1.Development and Application of Long-life MouldTechnology for the Medium-thin Slab Caster;中薄板连铸机结晶器长寿命技术的开发与应用
2.Evaluation on tank life using fuzzy synthetical decision process;用模糊综合评判法评估钢制储罐的寿命
3.Analysis for Raising Life of Gear and Bear;提高齿轮、轴承使用寿命的研究

1.actual life有效寿命,实际寿命
2.mean time to failure平均寿命时间(MTTF)
3.High luminous efficacy, average life-span 8000 hrs.高光效,长寿命,平均寿命长达8000小时。
4.Narwhals maximum life span is about 50 years.(寿命:独角鲸的最大寿命大约为50年。)
5.Analysis of Economic Life-span in the Management of Total Life of Weapon Equipment;武器装备全寿命管理中经济寿命分析
6.The discussion on expected life span and mid remained in clinical life table;临床生命表剩余期望寿命及剩余中位寿命探讨
7.mean life of excited atom受激原子的平均寿命
8.age-size law of oilwell油井寿命与产量关系
9.potential technical life of an asset资产的可能技术寿命
10.estimated useful life of an asset资产的估计有用寿命
11.microsec life radioisotope微秒寿命放射性同位素
12.The machine's life is very long.这机器使用寿命很长。
13.To help ensure its longevity为保证该机的使用寿命,,
14.Minor accidents can shorten the life of a car.小事故会缩短汽车寿命
15.operational life proof cycle使用寿命,保证周期
16.short-lived radioisotope短寿命放射性同位素
17.millisecond life radioisotope毫秒寿命放射性同位素
18.body durability test车身寿命(疲劳)试验

1.Accelerated tests for electrodes and characterization of their chlorine-evolution lifetime;电极的强化测试与析氯寿命的表征
2.Research on Relationship Between Erosion Lifetime of Blasting Nozzle and Abrasive Particles;喷砂嘴冲蚀寿命与磨料关系的研究
3)service life寿命
1.How to extend the service life of die steal H13;提高H13钢使用寿命的探讨
2.Practice in prolonging service life of crystallizer for HCC;提高水平连铸结晶器使用寿命的实践
3.Increasing the service life of electric equipment under reduction atmosphere by upgrading the sealing of control cubicle;利用控制柜密封改造全面提高电气设备在电解环境下的使用寿命
4)life span寿命
1.Effects of dibutyl phthalate on fecundity and life span of drosophila melanogaster;邻苯二甲酸二丁酯对果蝇生育力和寿命影响
2.Analysis of sunny temperature and energy measurement and sun s life span;太阳温度与能源的测算和寿命分析
1.Effect of Yunnan Degao on the longevity of Drosophila suzukii adults;云南德膏对樱桃果蝇成虫寿命的影响
2.Experimental Observation on the Fecundity and Longevity of Anopheles sinensis;中华按蚊生殖与寿命特性实验室观察
3.Study on the longevity and fecundity of Tetrastichus incertus (Ratzeburg),a parasite of the alfalfa weevil Hypera postica(Gyllenhal);苜蓿叶象啮小蜂寿命及产卵量的研究
6)life time寿命
1.Exploration and practice of improving the life time of medium plate elevator's table top;提高中板升降台台面寿命的探索与实践
2.The catalytic activities of five samples of hydrotalcite-like compounds (HTLC) with different combinations of cation and the life time of ZnAl, MgAl-hydrotalcite catalysts have been investigated for transesterification of DMC and PhOH.研究了5种不同阳离子组合的类水滑石对碳酸二甲酯与苯酚酯交换反应的催化活性和ZnAl,MgAl水滑石的使用寿命
3.The paper analyses the influence of the working table of punching machine on the life time of die and gives some useful measures to solve it.对影响冲模寿命的因素进行分析 ,提出改进措施 ,实施后达到了预期效果。
