1.For hot metal pre-treatment desulphurization,the problems of weak desulfurizing agent fluidity,long skimming time,large iron loss, etc.从生产实践来看,铁水预处理工艺普遍存在脱硫渣流动性差、渣铁分离困难、扒渣时间长、铁损大等问题。

1.Desulphurizing and slag skimming of molten steel, the key link for Baotou Steel development铁水脱硫扒渣是包钢发展的重要环节
2.Discuss on Using the Refined Iron Powders of Dregs in Sintering Process脱硫扒渣精铁粉用于烧结的可行性分析
3.A pickpocket stole my purse.扒手扒走了我的钱包。
4.To pick or try to pick the pocket of.扒窃对…扒窃或企图对…扒窃
5.pickpockets, formerly known by the denomination cutpurse.扒手,以前称作cutpurse。
6.One who steals goods on display in a store.商店扒手偷商店摆设的货物的扒手
7.I did, but a pickpocket stole my wallet.我是领了,但扒手扒走了我的皮夹。
8.He warned me that there were pickpockets in the crowd [warned me against pickpockets].他警告我人群中有扒手[谨防扒手]。
9.Pickpockets often lift money from old women.扒手常扒窃老年妇女的钱。
10.Characteristics of Steal Case and Countermeasures;浅析当前扒窃案件的特点及反扒对策
11.He gave the pickpocket a good cuff.他给那扒手狠狠一巴掌。
12.He warned us against pickpockets.他告诉我们要小心扒手.
13.He was an eminent pickpocket.他从前是个有名的扒手。
14.The pickpocket has turned over a new leaf.那扒手已幡然悔过。
15.The pickpocket threaded his way through the crowd.扒手从人丛中穿过去。
16.Lately we've caught quite a few-shoplifters.最近我们抓到不少扒手。
17.He is a pilfarer, please catch him!.他是个扒手,抓住他。
18.a pickpocket, pretending to be a tourist,一个扒手扮成一名游客,

slag skimming扒渣
1.The cost and economic benefits of the hot metal desulphurization with slag skimming are introduced.论述了鞍钢铁水脱硫系统在生产中的应用以及它所产生的冶金效果 ,并分析了钙—镁粉剂脱硫的技术优点和技术工艺过程对脱硫效果的影响 ,特别分析了鞍钢脱硫扒渣的成本及所产生的经济效
5)result of slag skimming扒渣效果
6)desulphurization and slag skimming脱硫扒渣
1.In order to meet the request of producing product with lower sulphur and high additional value,hot metal pretreatment is an important step in the process of iron and steel production,especially,the development of hot metal desulphurization and slag skimming is very fast.为了满足生产低硫高附加值产品的需要,铁水预处理作为钢铁冶金生产工艺的一个重要手段,越来越得到业内人士的认同,特别是铁水炉外脱硫扒渣近年来发展较快。

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