艺术真理,truth of art
1)truth of art艺术真理
1.He points out that Kant s aesthetic interest, Schiller s aesthetic kingdom, Hamann s aesthetic perception and Jauss aesthetic experience take pure aesthetic consciousness for the standpoint of art theory and negate the truth of art in comprehension, which reveal the aesthetics limitations in regard to .伽达默尔对海德格尔的艺术真理学说进行解释学的重构 ,通过审美意识批判提出理解的真理 ,并以之作为艺术理论的立足点。
2.The truth of art is a key problem that we need to face up to.本文尝试对西方现代诠释学的艺术哲学向度加以考察与批判,而贯穿于这一考察与批判的核心问题,则是艺术真理的问题。

1.The Perfect View of Artistic Truth: The Kernel Idea of Artistic Anthropology;完全的艺术真理观:艺术人类学的核心理念
2.Derrida s De-structure Philosophy and Its Understanding of Artistic Truths;德里达的解构哲学及其对艺术真理的理解
3.The Essay on the Art Truth in Heidegger s Aesthetic Thoughts--Explaining the Origin of the Art Work;论海德格尔美学思想中的艺术真理——解读《艺术作品的本源》
4.On Heidegger s Concept of the Truth of Art--with The Art s Fountain as an Example;论海德格尔的艺术真理观——以《艺术作品的本源》为例
5.Art s Commitment to the Truth and Happiness--Preliminary Analysis of the Art of Marcuse;艺术对真理与幸福的承诺——马尔库塞艺术观初探
6.Only the art works that are truly rich in aesthetic ideality and art spirit can accomplish artistic mission.只有真正富有艺术审美理想与艺术精神的艺术作品才能真正完成艺术使命。
7.He also thought that truth takes effect in the works while art makes truth become eminent.真理在作品中发生作用,艺术让真理脱颖而出。
8.according to him, artists should seek after truth and take a proper attitude to life.主张艺术家要"追求真理,探究人生"。
9.Multi- aspects for Understanding "Reality" by Artists from All over The World;中外艺术家对“真实”理解的多元视角
10.Art appears to be really becoming philosophy.在这里,艺术似乎真的成了一种哲学思想或艺术理论。
11.In the end all these products are consumed by those middle-aged elite.市场经理说我的作品很有艺术性...哈...我爸爸是一个真正的艺术家。
12.The Nature of Record,the Reality of Arts and the Expression of Arts;纪录本性·艺术真实·艺术表达——纪录片基本理论问题的新思考
13.Truth, art and Freedom--A Comparison between Heidegger s and Zhangzi Artistic Viewpoints;真理、艺术和自由——海德格尔与庄子的艺术观之比较
14.The Presentation of Truth and the Unsolvable Enigma of Art--An Interpretation of Heidegger s “The Origin of the Work of Art”;真理的显现与艺术的不解之谜——对海德格尔《艺术作品的本源》的解读
15.Wahrheit und Methode and Gadamer s View of Art;呼唤真理 返回家园——从《真理与方法》看伽达默尔的艺术观
16.Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth.--Pablo picasso艺术是使我们认识真理的一种谎言。——毕加索
17.The art or practice of arriving at the truth by the exchange of logical arguments.通过逻辑论据的交换求得真理的艺术或实践.
18.Study on Non-photorealistic Rendering Theory and Method of Artistic Style Image;艺术风格图像的非真实感绘制理论与方法研究

View of artistic truth艺术真理观
3)Truth And Art真理与艺术
6)Truth and Art Thinking真理与艺术之思
