色感,color sense
1)color sense色感
1.This paper briefly introduces the conception of the color sense and its relation with the clothing design, and expounds the principles of the application of the color sense in the clothing design from three aspects of the application of the color matchingprinciple, the formal beautyprinciple and the particularityprinciple.简要介绍了色感的概念及其与服装设计的关系,重点从配色原理的应用,形式美原理的应用和特殊性原理的应用3个方面阐述了色感在服装设计中的应用原则。

1.TA Thermo Autochrome全彩色感热式热感打印
2.(32) Colour sensitive material;(32)彩色感光材料;
3.triple receptor theory三色感受器学说三色感受器学说
4.The Research on Tricolor Photoresist for Color Filters of TFT-LCD;TFT-LCD滤色器用三色感光剂研究
5.feeling sexy; sexy clothes; sexy poses; a sexy book; sexy jokes.性感;性感服饰;性感姿势;色情书;黄色笑话。
6.A form of colorblindness characterized by insensitivity to green.绿色盲对绿色不敏感的色盲
7.(color) inducing the impression of warmth; used especially of reds and oranges and yellows.(颜色)产生温暖的感觉;尤指红色、橙色和黄色。
8.(color) inducing the impression of coolness; used especially of greens and blues and violets.(颜色)产生清凉的感觉;尤指绿色、蓝色和紫罗兰色。
9.sensitive to all colors.对所有色彩具有感光性。
10.We are, therefore, very sensitive to color.因而我们对颜色很敏感。
11.(color) giving no sensation of warmth.(颜色)不给予暖和的感觉。
12.full-traffic-actuated signal全交通感应变色号志
13.She has an unusual sensibility for colors.她对色彩非常敏感。
14.a panchromatic film [plate]全色性胶片 [感光板]
15.Prime of Life (Vigorous Tribe)金色年华(动感部落)
16.expression mark表示感情色彩的符号
17.the sensiBility of a painter to color.画家对色彩的敏感性
18.Charms strike the sight, but merit wins the should. --Alexander Pope美色中看,美德感人。——蒲柏

Colour Sensation色感
1.An Experimental Research on Colour Sensation at Dual Image Re-adding;二像重合色感的实验研究
3)chromatic sensitivity感色敏感度
4)color perception颜色感觉
1.Artificial neural network method for the color perception differentiation;判别颜色感觉的人工神经网络方法
5)Sensitizing coloring matter增感色素
6)water color remote sensing水色遥感

感色性感色性color sensitivity指黑白胶片对色究竟能感觉到何种程度。接近人的视感度的胶片是正全色片,容易感觉发红的是增全色性片,不感红色的色盲片是黑白用的正片(全色、正色、感蓝)和制版用的硬调片。