up-sizing technology放大工艺
1.The up-sizing technology of supercritical CO2 extraction of grape seed oil was studied in this paper.本文对超临界CO2萃取葡萄籽油的放大工艺进行了研究,其中试优化工艺参数为萃取压力25MPa,萃取温度为45℃,CO2流量为40kgCO2/h,葡萄籽油的萃取收率为8。
3)proess development and scaleup工艺开发和放大
4)technological scale up index工艺放大指标
1.In order to fulfill the industrial production of suspension fermented black tea,the factors influencing of volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient (KLa),an important technological scale up index in fermentation system and the effects of KLa on the quality formation of black tea were investigated.为实现悬浮发酵红茶工业化生产,对影响发酵体系工艺放大指标—容量传质系数(KLa)的因素及KLa对红茶品质形成的影响进行了初步研究。
5)i n steps cultural technology分级放大培养工艺
6)scale-up problem工艺过程放大问题

采气工艺(见天然气开采工艺)采气工艺(见天然气开采工艺)gas production technology  ,一‘J\匕乙吕天然气开采工艺pro以uetionteehnology)见