1.The optimum technological conditions for synchronous preparation of nano-silica and active carbon from carbon rice husk were researched and the main factors for improvement of product quality were discussed.研究了由稻壳同时制备纳米白炭黑和活性炭的最佳工艺条件,并对提高产品质量的主要因素作了初步探讨。
2.In this paper,the effect of system reaction temperature and time to the preparation of nano-silica has been studied by the experiment of TEM,XRD and EDS.利用透射电镜(TEM)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)和能谱仪(EDS)等分析方法研究了硫酸沉淀法制备纳米白炭黑过程中体系反应温度和溶胶制备反应时间对制备过程的影响。
3.The effect of the modified nano-silica on the neoprene is investigated, the amount of coupling agent and modification conditions are also optimized.研究纳米白炭黑经硅烷偶联剂(Si-75)湿法改性后对氯丁橡胶抗疲劳性能的影响,并对改性剂的用量、改性工艺条件进行了优化。

1.Study on hydrophobic nano-silica synthesized directly in water solution水溶液中制备疏水型纳米白炭黑的研究
2.Study on the Dispersivity of Nano Carbon-white in Casting Solution of Silicone Rubber Complex Film纳米白炭黑在硅橡胶膜铸膜液中分散性能的研究
3.Enhancement Effect of Nano-scaled White Silica on the Hydrothermal Stabilities of Mesoporous Montmorillonite纳米白炭黑对介孔蒙脱石水热稳定性的增强作用
4.Study on Preparing Silica Aerogel and Nano-silica from Rice Husk;稻壳制备白炭黑及纳米级白炭黑的研究
5.The structure properties and application of high structure carbon black, inversion carbon black, nano structure carbon black and silica white in the tyre industry were reviewed with11 references.介绍了高结构炭黑、化炭黑、纳米结构炭黑和白炭黑的结构特征及其在轮胎工业中的应用。
6.Research progress of nylon1010/silica hydrated nanocomposites尼龙1010/白炭黑纳米复合材料的研究进展
7.In-situ preparation of precipitated silica/NR nano-composites原位法制备沉淀白炭黑/NR纳米复合材料的研究
8.Investigation on the Nonisothermal Crystallization Kinetics of Polyamide 11/Silica Nanocomposites聚酰胺11/白炭黑纳米复合材料的非等温结晶动力学研究
9.Optimization of Analysis Technique of Preparing Nano-Silica Aerogel from Rice Husk响应面分析法优化稻壳灰制备纳米级白炭黑工艺
10.Study on aging properties of NR/modified montmorillonite/silica nano-composites天然橡胶/蒙脱土/白炭黑纳米复合材料老化性能的研究
11.Effects of nanometer carbon powder on the ablative and heat-protection properties of phenolic resin纳米炭黑对酚醛树脂烧蚀防热性能的影响
12.Properties of carbon black/clay/styrene-butadiene rubber nanocomposites炭黑/黏土/丁苯橡胶纳米复合材料的性能
13.Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes from Carbon Black by Three Different Methods;以炭黑为碳源经由三种方法制备碳纳米管
14.Experimental Study & Theoretic Analysis of Nanosized TiO_2/Carbon Black Prepared by Flame CVD;火焰CVD法制备纳米TiO_2/炭黑的实验与理论研究
15.Preparation and properties of BR/carbon black/OMMT nano-compositeBR/炭黑/OMMT纳米复合材料的制备与性能研究
16.Influence of Dispersion Mode on Stability of Carbon-black Nano-suspensions分散方式对纳米炭黑分散稳定性的影响
17.Dispersion Model of Nano-Carbon Black in Polypropylene Using Mild Blending Method低剪切应力下纳米炭黑在聚丙烯中的分散规律
18.The electromagnetic properties of nanometer carbon black (CB) filling SiO_2 composites were first studied.首先对石英/纳米炭黑复合材料的电磁性能进行了研究。

nano-carbon black纳米炭黑
1.Structure and properties of nano-carbon black filled Lyocell-based carbon fiber;纳米炭黑填充Lyocell基碳纤维的结构与性能
2.Structure and properties of nano-carbon black filled Lyocell fiber;纳米炭黑填充的Lyocell纤维的结构与性能
3.The effect of nano-carbon black on the rheological behavior of cellulose/NMMO·H2O solution and structure and properties of Lyocell fibers were investigated.研究了纳米炭黑添加剂对纤维素/NMMO·H2O溶液流变行为及Lyocell纤维结构与性能的影响。
3)carbon black nanoparticle纳米炭黑
1.Oil-soluble carbon black nanoparticles were synthesized by surface graft modification.通过表面接枝改性获得了亲油性的纳米炭黑粒子,扫描探针显微镜(SPM)和透射电镜(TEM)测试结果表明:炭黑粒子的尺寸为24~300nm。
2.In ultrasonic field,nanocomposite coating was got by adding oil-soluble carbon black nanoparticles synthesized by surface graft modification into paint.在超声场作用下,将接枝改性及缩醛化反应制备的油溶性纳米炭黑粒子(24nm~300nm)加入到普通油漆中,获得了纳米炭黑复合涂料。
4)nano carbon black纳米炭黑
1.Study on electrical and electrothermal properties of nano carbon black cement mortar;纳米炭黑水泥砂浆的导电性与电热特性研究
2.Modified nano carbon black reinforced butadiene-styrene latex and its application in tire repair liquid改性纳米炭黑增强丁苯胶乳及其在轮胎修补液中的应用
3.In this paper,to make full use the merit of cheapness and good dispersivity for nano carbon black,by adding nano carbon black in the carbon fiber concretes to improve its electrical conductivity properties.采用在碳纤维混凝土中加入纳米炭黑来改善其导电性能,充分利用了纳米炭黑价格低廉分散性好的优点。
5)nanometer carbon black纳米炭黑
1.Nanometer carbon black-phenolic resin composite binders were prepared by dispersing evenly various amounts of nanometer carbon black N220 in phenolic resin by adding KH-550 coupling agent and high-speed mixing.采用加KH-550偶联剂和高速搅拌的方法,将不同量的纳米炭黑N220均匀分散在酚醛树脂中,制成纳米炭黑-酚醛树脂复合结合剂,研究了纳米炭黑含量对复合结合剂黏度及其经1500℃炭化后碳结构的影响,并采用这些复合结合剂制备了w(C)=3%的低碳镁碳试样。
6)nano-grafted carbon black纳米接枝炭黑

白吕纳,J.  法国人文地理学家。1869年10月25日生于图卢兹,1930年 4月25日卒于塞纳河畔布洛涅。1889~1892年在巴黎高等师范学校学习,是P.维达尔-白兰士的学生。1896~1912年任瑞士弗里堡大学地理学教授,1907年在瑞士洛桑大学开办欧美第一个人文地理学讲座,1912~1930年任巴黎法兰西学院人文地理学教授。1927年被选入法国科学院。    白吕纳继承和发展了维达尔-白兰士的人文地理学思想,把人文地理学的领域缩小到只涉及人类对环境的利用和占有,着重研究人在地表所做的事业,把这些事业称为人文地理学的"基本事实"。他宣扬人地关系的可能论,认为人对人地关系的形成具有选择的可能和自由。发表的主要著作有《人地学原理》(1910)、《历史地理学》(1921)、《法国人文地理学》(1920~1926)等。