童的计划。
8.all the proceeds from the Benefit film projection will go towards the Building of a school for Blind children义映的全部收入将用于建造一座盲童学校
9.Do the blind children go to special schools or just attend ordinary primary school?盲童是上专门的学校还是进入普通小学学习?
10.Jim spends much of his free time driving the bus for the blind children.吉姆把大部分空余时间用去为盲童开车了。
11.He then guided the blind boy's fingers along each shape.然后,他引导这个盲童用手指触摸每个字母的形状。
12."In this way, I think, the quality of education for blind children will be greatly improved,"我认为这么一来,盲童的教育质量将得到很大的改善。
13.The situation on blindness by trachoma, childhood blindness, glaucoma, diabeteswill be discussed.还将讨论由沙眼、儿童盲、青光眼及糖尿病致盲的状况.
14.Language processing in the child literate and illiterate:an event-related fMRI study功能磁共振观察儿童文盲与非文盲语言加工相关脑区
15.Strengthening Sex Education in Adolescence to Promote the Healthy Growth of the Deaf and Blind Teenagers;加强青春期性教育,促进盲聋儿童健康成长
16.An Analysis of Defonnity of 75 Disabled School - aged Children in Tibet;对西藏75例聋哑盲学龄儿童的残疾剖析
17.The blindness of the heart is indeed blindness.眼盲不算盲,心盲是真盲。
18.The Chinese government has set up special-education schools and classes for blind, deaf and mentally retarded children.政府为盲、聋、弱智儿童兴办了特殊教育学校和特殊教育班。

childhood blindness儿童盲
3)blind children's school盲童学校
4)The Blind Child's Toy盲童玩具
5)school for blind children with mental handicap弱智盲童学校
1.Survey of blindness and low vision among Uigur peasants above 40 in Kuche country of Xinjiang;新疆库车县40岁以上维吾尔族农民盲和低视力流行病学调查
2.An Investigation on the Causes of Blindness and Low Vision of Students in Blind School in Guangzhou;广州市盲校学生致盲及低视力原因调查
3.Prevalence of age related cataract and blindness in rural areas of Shaanxi province;陕西省农村50岁以上人群白内障和盲的患病率调查
