焦糖色素,caramel pigment
1)caramel pigment焦糖色素
1.Study on the production of caramel pigment by extrusion;挤压法焦糖色素生产工艺研究
2.Studies on production technology of caramel pigment used in beverages;饮料用焦糖色素的生产工艺研究
3.Study on preparation caramel pigment from wheat B-starch;小麦B淀粉制备焦糖色素研究

1.Study on the Technology and Differences in Properties of Caramel Pigments Produced by Glucose and Maltose;以葡萄糖和麦芽糖生产焦糖色素的工艺研究与性质对比
2.Decolorizing Kinetics of Caramel in Molasses Alcohol Wastewater Degraded by Low-grade Pyrolusite低品位软锰矿降解糖蜜酒精废液中焦糖色素的脱色动力学
3.Study on operation parameters during extruding caramel pigment挤压机操作参数对加工固体焦糖色素的研究
4.Study on the Extrder's Configuration Parameters of Processing Solid Caramel Pigment加工固体焦糖色素挤压机结构参数的确定
5.A method for the determination of4- methylimidazole in caramel color by capillary gas chromatography was studied.研究了焦糖色素中4-甲基咪唑含量的气相色谱分析方法。
6.Study on the extraction of the caramel pigment from the yam diosgenin processing waste water从黄姜生产皂素废水中提取焦糖色素的工艺研究
7.Caramel from heated sugar, a nonsynthetic'color, is also commonly used in dark beverages such as colas.从加热的糖中提取的焦糖色素是一种非人工着色剂,普遍应用于黑色饮料如可乐中。
8.Study on the Clean Production of Caramel Pigment in Tortoise Deer Wine of Yedao椰岛鹿龟酒专用焦糖色素清洁化加工技术装备的研究
9.Classification and ientification of cramel--An itroduction of the mthods in FCC焦糖色素的分类和鉴别——介绍美国食品用化学品法典的方法
10.The beverage is often colored with caramel.这种饮料常用焦糖染色。
11.Burnt sugar, used for coloring and sweetening foods.焦糖烧焦的糖,用于为食物染色并使之变甜
12.A moderate yellow brown.焦糖色中等深浅的黄褐色
13.To convert or be converted into caramel.熬成焦糖熬…使成为焦糖或被熬成焦糖
14.Test methods of wooden activated carbon-Determination of Decolorization of caramel木质活性炭试验方法 焦糖脱色率的测定
15.Analysis on anxiety and influencing factors in pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus妊娠期糖尿病孕妇焦虑状况及其影响因素分析
16.Damage of cigarette tar on human retinal pigment epithelium in vitro烟焦油对体外人视网膜色素上皮细胞的损害
17.A dessert of firm, smooth custard with a topping of caramel syrup.果酱饼一种有坚硬的光滑酥皮且顶部有焦糖色果汁的甜点心
18.Standard test method for granutar activated carbon from coal--Determination of caramel adsorptionGB/T7702.18-1997煤质颗粒活性炭试验方法焦糖脱色率的测定

1.Producing high red index caramel for sauce from xylose mother liquor;木糖母液生产酱油用高红色指数焦糖色素
2.The Influence of the Fructose Corn Syrup on the Quality of Caramel;果葡糖浆对焦糖色素质量影响的研究
3.Research on the preparing of Caramel in Laboratory;焦糖色素实验室制备工艺研究
3)caramel color焦糖色素
1.Study on the preparation of acidproof caramel color;耐酸型焦糖色素制备工艺的研究
2.Research on the application of Fenton oxidation to remove Caramel color of sauce wastewater;Fenton氧化法去除酱油生产废水中焦糖色素的研究
3.An overview on the current situation, classification, manufacture methods, properties and application of caramel color is presented.综述了国内外焦糖色素发展的现状、分类、生产方法、理化性质及在食品中的应用;着重介绍了焦糖色素制备中的反应机制、美拉德反应、焦糖化反应。
4)Fresh and bright type caramel鲜亮型焦糖色素
1.Photometric determination of 4-methylimidazole in caramel;分光光度法测定焦糖色中4-甲基咪唑
2.Technological study on the special caramel for soy sauce酱油专用焦糖色的工艺研究
6)caramel bun,sugar colouring焦糖色(渔)
