1)desipramine[英][di'zipr?mi:n][美][d?'z?pr?min, ,d?z?'pr?m?n]地昔帕明
1.Effects of desipramine on sodium current of rat dorsal root ganglion neurons;地昔帕明对大鼠背根神经节神经元钠电流的影响
2.Screening studies on the antidepressant desipramine related genes using microarray gene chip;微矩阵基因芯片筛选抗抑郁剂地昔帕明相关基因的研究
3.Caspase 3 gene expression and [Ca~(2+)]_i homeostasis underlying desipramine-induced C6 glioma cell apoptosis;在地昔帕明诱导胶质瘤C6细胞凋亡过程中caspase 3基因表达和[Ca~(2+)]_i稳态(英文)

1.Effect of desipramine on sympathetic remodeling and ventricular fibrillation threshold after myocardial ischemia地昔帕明对心肌缺血后交感神经重构和室颤阈值的影响
2.Desipramine Pretreatment Improves Sympathetic Remodeling after Myocardial Ischemia地昔帕明预处理改善心肌缺血后的交感神经重构
3.Effect of Desipramine Pretreatment on Monophasic Action Potentialand and Effective Refractory Period in Ventricular Myocardium after Myocardial Ischemia地昔帕明预处理对心肌缺血后心室肌单向动作电位和有效不应期的影响
4.Pug had in some day, oblique or direct, wooed the girl.帕格曾经以某种方式,或明或暗地,挑逗过这姑娘。
5.Clinical observation of parecoxi-sodium treatment in endoscopic nasal surgery patients for postoperative analgesia帕瑞昔布钠在鼻内镜手术术后镇痛的应用
6.Efficacy and Safety of Injected Parecoxib Sodium for Acute Postoperative Pain:A Meta-analysis帕瑞昔布术后临床镇痛效果和安全性的Meta分析
7.A selective cooxygenase-2 inhibitor for injection: parecoxib sodium新型注射用选择性COX-2抑制剂帕瑞昔布钠
8.Old Indian Days印地安人的往昔时光
9.Owen thought he could see Cowperwood's approaching doom quite plainly.奥文认为他能够很明白地看出柯帕乌迫在眉睫的灾祸。
10.These ruins sufficiently attest the former grandeur of the place.这些遗迹充分证明此处昔日的宏伟。
11.Study on the Structure and Quality Criterion of Rifaximin;利福昔明的结构确证和质量标准研究
12.Retrospective analysis of adverse drug reactions of rifaximin reported in literature in China国内利福昔明不良反应的回顾性分析
13.Effects of Parecoxib on Postoperative Analgesia and Stress Response of Stomach Cancer帕瑞昔布钠对胃癌根治术后镇痛与机体应激反应的影响
14.Analgesic Effects of Fentanyl Combined with Parecoxib on Patients after Pelvic and Lower Abdominal Surgery芬太尼联合帕瑞昔布对盆腔及下腹部手术后镇痛的效果观察
15.Effects of parecoxib on fentanyl consumption of postoperative analgesia and renal function in gynecological patients帕瑞昔布对妇科患者肾功能和术后镇痛芬太尼消耗量的影响
16.Paz, an intelligent and harassed man, began by setting forth the general case for revolution with fluency and candour.帕斯是一个聪明的和饱经忧患的人,他开始滔滔不绝地、坦率地谈起革命的一般情况。
17.O'Brien had led the utility's chairman quickly through a recital of the need for Tunipah and the site's advantages.奥布赖恩引导公司董事长迅速地听了对图尼帕的需要和那个地点的有利条件的说明。
18.The formerly [once] barren land has been changed into stretches of fertile fields.昔日的荒地今天成了良田。

1.Analgesic Effects of Fentanyl Combined with Parecoxib on Patients after Pelvic and Lower Abdominal Surgery芬太尼联合帕瑞昔布对盆腔及下腹部手术后镇痛的效果观察
2.Effects of parecoxib on fentanyl consumption of postoperative analgesia and renal function in gynecological patients帕瑞昔布对妇科患者肾功能和术后镇痛芬太尼消耗量的影响
3.The leading compounds are valdecoxib, parecoxib, etoricoxib and lumiracoxib.已开发的代表性化合物有戊地昔布、帕瑞昔布、依地昔布和氯美昔布等。
1.Lexipafant for acute pancreatitis: a systematic review;来昔帕泛治疗急性胰腺炎随机对照试验的系统评价
6)Aropax 20帕罗昔丁
