1.An anti-surge control for centrifugal compressor;离心压缩机的防喘振控制
2.The Research of the Anti-surge Fuzzy Control for Compressor;压缩机防喘振模糊控制研究
3.Anti-surge Study of Centrifugal Compressor离心式压缩机防喘振研究

1.Study of Varying Frequency and Guard against Gasping on High Power Compression Engine变频控制的大功率压缩机防喘振研究
2.Application of CS1000 in Axial Flow Fan Anti-Surge ControlCS1000在轴流风机防喘振控制上的应用
3.Centrifugal Compressor Anti-Surge Control Using a Closed-Coupled Valve;基于紧连控制阀的离心式压缩机防喘振控制
4.Design on the valve used for axis flows blower control system轴流式高炉风机控制系统用防喘振阀的设计
5.Control Strategy on Anti-Surge Protection of 21000 m~3/h Oxygen-Making Machine in JISCO酒钢21000m~3/h制氧机防喘振保护控制策略
6.Optimization and modification of anti-surging and interlock shutdown control system in air compressor空压机防喘振及联锁停车控制系统优化改造
7.Baihe Pressure Station Centrifugal Compressor Anti-surge Control System白鹤加压站离心压缩机防喘振控制系统
8.Design on Anti-Surge Control System of Centrifugal Compressor at Multi-gas Resources多气源条件下离心压缩机的防喘振控制
9.Analysis and Application of Anti-surge Control Technology for Domestic Large Coal Gas Compressor国产大型煤压机防喘振控制技术的分析与应用
10.A Study of Anti-surge Control System Based on Fuzzy Self-Adaptation PID Controller基于模糊自适应PID的防喘振控制系统研究
11.Study of Centrifugl Compressor s Antisurge Control System Based on Fuzzy-Controller;基于模糊控制的离心式压缩机防喘振控制系统的研究
12.Application and Improvement of Surge Control System in Production of Air Blower防喘振调节系统在鼓风机生产中的应用及技术改进
13.The control system preventing centrifugal compressor equipped in large-scale gas turbine from surge was discussed in the paper.阐述了大型燃气轮机增压站所配离心式压缩机防喘振系统的控制系统。
14.The control logic preventing the compressor from surge was analyzed and improved after the performance curve of compressor in gas turbine booster station was analyzed.通过对燃气轮机增压站压缩机性能曲线的分析,对压缩机防喘振控制逻辑进行了分析及改进。
15.The Gasp Vibration of Mine Axial-flow Fan and Its Prevention矿用轴流式通风机的‘喘振’及防护检测研究
16.Reflections on the present prevention and treatment of wheezing or asthma in children对当前儿童喘鸣/哮喘防治的几点反思
17.Cliaical Study on Effect of Duanchuan Oral Liguild in Preventing Asthma at Remission Stage.;断喘汤防治缓解期支气管哮喘的临床研究
18.I have shut down my No3 engine due to compressor surge.我已关掉第三号发动机,因压缩器喘振。

1.Design and Application of Antisurge Automatic Control Circuitry for Blower Unit;鼓风机组防喘振自动控制回路的设计与应用
2.Analysis of Antisurge Control of the Axial Flow Compressor;轴流压缩机的防喘振控制分析
3.Interlock protection control and antisurge system of certain SO_2 blower imported from Germany are introduced and analyzed in this paper.介绍和分析某一从德国进口的SO_2风机的连锁保护控制、防喘振系统,依据制造商提供的技术资料开发完成了与其配套的控制装置,并增设了本机系统与制酸流程整体连锁保护功能,使得SO_2风机开车生产、连锁停车保护功能更完善。
3)Anti surge防喘振
1.A relicable anti surge control system must be erected in order to prevent compressor operation from being close to surge point.阐述了应用在轴流压缩机的GHHTURBOLOG防喘振控制系统的原理、特点及存在问题的解决方法。
1.Gas compressor in combined gas-steam cycle power plant of Jigang was improved and optimized in safe start,surge-proof protection and regulation precision by use of static start,interlock protection,surge line and segmented regulation.济钢燃气-蒸汽联合循环发电中的煤气压缩机,通过采用一拖三变频拖动、启停机联锁保护、防喘振线以及分段调节方式,对机组的安全启动、喘振保护和调节精度等进行改进和优化,不仅减少了投资,提高了机组的安全性,而且完全满足了燃气轮机所需燃料的精度要求,效果十分明显。
2.The original mechanical hydraulic-type surge-proof protection device for No.采用快开慢关电动阀门对太钢1#汽轮鼓风机原机械液压式防喘振保护装置进行了改造,提高了风机防喘振保护系统的稳定性。
5)anti-surge line防喘振线
6)anti-surging valve防喘振阀

喘振  流体机械及其管道中介质的周期性振荡,是介质受到周期性吸入和排出的激励作用而发生的机械振动。例如,泵或压缩机运转中可能出现的喘振过程是:流量减小到最小值时出口压力会突然下降,管道内压力反而高于出口压力,于是被输送介质倒流回机内,直到出口压力升高重新向管道输送介质为止;当管道中的压力恢复到原来的压力时,流量再次减少,管道中介质又产生倒流,如此周而复始。喘振的产生与流体机械和管道的特性有关,管道系统的容量越大,则喘振越强,频率越低。流体机械产品一般都附有压力-流量特性曲线,据此可确定喘振点、喘振边界线或喘振区。流体机械的喘振会破坏机器内部介质的流动规律性,产生机械噪声,引起工作部件的强烈振动,加速轴承和密封的损坏。一旦喘振引起管道、机器及其基础共振时,还会造成严重后果。为防止喘振,必须使流体机械在喘振区之外运转。在压缩机中,通常采用最小流量式、流量-转速控制式或流量-压力差控制式防喘振调节系统。当多台机器串联或并联工作时,应有各自的防喘振调节装置。