1.This paper introduces the degassing theory of VD and controlling, as well as the measures to reduce the gas in VD steel.介绍了VD脱气的原理、脱气的控制,以及减少钢液吸收气体的措施。
2.Based on the flowing character of catalyst in stand pipe and degasser,generation reason of flue gas entrained by regenerated catalyst and principle of degassing process in the process of FCC was analyzed.根据催化剂在输送立管和脱气罐内的流动特点,分析了催化裂化过程中再生催化剂产生携带烟气的原因和脱气的原理。

1.ELO-Vac process电炉真空脱碳脱气
2.She gazed at him--a pythoness in humour.她直视着他--活脱脱一个女巫的神气。
3.Selection of Processes for Desulfurization and Decyanation of Coke Oven Gas焦化厂焦炉煤气脱硫脱氰工艺的选择
5.Investigation on the Desulfurization Mechanism of Ca-based Sorbents under O_2/CO_2 Atmosphere;O_2/CO_2气氛下钙基脱硫剂脱硫机理研究
6.Theoretical and practical study of ZL process for desulfurization and decyanation煤气ZL法脱硫脱氰生产的理论与实践
7.Metal oxide sorbent-catalyst for combined removing SO_2 and NO_x from flue gas烟气联合脱硫脱硝一体化吸收/催化剂
8.Application of DDS technology in system of shift gas desulphurizationDDS脱硫技术在变换气脱硫系统的应用
9.Comparison between Three Desulfuration and Decyanation Units in COG Refining Plant of Bao Steel宝钢煤气精制三期煤气脱硫脱氰生产对比
10.Experimental Study of Activated Carbon-based Desulfurization/Denitration of Flue Gas and Design of Waste Liquid-based Flue Gas Desulfurization活性炭烟气脱硫脱硝集成工艺研究及废液燃烧烟气脱硫方案
11.stripping plant有脱轻烃装置的天然气压气站
12.The Study and Calculation of Gas Filling and Ejecting Characteristics of Gas-propelled APDS气推式脱壳弹充排气规律研究与计算
13.Gaseous Mercury Absorption from Simulated Flue Gas;吸收法脱除模拟烟气中气态汞的研究
14.Study on Desulfuration from Simulative Flue Gas Using Narrow Gap Discharge;窄间隙气体放电烟气脱硫资源化研究
15.Design for gas distribution device of flue gas desulfurization tower in thermal power plants火电厂烟气脱硫塔气体分布装置设计
16.Operation summary of de-dusting improvement for raw natural gas in desulfurizing distribution station脱硫配气站原料气除尘改造运行总结
17.Evaluation on Desulfurizer for Low Sulfurous Natural Gas of Moxi Gasfield磨溪气田低含硫天然气脱硫剂的评价
18.blow one's stack; fly off the handle, flip one's wig; lose one's temper; blow a fuse.大发脾气;脱离控制,大发脾气;大发脾气;大怒。

1.Through optimizing the process and process conditions,the process and process cotrol parameters were reformed based on the degasification theory of latex,so the degasification effects of PVC latex were improved,the VCM residue contents were reduced,and the drying tail gas could meet the discharging standard.通过优化工艺条件和工艺过程,依据胶乳脱气的理论,实施工艺流程改造和工艺控制参数的改进,提高了PVC胶乳脱气效果,降低了胶乳中的VCM残留量,确保了干燥尾气中残留VCM含量达到排放标准。
2.The necessity and reasonableness of grease degasification are described.阐述润滑脂产品脱气的必要性与合理性 ,介绍真空薄膜脱气工艺流程 ,分析中试脱气的效果以及影响脱气效果的主要因素。
1.This essay mainly introduces the principle of the membrane contactor, the structure of equipment and the way to install degassing system efficiently.本论文主要介绍了膜法脱气的原理、脱气设备的结构布置以及在工程实际中如何组装脱气膜系统装置,并给出了非常详细的工艺流程图和工程装置图。
2.The paper analyze the principle of steel circulation of flow,decarburization,degas and all of the factors affected in RH refining.对RH精炼工艺的钢液循环流动、脱碳、脱气的原理以及影响因素进行了分析。
1.The prescription of processed materials, the problems of stability, deair, sterilization, and cooling of juice are discussed.论述了白桃汁生产过程中原料配比、稳定性、果汁脱气和杀菌冷却等问题,并提出了应该采取的措施。
5)gas stripping除气,脱气
