1.The decision and prudence of the secretary of the League committee reflect his art of leadership.团委书记的果断与慎重,反映其领导艺术水平,具体表现于这五对矛盾的处理当中:执行上级指示与落实具体问题;解决常规与非常规问题;处理熟知与陌生问题;应对简单与复杂问题;前者均须果断,后者多须慎重

1.Opinions should Be formed with great caution-and changed with greater.形成意见要慎重,改变意见要更慎重
2.Be slow in chusing a friend,slower in changing.选择朋友要慎重,更换朋友更应慎重
3.The state or quality of being circumspect.小心,谨慎慎重的状态或品质
4.a tricky situation,problem,decisio需慎重对待的情况、需慎重处理的问题、需慎重做出的决定.
5.a tricky situation, problem, decision需慎重对待的情况、 需慎重处理的问题、 需慎重做出的决定.
6.circumspect actions; physicians are now more circumspect about recommending its use; a discreet investor.慎重的行动;现在医生在推荐其效用时更加慎重了;慎重的投资者。
7.Needing to be treated with great secrecy or tact需极秘密或慎重处理的
8.referred to my indiscretion;归因于我的不慎重;
9.play one's cards poorly办事不高明,做事不慎重
10.I think you are not Being prudent.我觉得你有点不太慎重
11.I should recommend you to be more careful.我建议你慎重一些。
12.one's prudence in dealing with matters处理事情时的慎重态度
13.For prudence to smother,慎重也不忍加以窒息;
14.You should spend your money carefully and avoid extravagance.你用钱要慎重,避免浪费。
15.I'm always particular about what I say.我从来讲话都很慎重
16.He is very discreet in giving his opinions.他发表意见时十分慎重
17.He took quite a grave view of the case.他对这件事很慎重
18.Just ask once again for caution's sake.为慎重起见,再问一问。

prudent treatment慎重对待
3)using carefully慎重使用
4)applying carefully慎重适用
5)Cautious divorce慎重离婚
6)loving carefully慎重恋爱
