1)lift-off[英]['l?ft,?:f, -,?f][美]['l?ft,?f, -,ɑf]剥离工艺
1.A new process for the fabrication of the surface electrode of nuclear microbattery using lift-off process with SU8 photo resist is proposed,via use BP212 photo resist as a sacrificial layer,the SU8 photo resist in the channels was removed effectively,and the surface electrode of the nuclear microbattery was fabricated successfully.开发了一种利用SU8胶剥离工艺制作沟槽型同位素微电池表面电极的新工艺,通过使用BP212正胶作为牺牲层,有效地解决了在制作沟槽型同位素微电池表面电极时,堆胶以及沟槽中SU8胶不易去除的难题。
2.The availability of the domestic positive resist BP212 and optical exposure equipment in fabricating the electrode of MEMS device using lift-off process is discussed.研究了常用的国产BP212正型紫外光刻胶和光学曝光机在利用剥离工艺制备电极中的适用性。
3.In order to verify the influence of substrate thermal conduction on sensor sensitivity,two sensors were fabricated on glass and ceramic substrates respectively using MEMS lift-off p1rocess.为了验证传感器衬底对风速灵敏度的影响,本文分别在玻璃和陶瓷衬底上利用MEMS剥离工艺加工出了热风速传感器,并进行了风洞测试。

1.The most competitive technologies of transferring solid membrane mainly include bond and etch process and smart cut process.最具竞争力的转移固体薄膜技术主要有键合加选择性腐蚀工艺和注氢智能剥离工艺
2.The open cast method is an advanced stripping technology with low operation cost.拉斗铲倒堆剥离是一种先进的开采工艺,机械化程度高,开采成本低。
3.Research of Application of the Semi-continuous Mining Technology on the Stripping System of the Houlinhe South Open-pit Mine;霍林河南露天煤矿剥离系统应用半连续工艺的可行性研究
4.Technological Properties and the Peeling Ability of Water-base Bauxite Coating for EPC(Expandable Pattern Casting)水基铝矾土消失模涂料工艺性能及易剥离性的研究
5.caustic reduction process碱减量工艺(聚酯纤维降解剥皮工艺)
6.Experimental Study on Shucking Technology and Shucking Components of Tartarian Buckwheat;苦荞麦剥壳工艺及剥壳部件的试验研究
7.alkali peeling finish碱剥皮整理(聚酯纤维碱减量工艺)
8.Research on Dry Lotus Seed Shelling Machine of Key Component and Technology Experiment;干壳莲子剥壳机关键部件与工艺参数研究
9.Recognition of the Stripping Technology for Open-Pit Mines under Market Economic Conditions市场经济条件下对露天矿山采剥工艺的再认识
10.buried oxide isolation process隐埋氧化物隔离工艺
11.lateral isolation横向隔离 -晶体管工艺的
12.air isolation process空气隔离型集成工艺
13.small American birch with peeling white bark often worked into e.g. baskets or toy canoes.一种美国小桦木,剥落的白色树皮常制作成篮子或玩具舟等工艺品。
14.This paper introduces the process of the overlay way ofconduction electricity plastic.介绍了可剥性导电塑料的配方、造工艺及涂敷方法。
15.Large area of spalling accured on the work layer of high-Crcentrifugal cast iron roll after heat treatment.高铬离心复合铸铁轧辊辊身工作层在热处理后发生大面积剥落。
16.blade, for earthworking machines, scrapers, coal ploughs or strippers推土铲,土工作业机器、铲运机、刨煤机或剥离电铲用
17.Besides, rapid progress was made in the divestiture of radio paging assets from the P&T sectors and the restructuring on a nationwide basis.全国邮电无线寻呼资产剥离、改制重组工作取得了较大进展。
18.To assist Planning &Development Engineer to implement the stripping / drilling and blasting plan.协助计划与发展工程师对剥离钻爆计划的编制及落实。

Lift-off process剥离工艺
1.Heater and detector resistors are fabricated on glass substrate using a lift-off process.本传感器采用MEMS剥离工艺在玻璃衬底上同时加工出加热电阻和测温电阻,利用简单可靠的加工工艺实现了热隔离和高灵敏度。
2.The sensor was fabricated on ceramic substrate,using two step MEMS lift-off processes.传感器芯片在玻璃衬底上采用两步MEMS剥离工艺加工,加工工艺简单可靠。
3)metal lift-off technology金属剥离工艺
4)coarse grinding technology"剥皮"工艺
1.The coarse grinding technology,which can grind the surface fault on spring steel of electric lo comotive prima ry suspension system,causes the accurate di ameter size of spring bar.通过“剥皮”工艺去除电力机车转向架一系悬挂装置热轧弹簧钢毛坯表面的缺陷层,从而获得精确有效的弹簧材料直径尺寸,对提高一系弹簧整车匹配性能,以及机车运行的平稳性是非常有利的。
5)stripping front剥离工祖
6)stripping operation剥离工作

采气工艺(见天然气开采工艺)采气工艺(见天然气开采工艺)gas production technology  ,一‘J\匕乙吕天然气开采工艺pro以uetionteehnology)见