三片罐,three pieces can
1)three pieces can三片罐
1.Abstrait: Auto_high frquency electric welding machine is a important equipment in three pieces can manufacture present.全自动高频电阻焊机是现在三片罐生产线上的一台重要设备。

1.electric resistance welding three-piece can automatic making line电阻焊三片罐自动生产线
2.Study on the Impace of the Three Beverage Cans Production Craft and Productivity by the Device Management三片饮料罐设备管理对产品工艺和生产效率影响的研究
3.There is paper, there are tins.那里丢弃着纸片、罐头。
4.Add three cans of water to make the orange juice.加进三罐水调橘子汁。
5.Packaging containers--Aluminum easy open end and two-piece canGB9106-1994包装容器铝易开盖两片罐
6.The dressing table was crammed with pots and photographs.化妆台上摆满了各种瓶、罐和照片。
7.Control System of 8031 Single Chip Microcomputer in Yeast Container8031单片机在发酵罐测控系统中的应用
8.Research on Hazard of Fragments from Spherical Tank BLEVE球罐BLEVE碎片抛射的危害性研究
9.Monte-Carlo analysis of fragments projectile from spherical tank BLEVE球罐BLEVE碎片抛射的Monte-Carlo分析
11.I'd like to have two tuna sandwiches and a large pot of coffee, please.我想要两个金枪鱼三明治,一大罐咖啡。
12.triangular pointed end pierces tops of cans.三角形的尖头刺入汀罐顶部。
13.A drinking mug, usually in the shape of a stout man wearing a large three - cornered hat.人形水罐一种饮用水罐,通常做成一个戴三角帽的矮胖人的形状
14.After strolling around the store for several minutes, the old woman stopped in front of the rows of canned vegetables.在店里徘徊片刻之后,老妇人停在蔬菜罐头架前。
15.Influence of Resister Disc's Capacity to Potential Distribution in Tank Type Metal Oxide Surge Arresters for 500 kV GIS电阻片电容量对500kV罐式避雷器电位分布的影响
16.Quality Control in the Single-Piece Manufacture of Atmospheric Square Storage Tank with Steel Structure钢结构常压方形储罐单片制作质量控制
17.thin sheet iron or steel coated with tin to prevent rusting; used especially for cans and pots.外表涂锡以防生锈的薄铁片或钢片;在罐头或陶器中尤其常用。
18.If the latter, there's no need to go to extremes and buy the biggest' horse pills or the most expensive bottles.如果后者成立的话,那么就没有必要走极端去买大量的药片或者昂贵的瓶瓶罐罐。

sanitary tin can卫生罐<指三片焊锡罐>
3)two-piece can两片罐
1.Influence of mechanical property of DI tinplate and can-making process on the dome reverse pressure of two-piece can;DI材性能及制罐工艺对两片罐拱底抗失稳性能的影响
2.The application of stamping simulation technology in two-piece can is introduced.传统的两片罐印刷制版方法采用刚性展开法确定商标在毛坯上的初始位置,未考虑毛坯变形过程中的拉深和压缩变形,然后通过多次试冲调整商标位置到达较理想的冲压成形后商标布置效果。
3.Compressive strength is one important mechanics factors of metal two-piece can and the bottom configuration affects its compressive strength.抗压强度是金属两片罐的一个重要性能指标,而罐底结构影响其抗压强度。
4)DI can二片式罐
5)two piece can二片罐
6)two-piece aluminum cans两片铝罐

氨酚伪麻片(日片)与氨苯伪麻片(夜片)药物名称:氨酚伪麻片(日片)与氨苯伪麻片(夜片)英文名:Compound paracetamol Combination Tablets汉语拼音:主要成分:日服片:对乙酰氨基酚、盐酸伪麻黄碱;夜服片:对乙酰氨基酚、盐酸伪麻黄碱、盐酸苯海拉明。性状:日服片为白色,夜服片为蓝色。药理作用:动物试验表明本品具有解热、镇痛、镇静作用,另可降低鼻气道阻力及粘膜血管的通透性。药代动力学:适应症:用于治疗感冒引起的发热、头痛、四肢疼痛、鼻塞、流涕、喷嚏等症状。用法与用量: 白天服日服片,每日二次(8小时一次),每次1~2片。 晚上睡前服用夜服片,一日一次,每次1片。不良反应:偶见。为轻度口干、口苦、上腹不适、困倦、多汗等。禁忌症:对(包括日服片和夜服片)组分过敏者禁用。注意事项: 1.每日不超过8片,疗程不超过7天。超量服用可产生头晕、失眠、神经质等症状。 2.心脏病、高血压、甲亢、糖尿病、青光眼、肺气肿等呼吸困难、前列腺肥大伴排尿困难者不宜服用。 3.避免与降压药或抗抑郁药同时服用,服药期间避免饮酒。 4.孕妇、哺乳期妇女使用前应咨询医生。 5.服用本品若症状未改善或伴高热,应及时停药。 6.对麻黄碱药理作用敏感者及老年人慎用。12岁以下儿童不宜服用。 7.夜用片服药期间可引起头晕、嗜睡,故不宜驾车、高空作业及操纵机器。规格:每片含 日服片 夜服片 对乙酰氨基酚 0.325g 0.5g 盐酸伪麻黄碱 30mg 30mg 盐酸苯海拉明贮藏:遮光,密闭保存。有效期:暂定二年。处方药:是