1.There are some questions we should pay attention to in the further development of Yunnan’s ethnic culture industry,such as why to develop culture industry ,Yunnan’s superiority and particular categories in developing industry culture and some issues should eye on,etc.本文从为什么要发展文化产业、云南在发展民族文化产业方面具有的优势、云南民族文化产业要重点发展的门类以及今后进一步发展要注意的问题等方面提出了自己的一些浅见。

1.They are of the same class.他们属于同一门类
2.Cold Category Free Quota Scheme冷门类目自由额方案
3.control with a valve or other device that functions like a gate.用门阀或用一种活动方式与门类似的装置控制。
4.Represents various forms of logic gate. Gate type and number of inputs and outputs can be specified.表示各种类型的逻辑门。可以指定门类型和输入、输出数目。
5.hot category [quota]“热门”类目〔配额〕
6.dual or multiple sectoring双重或多重部门分类
7.Categorized by sector and source of funding按部门和经费来源分类
8.the grouping of things by classes or categories.被分门别类的一群事物。
9.Museum of Anthropology, Xiamen University厦门大学人类学博物馆
10.A Trial Analysis of Ana-affix of "门" in "Erotic Pictures Event";试析“艳照门”之“门”的类词缀化
11.Arranged in classes or categories.分门别类的划分到阶级或类别中的
12.He specialized first in painting birds and later in writing abut them.他开始专门画鸟,后来又专门写关于鸟类的文章。
13.Goalkeepers will not save every kind of shoots. and etc.守门员将不能将所有类型的射门都扑到。
14.The results indicated that there were twelve groups of soil fauna, Arthropoda,Mollusca,Annelida etc.土壤动物有节肢动物门、软体动物门、环节动物门等 12个目或类。
15.Of, relating to, or belonging to the phylum Chaetognatha.毛颚类的属于、关于或隶属于毛颚类动物门的
16.A taxonomic category ranking below a phylum or division and above an order.纲一种分类范畴,级别低于门或类,而高于目
17.Anthropology is a science dealing with man and his origins.人类学是一门研究人类及其起源的学科。
18.an entomologist who specializes in the collection and study of butterflies and moths.专门收集和研究蝶类和蛾类的昆虫学家。

3)Taxon distribution门类分布
4)course sort课程门类
1.In the setting of course sort,traditional method like modification is not enough.在课程门类的设置,仅用"加加减减"的传统做法达不到预定目标,必须"解构和重构"——彻底打破"学科"体系,重构"生产"体系。
5)economic industry category经济门类
6)subject belonging门类归属

门类1.依照事物的特性把相同的集中在一起而分成的类。 2.分门别类。