
1.Determination the Concentration of Allopurinol and Its Metabolite-oxypurinol in Human Plasma by HPLCHPLC法测定血浆中别嘌呤醇及氧别嘌醇的浓度
2.Protective Effects of Allopurinol and Moderate Hypothermia on Hypoxic-ischemic Brain Damage in Neonatal Rats;别嘌呤醇和亚低温对新生大鼠缺氧缺血性脑损伤的保护作用
3.The Protective Effect of Allopurinol in Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury of the Neonatal Rats;别嘌呤醇对新生大鼠缺氧缺血性脑损伤的保护作用研究
4.Literature Review of Allopurinol and Analysis of Allopurinol-induced Adverse Reactions别嘌醇不良反应文献及临床案例分析
5.Determination of allopurinol related substances by RP-HPLC with ultraviolet detection高效液相色谱法测定别嘌醇有关物质
6.The effects of nimodipine and allopurinol on the cerebral blood flow and oxygen consumption in dog after complete cerebral ischemia.尼莫地平、别嘌呤醇对完全性脑缺血后脑血流和氧耗影响的实验研究
7.An open clinical study of Allopurinol as an add-on therapy for patients with intractable epilepsy别嘌醇添加治疗难治性癫痫58例疗效观察
8.Effect of Allopurinol on Lowering Blood Pressure in Young and Middle-age with Newly Diagnosed Essential Hypertension and Hyperuricemia别嘌醇治疗中青年高血压病合并高尿酸血症
9.2-am-inopurine-6-thiol 2-氨基嘌呤-6-硫醇
10.A drug, C5H4N4O, used to treat gout because it promotes the excretion of uric acid.别嘌呤醇一种药物,C5H4N4O,因其可促进尿酸的排泄而被用于治疗痛风
11.Effects of Allopurinol on Cardiac Function, Ventricular Remodeling and Proinflammatory Cytokines in Rabbits after Myocardial Infarction;别嘌呤醇对兔心肌梗死后心功能、心室重构和炎性细胞因子的影响
12.Effects of Allopurinol on the Left Ventricular Remodeling of Rats with Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion;别嘌呤醇对心肌缺血再灌注大鼠左室重构的影响
13.Effect of Allopurinol on Left Ventricular Remodeling and Function in Rats with Myocardial Infarction;别嘌呤醇对心肌梗死后大鼠心室重塑和功能影响的实验研究
14.Empirical Study of the Correlation between Ultrasonic Appearances of Testicular Torsion and the Protective Effect of Allopurinol睾丸扭转超声表现与别嘌醇药物保护相关性的实验研究
15.Clinical research on allopurinol lowering of uric acid level of chronic renal disease peciant for the delay of the progression of renal disease别嘌呤醇治疗慢性肾功能不全并发高尿酸血症57例临床观察
16.A positive urine protein value occurring in a patient after addition of celecoxib to allopurinol-containing regimen for gout别嘌醇抗痛风疗法加用塞来昔布致患者尿蛋白阳性
17.Clinical Study on Qilingjiangsuan Granules and Tablet Allopurinol Treatment on Gouty Nephropathy.芪灵降酸颗粒联合别嘌醇治疗痛风性肾病的临床研究
18.Clinical Observation of Simiao Jiawei Decoction and Allopurinol Treated in patients with Hyperuricemia四妙汤加味合别嘌呤醇治疗高尿酸血症40例临床观察

Allopurinol[英][,?l?'pju:rin?l][美][,?lo'pj?r?,n?l, -,nol, -,nɑl]别嘌醇
1.Preparation and the release mechanism of allopurinol sustained-release tablets;别嘌醇缓释片的制备及释药机理的初步探讨
2.Clinical Analyses of 23 Cases of Drug Hypersensitivity Syndrome by Allopurinol;别嘌醇致药物超敏综合征23例临床分析
3)allopurinol[英][,?l?'pju:rin?l][美][,?lo'pj?r?,n?l, -,nol, -,nɑl]别嘌呤醇
1.Study on synthesis of allopurinol;别嘌呤醇合成方法的改进
2.Allopurinol in Lowering Serum Uric Acid Level for the Delay of the Progression of Chronic Renal Disease;别嘌呤醇降低血尿酸水平以控制慢性肾病进展的研究
3.Clinical and prognostic analysis of 47 patients with drugeruptions caused by allopurinol;47例别嘌呤醇药疹临床及预后分析
4)Allopurinol[英][,?l?'pju:rin?l][美][,?lo'pj?r?,n?l, -,nol, -,nɑl]别嘌醇片
1.Observation of the curative effect of Tongxinluo combined with Allopurinol Tablets on acute gouty arthritis;通心络联合别嘌醇片治疗急性痛风性关节炎疗效观察
5)allopurinol sodium别嘌醇钠
1.Determination of related substances by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography gradient elution in allopurinol sodium for injection;高效液相梯度洗脱法测定注射用别嘌醇钠中的有关物质
6)Allopurinol Tablets别嘌呤醇片

别嘌醇片【通用名称】别嘌醇片 【其他名称】别嘌醇片 别嘌醇片 拼音名:Biepiaochun Pian 英文名:Allopurinol Tablets 书页号:2000年版二部-300 本品含别嘌醇(C5H4N4O) 应为标示量的93.0%~107.0 %。 【性状】 本品为白色片。 【鉴别】 (1) 取本品的细粉适量(约相当于别嘌醇0.1g),加5 %氢氧化钠溶液 10ml,搅拌使别嘌醇溶解,滤过,取滤液5ml ,照别嘌醇项下的鉴别(1) 项试验,显相 同的反应。 (2) 取含量测定项下的溶液,照别嘌醇项下的鉴别(2) 项试验,显相同的结果。 【检查】 溶出度 取本品,照溶出度测定法(附录Ⅹ C第二法),以盐酸溶液( 9→1000)1000ml为溶剂,转速为每分钟100转,依法操作,经45分钟时,取溶液约10ml, 滤过,精密量取续滤液5ml,置50ml量瓶中,用同一溶剂稀释至刻度,摇匀。照分光光度法 (附录Ⅳ A),在250nm的波长处测定吸收度,按C5H4N4O的吸收系数(E1% 1cm)为571 计算出每片的溶出量。限度为标示量的70%,应符合规定。 其他 应符合片剂项下有关的各项规定(附录Ⅰ A)。 【含量测定】 取本品20片,精密称定,研细,精密称取适量(约相当于别嘌醇 0.1g),置100ml 量瓶中,加0.2 %氢氧化钠20ml,振摇15分钟使别嘌醇溶解,加水稀 释至刻度,摇匀,滤过,精密量取续滤液5ml ,置 500ml量瓶中,加盐酸溶液(9→1000) 稀释至刻度,摇匀。照分光光度法(附录Ⅳ A),在250nm 的波长处测定吸收度,按C5H4N4O 的吸收系数(E1% 1cm)为571 计算,即得。 【类别】 同别嘌醇。 【规格】 0.1g 【贮藏】 遮光,密封保存。