美学危机,aesthetic crisis
1)aesthetic crisis美学危机
1.The unbalanced development of art function and aesthetic crisis;现代美学的转型与美学危机
2.The paper analyses the sources of occurance of aesthetic crisis,and various levels of conventional usage on the “aesthetics” conception itself.本文分析了美学发生危机的根源 ,对“美学”概念在惯例使用上的不同层次进行了分析 ,并从这个角度检视了“美学危机说”的实质 ,提出美学必须植根于人类存在之根本 ,着眼于当今时代的本质特征 ,在哲学美学和审美文化学两个极向同时开拓创新 ,从而使自己焕发生
2)Dollar Crisis美元危机

1.Analysis on Suprime crisis and Dollar crisis from the Perspective of Fictitious Economy虚拟经济视野下的次贷危机与美元危机解析
2.U.S. Dollar Standard, U.S. Dollar Hegemony and U.S. Financial Crisis美元本位制、美元霸权与美国金融危机
3.The currency is also suffering because the credit mess is concentrated in dollar assets.同时也因为信贷危机集中于美元资产。
4.Dollar Standard, Valuation Effects and Monsoonal Currency Crisis;美元本位、估值效应与季风型货币危机
5.Analysis of the US dollar'S status in post-crisis period后危机时代美元地位研判及对策建议
6.Financial Dollarization、Currency Mismatch and Financial Crisis in Latin America;金融美元化、货币错配与拉美的金融危机
7.The Puzzle of Low Saving Rate of U.S. Household and Credit Crisis of U.S.Dollar美国居民低储蓄率之谜和美元的信用危机
8.An analysis of the relationship between US dollar circulation and turnover mechanism and financial crisis美元循环周转机制与金融危机关系探析
9.Virtual Economy,Short-term Shocks and the Fluctuate of the US dollar exchange rate虚拟经济、短期冲击与美元汇率波动——金融危机视角下的美元汇率
10.The Financial Crisis,U.S.Dollar Supremacy and the Reconstruction of International Financial Order金融危机、美元霸权与国际金融新秩序的构建
11.Study on the Formation and International Contagion Mechanism of U.S. Financial Crisis under the Dollar Standard美元本位制下美国金融危机的形成与国际传染机制研究
12.Crisis from the dollar standard and potential risk from the Fed’s extraordinary bailout package美元本位下的危机与美联储超常规救市的潜在风险
13.Identification crisis brought by cultural diversity-on American multiculturalism debate;文化多样性带来的认同危机——论美国多元文化主义之争
14.New Liberalism, Hegemonism of US Dollars and The Long- term Strategies against International Financial Crisis新自由主义、美元霸权与应对国际金融危机的长期战略
15.Comparison Study Between Savings and Loan Crisis and Subprime Crisis in U.S.美国储贷危机与次贷危机的比较分析
16.From Japan he had smuggled out close to a million dollars of closelyguarded yen to explode a currency crisis.他曾从日本偷运出将近百万美元严禁出口的日元,造成了日币的危机。
17.economic crisis of 1929~1933 in America美国1929~1933年经济危机
18.The American Government and Congo Crisis (1960-1963)美国与刚果危机(1960-1963)

Dollar Crisis美元危机
3)Franco-American crisis法美危机
4)Crisis theory of U.S. dollar美元危机论
5)United State's sub-loan crisis美次贷危机
6)University crisis大学危机
1.As the university crisis brings a huge impact on universities and the society,universities and governments have concerned the university crisis governance more and more.由于大学危机给大学自身和社会带来的巨大冲击,对大学危机的治理已越来越被大学和政府所关注。

《当代西方电影的美学思想》  中国电影理论专著。李幼蒸著。中国社会科学出版社1986年出版。全书分《绪论》、《电影语言》、《电影表现与现实》、《电影"作者"、作品与观众的结构分析》、《反传统电影潮流》和《先锋派电影的实践与理论》 6章21节;介绍了当代西方电影美学研究的重要发展和面临的基本问题;论述了60~70年代西方主要电影美学理论,特别是结构主义和符号学电影理论的基本概念和观点,还涉及电影中的科学研究、哲理表达等问题。