1.Application of regenerative technology in reheating field of steel rolling;蓄热式技术在轧钢加热领域的应用
2.Appliation research of regenerative combustion on difference furnace;蓄热式燃烧技术在工业炉上的应用与分析
3.Research of temperature control system for regenerative soaking furnace;蓄热式均热炉炉温控制系统的研究

1.accumulating type heat exchanger of revolution旋转型蓄热式换热器
2.The Autocontrol System for the Regenerative Heating Furnace Based on PLC;基于PLC的蓄热式加热炉自动控制系统
3.Auto-control Scheme for the Combustion System of the Regenerative Reheating Furnace蓄热式加热炉燃烧系统自动控制方案
4.Numerical Modelling of NOx Formation in Regenerative Heater蓄热式加热炉内NOx生成的数值模拟
5.The Development of Regenerative Mill Furnace and It's Merits and Demerits蓄热式轧钢加热炉的发展及其优缺点
6.The Calculator Control System of the Step by Step Deams and Saving Hot Into Heating Furance步进梁蓄热式加热炉计算机控制系统
7.Research and Calculation of the Heat Reservoir Heating System of the Electric Boilers;蓄热式电加热锅炉供热系统的研究与计算
8.Scientific Use and Some Improved Suggestions in the Heat Accumulating Type of Ladle s Roaster;蓄热式钢包烘烤器的科学使用与改进
9.The heat accumulation combustion technology has been used in the heating furnace of steel rolling for more than 10 years.蓄热式燃烧技术用于轧钢加热炉已有十余年。
10.Development and Optimization of Regenerative Radiant Tube Combustor Using High Temperature Air Combustion Technology;新型蓄热式(HTAC)辐射管加热装置的开发和优化
11.Application and Simulation of the Regenerative Heating Forge Furnace Using Natural Gas as the Fuel;天然气在蓄热式锻造加热炉上的应用及模拟
12.The Research and Application on High Temperature Heat Accummlation Combustion in High Speed Mill of YUZHONG STELL;蓄热式加热炉在榆钢高线工程的研究与应用
13.Research on the Performance of Switch Thermal Storage Type Energy Recovery Exchanger and for Its Saving Energy Analysis;换向蓄热式全热交换器的性能研究及节能分析
14.Design and Economical Operation of Electric Boiler Heat Reservoir;蓄热式电加热装置研制及经济运行分析
15.The Design and Study of Full-Automatic Control System of Regenerative Soaking Furnace;蓄热式均热炉全自动控制系统设计与研究
16.Theoretical Calculation Analysis of Ceramic Honeycomb Regenerative Heat Exchanger;蜂窝状蓄热式热交换器的理论计算分析
17.Combustion and Pollutant Emission Characteristics of the Regenerative Annular Furnace蓄热式环形加热炉燃烧及污染物排放特性
18.An Experimental Study on the Regeneration/Release Characteristics of the Ribbed Slab Phase Change Regenerators of Aluminum铝制肋板式相变蓄热器蓄/放热特性的试验研究

double-regenerator combustion双蓄热式
3)regenerative reheating furnace蓄热式炉
4)storage style蓄热方式
1.Aiming at different application fields,experimental solar chimney systems with different heat storage styles were set up.针对太阳能烟囱的不同应用背景,设计不同蓄热方式的实验系统,考察太阳能烟囱内部的温度分布及温升性能。
5)regenerative heat exchange蓄热式换热
6)regenerative burner蓄热式烧嘴
1.Against the main problem of combustion gas leak in the using process of regenerative burner at No.文章针对济钢中厚板厂2#加热炉蓄热式烧嘴使用过程中出现的冒火问题,介绍了优化改造方案及其应用效果。
2.In accordance with the reform item of the heating furnace with regenerative burner in No.结合公司第一小型轧钢厂蓄热式烧嘴加热炉中修改造项目,介绍了蓄热式烧嘴加热炉的概况、燃烧系统的结构特点。
3.The characteristics,performance parameters and control system of walking beam furnace with regenerative burner were introduced.介绍了本溪钢铁集团公司特钢厂蓄热式烧嘴步进梁式加热炉的特点、技术性能参数及对该炉的控制和管理情况,并介绍了蓄热式燃烧系统的主要特征。
